Free Year 3 Maths Worksheets And Homework: Printable, Downloadable Or Just View Online

Here we’ve brought together all the free and premium Year 3 maths worksheets and Year 3 maths tests that you can use to support Year 3 maths classroom teaching and homework.

The focus is on practising and improving pupils’ core skills and revising what you have taught them in class. National Curriculum guidance is given where relevant and each Year 3 worksheet and Year 3 test includes answer sheets.

All the free KS1 and KS2 maths worksheets and resources are in printable pdf format that can also be used directly on screen. If you’re looking for other slides-based teaching resources and lesson plans, we recommend you look at our range of White Rose maths lessons.

About these year 3 maths worksheets and tests 

Almost all the links provided will take you to the Third Space Learning Maths Hub where you will need to register – very quick and free – in order to download the resources. Many of the resources are free to download; others are accessible with a premium subscription or if your school is using our online maths tutors.

As you’ll see each Year 3 maths test or worksheet comes with its own answer sheet, and teaching guidance where relevant (for example, if there might be more than one correct answer for a question). If it’s a diagnostic assessment, the misconception identified by each wrong answer is also explained. There are links to the national curriculum, White Rose Maths and the NCETM framework. If you have any questions just get in touch.

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Free Year 3 Maths Worksheets

All year 3 maths topics covered in high quality, adaptable worksheets. Register free with the Third Space Learning maths hub for these and hundreds more (use Chrome).

Download Free Now!

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions, together with maths resources and CPD.

Year 3 FREE place value worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets place value: Word Problems

These Year 3 number and place value worksheet give a comprehensive range of practice on one-step and two-step word problems to strengthen children’s understanding of place value including counting in 100s, representing numbers and number lines.

Worked Examples Place Value Year 3

Year 3 place value worksheets: Maths Code Crackers

This place value worksheet provides a fun recap of the place value topic. Children need to solve place value questions (including partitioning numbers, comparing numbers and ordering numbers) to find the punchline to a joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Place Value Year 3  

Year 3 place value worksheets: Worked Examples  

Children love to be the teacher! These worksheets include five answered questions, but they haven’t always been answered correctly. Students need to check the given answers to place value questions involving number lines, Base 10 and counters and explain the errors they find.

Worked Examples Place Value Year 3

Year 3 place value worksheets: Extension Questions

This place value worksheet includes 20 place value questions that have been designed to extend and stretch pupils’ understanding of place value. The questions cover concepts such as representing numbers to 1,000, identifying the value of digits in a number and comparing numbers.

Extension Questions Place Value Year 3

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Year 3 FREE addition and subtraction worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on addition and subtraction: Intervention Pack

These lessons are what we use during our online maths interventions. The Year 3 addition and subtraction slides cover subtraction using the formal written method and using the inverse to solve problems. As they are intended to be used by a tutor teaching and supporting a child through their Year 3 addition and subtraction understanding, parents may need to be prepared to step in occasionally. 

year 3 maths worksheet addition and subtraction
An example series of slides from our addition and subtraction intervention pack.

Addition and Subtraction Intervention Pack or check out or full collection of addition and subtraction worksheets for even more!

Year 3 addition and subtraction worksheets: Maths Code Crackers

In this worksheet, pupils are tasked with solving problems to find the punchline to a joke. Questions cover adding and subtracting up to two 3-digit numbers using either a formal written method or a mental method.

Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 3 

Year 3 PREMIUM addition and subtraction worksheets:

Year 3 addition and subtraction worksheets: Extension Questions

These questions help deepen and extend pupils understanding of addition and subtraction. With questions such as true or false, spot the difference and make an intentional mistake, pupils are challenged to think about addition and subtraction in a different way.

Extension Questions Addition And Subtraction Year 3
Word Problems Addition And Subtraction Year 3
Worked Examples Addition And Subtraction Year 3

Year 3 FREE multiplication and division worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on times tables: Times Tables Tests

The Year 3 multiplication worksheets work on children’s understanding of multiplication and division facts, including applying these to working with larger numbers. Year 3 is a big times tables year so make sure you encourage the learning of times tables at home.

By Year 3, pupils are expected to be proficient in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables, including understanding the relationship between different times tables, such as the 2, 4 and 8 times tables and starting to understand the commutative property

Here are some quick Year 3 maths tests that students can mark themselves to identify any gaps in their multiplication tables and track their progress.

Download the FREE Times Tables Tests

Year 3 PREMIUM multiplication and division worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on multiplication & division: Code Crackers

These ‘retrieval’ practice tasks cover what 7 and 8 year old children should know by the end of Year 3. This means they are able to work through a series of questions that revisits what they’ve learnt in class. 

Maths Code Crackers Pack Multiplication And Division A Year 3
Maths Code Crackers Pack Multiplication and Division B Year 3

Year 3 Division Word Problems Worksheets: Word Problems on Multiplication and Division Year 3

These workbook includes a range of different types of worded problems to challenge children. The questions range from ‘traditional’ worded problems to missing number problems to make sure children have a good understanding of how to solve multiplication and division problems.

Word Problems Multiplication Year 3
Word Problems Division Year 3

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Worksheets: Worked Examples Multiplication and Division

These worksheets show a range of techniques used when teaching multiplication and division in Year 3. In these worksheets, children are presented with completed questions involving multiples, times tables facts, partitioning and formal written methods to complete calculations, but the answers are not always right. Students will need to work through the questions to find the correct answer and explain the errors. 

Worked Examples Multiplication And Division A Year 3
Worked Examples Multiplication And Division B Year 3
Ultimate Times Tables Resource Pack Year 3
Extension Questions Multiplication And Division Year 3

Year 3 FREE fractions worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Maths Worksheets

Understanding of fractions starts early and builds progressively in key stage 2. These time saving maths worksheets are designed to be completed by children with little support from parents or teachers, making them great homework activities for busy afternoons. This pack contains four worksheets that cover ordering, adding and subtracting fractions.

year 3 maths worksheet fractions
Our maths worksheets are great homework activities, which children can work on themselves with minimal support.

Maths Worksheets Fractions On A Number Line Year 3
Maths Worksheets Equivalent Fractions With Diagrams Year 3
Maths Worksheets Adding And Subtracting Fractions Within 1 Year 3
Maths Worksheets Adding Fractions With The Same Denominator Year 3
Maths Worksheets Subtracting Fractions With The Same Denominator Year 3
Maths Worksheets Comparing Fractions Year 3
Maths Worksheets Ordering Fractions Year 3
Maths Worksheets Unit Fractions Of An Amount Year 3
Maths Worksheets Non-Unit Fractions Of An Amount Year 3

Year 3 PREMIUM fractions worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Word Problems

This Year 3 fractions worksheet provides questions around unit and non-unit fractions including comparing and ordering and adding and subtracting; lots more fractions for kids help is available. 

Word Problems Fractions Year 3

Year 3 fractions worksheets: Worked Examples

Fractions are not always easy for all children to understand. By looking at and correcting the work of others, children often find it easier to explain mistakes. This worksheet focuses on enabling children to identify and explain the mistakes in a range of fractions questions, including fractions on a number line and fractions of amounts.

Worked Examples Fractions A Year 3
Worked Examples Fractions B Year 3
Maths Code Crackers Pack Fractions A Year 3
Maths Code Crackers Pack Fractions B Year 3
Extension Questions Fractions Year 3

Year 3 FREE measurement worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on measurement: Maths Worksheets

In Year 3, measurement covers length and perimeter, mass and capacity, money and time. These maths worksheets cover measuring capacity and mass, comparing capacity and mass, calculating with capacity and mass and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.

Maths Worksheets Measuring Capacity Year 3
Maths Worksheets Comparing Capacity Year 3
Maths Worksheets Adding And Subtracting Capacity Year 3
Maths Worksheets Measuring Mass Year 3
Maths Worksheets Adding And Subtracting Masses Year 3
Maths Worksheets Comparing Mass Year 3
Maths Worksheets Telling The Time To 5 Minutes Year 3

Year 3 PREMIUM measurement worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on money:

Money is a surprisingly big part of the Year 3 maths curriculum and is an important life skill. The Code Crackers series of maths worksheets is perfect for Year 3 homework as it requires very little intervention from parents. There is no new content introduced. 

Maths Code Crackers Money Year 3
Worked Examples Money Year 3
Extension Questions Money Year 3

Year 3 time worksheets:

Year 3 students are expected to have a good understanding of time (including telling the time on analogue clocks with and without Roman numerals, knowing time language and know key time facts). While this is a lot to know, these worksheet will help to recap these facts in an engaging way. 

Maths Code Crackers Time Year 3
Worked Examples Time Year 3
Extension Questions Time Year 3

Third Space Learning online intervention slide for year 3 telling the time
One of the slides taught to Year 3 pupils for telling the time on Third Space Learning’s online interventions

Year 3 FREE geometry worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on Shape: Maths Worksheets

These worksheets have been designed so that children can independently recap key learning about key properties of 2D shape and 3D shapes as well as angles and naming different lines. While some of the questions might seem simple, each sheet includes a challenge to encourage reasoning skills. 

Maths Worksheets Horizontal And Vertical Lines Year 3
Maths Worksheets Parallel And Perpendicular Lines Year 3
Maths Worksheets Turns And Angles Year 3
Maths Worksheets Comparing Angles Year 3
Maths Worksheets Recognising And Describing 2-D Shapes Year 3
Maths Worksheets Recognising And Describing 3-D Shapes Year 3
Maths Worksheets Measuring And Drawing Accurately Year 3

Year 3 PREMIUM geometry worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on shape: Code Crackers

While children are taught about shapes from Year 1, they are expected to use more complex language to describe a range of shapes in Year 3. This worksheet focuses on the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes, including and understanding of lines of symmetry and angles. 

Maths Code Crackers Shape Year 3
Worked Examples Shape Year 3
Extension Questions Shape Year 3

Year 3 FREE statistics worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on statistics: Maths Worksheets

In these worksheet, children are presented with pictograms, bar charts and tables to work with. The worksheets encourage pupils to work independently to answer questions about graphs or create their own graphs from given data.

Maths Worksheets Interpreting Pictograms Year 3
Maths Worksheets Drawing Pictograms Year 3
Maths Worksheets Interpreting Bar Charts Year 3
Maths Worksheets Drawing Bar Charts Year 3

Year 3 PREMIUM statistics worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets on statistics: Code Crackers

Children are presented one-step and two-step retrieval questions about a bar chart, pictograms and table. The worksheet helps them to develop their ability to read and interpret data presented in different ways. Simple tables are not new to Year 3 pupils and bar charts build on their existing knowledge of block diagrams.

Maths Code Crackers Pack Statistics Year 3
Worked Examples Statistics Year 3

Year 3 fluency, reasoning and problem solving worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets for improving mental maths, arithmetic and fluency: Fluent in Five

We recommend every primary school child starts their day with Fluent in Five. It’s 5-10 minutes of daily arithmetic questions; at this age, your child has to answer 4 questions using either a written or mental method and it’s a fantastic way to develop their numeracy. You’ll be amazed how quickly they become able to switch back and forth from column addition to the mental method with 3-digit numbers! 

Download the free Year 3 Arithmetic worksheets

Year 3 Maths Worksheets for problem solving and reasoning: Rapid Reasoning

Children often struggle with maths reasoning at KS2, especially in lower Key Stage 2. This pack comes with six weeks of questions, with 3 progressively more challenging questions focused on solving problems and reasoning per day.

Download the free Year 3 Reasoning worksheets

Year 3 Maths Test: All Topics

This Year 3 maths assessment covers the entire Year 3 maths curriculum and is a great way to get an overall view of how a child is doing in maths. There are two tests: a Year 3 maths arithmetic test and a Year 3 maths reasoning test. Although the time allowed may vary, at home we recommend setting aside an hour for each. Remember that some topics they may not yet have covered in class, so like any formative or summative assessment it’s only a snapshot. 

Download the free Year 3 Maths test 

Also in this series…

Looking for fun games and activities to boost pupils’ learning?
We’ve got several articles sharing teacher approved maths activities and fun maths games, including KS2 maths games, KS1 maths games and KS3 maths games for all maths topics and a set of 35 times tables games and multiplication games you’ll want to bookmark whichever year group you teach!

More free resources are available from the home learning hub full of home learning packs, tips and teaching ideas for maths homework.

Third Space Learning Upsell Section


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.


Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.


Learn about the Year 3-5 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.


FREE Ready-to-go Lessons for Summer (Years 1 to 6)

Use these Ready-to-go PowerPoints and worksheets to teach your Year 1 to Year 6 children block one of summer following the White Rose scheme of learning.

The PowerPoints are fully editable to allow you to adapt the learning to your class and are designed to be SEND friendly with an off-white background and dyslexia friendly font.

Download free