High-quality maths tutors

Access a community of maths specialists without the need to recruit or train

About our tutors

Graduates and undergraduates in STEM or other maths-related fields

Assessed for subject knowledge, communication skills and teaching ability

Receive 20-30 hours of initial tutor training followed by ongoing CPD and coaching

Training equips tutors to build rapport, address misconceptions and adapt teaching for each pupil

Trained to use specially-created scaffolded teaching slides

Enhanced DBS checks and Police Clearance Certificates

Maths specialist tutors ready to support your pupils

Tutor qualification breakdown

Tutor subject specialism

Making one to one teaching a reality for more schools

We recruit and train tutors in India and Sri Lanka, helping to break down barriers to traditional in-school tutoring


With teacher capacity already stretched, our growing team of tutors is here to help ease the pressure.


High-quality tutors at a cost that works for school budgets, but still well above the local graduate average.


A higher percentage of graduates in India and Sri Lanka specialise in STEM or maths-related fields.

Extensive training developed by teachers

Tutors complete an intensive 20-30 hour tutor training programme designed to take them from maths specialists to math pedagogy experts.

About our tutors

Understanding the UK curriculum

Delivering student-centred teaching

Building rapport

Personalising teaching to age and ability

Using formative assessments to adapt lesson pathways

Identifying and addressing misconceptions

Safeguarding and wellbeing

See a Third Space Learning maths tutor in action

Press play to see and hear this sessionPress play to see and hear this session

“I would really like to thank my tutor for trying her very best to make clear explanations and having patience when I had to think or when I was stuck. I learnt that it’s important to always check your answer by going through what you have done and seeing if there are any silly mistakes that need correcting. Also I will try my best to remember the important words like sum and difference and interval.”


Year 5 pupil


Want to find out more?

Let us know how many pupils you’re looking to support and we’ll be in touch
with more information and a personalised quote for your school.

Trusted by School Leaders: 4,000+ schools across the country have chosen Third Space Learning to support their pupils

Guided by diagnostic assessment: Each pupil embarks on their own unique learning journey designed to plug individual gaps

DfE-approved: All tutoring content and tutors have been quality assured by the Department for Education

Cost-effective and scalable: 56% cheaper than the average cost of DfE-approved one to one tutoring

Proven to boost progress: In an independent trial, pupils made 7 months’ progress in 14 weeks

You can learn more about how we keep your data safe and secure in our privacy policy.

Frequently asked questions

Who are your tutors?

All of our tutors are graduates and undergraduates based in Sri Lanka and India. The majority of our tutors are studying for or have studied maths, STEM or maths-related degrees. Each tutor has passed a rigorous selection process and completed a full-time three-week training programme. All tutors receive ongoing professional development and regular training.

What training do the tutors receive?

Tutors receive 20-30 hours of initial training which they must pass before teaching their first session. This training has been developed by our team of former maths teachers and is focused on ensuring our maths specialist tutors can deliver effective and engaging one to one lessons. Training includes teaching demonstrations, webinars and coaching. Tutors are assessed throughout on their subject knowledge, ability to deliver student centred teaching and familiarity with online tutoring guidelines, the National Curriculum and safeguarding policies. Modules include using Assessment for Learning, identifying and addressing misconceptions and dealing with disengaged pupils. Throughout their careers, tutors receive ongoing CPD, frequent lesson evaluations and personalised feedback.

Where are the tutors based?

Our tutors are based in Sri Lanka and India. Third Space Global, our tutor centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka, acts as a central place to oversee all tutor recruitment, training and day-to-day academic operations. All tutors are contracted by Third Space Global but some work remotely.

Why do you employ tutors in India and Sri Lanka?

We employ tutors from overseas to help solve three key challenges often faced when implementing one to one maths teaching in school; scalability, accessibility and affordability. This kind of support is not often accessible for schools due to limited numbers of available maths tutors, high numbers of pupils who require support, high costs, and high workloads for teachers who simply aren’t able to take on additional tutoring responsibilities. In India and Sri Lanka, there is a huge number of passionate, well-educated, English-speaking graduates and undergraduates who love maths, meaning we’re able to provide support from maths specialists at scale that fits with UK school budgets and workloads – without compromising on quality – whilst providing tutors with an income well above the local graduate salary.

What qualifications do the tutors have?

All tutors must be studying for or have received a maths, STEM or maths-related degree. All tutors have passed the Global Tutoring Programme, our bespoke training programme built by Third Space Learning’s team of former UK maths teachers in partnership with researchers at UCL’s Institute of Education.

Are the tutors background-checked?

Yes, as part of our application process all tutors must pass a full Police Clearance Check in their local country, as well as a UK Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

I’m a UK teacher – can I apply to be a tutor?

Tutors must be based in India or Sri Lanka to apply. We recruit from these areas to ensure schools have as many options as possible to help close the maths attainment gap. With 1.8 million disadvantaged children in the UK alone, we want to increase the supply of high-quality, passionate tutors available to support these pupils, in addition to the great tutors and teachers already in the UK. Employing tutors from overseas opens up access to maths specialist tutors, helping to counteract the STEM skill shortage in the UK. We also recognise that teachers in the UK are already facing high workloads. Rather than adding to this pressure by taking on additional one to one tutoring responsibilities, we believe that teachers should be able to do what they best – teach – and have a range of solutions to choose from for providing additional targeted support for those pupils who need it most. The option of using maths specialist tutors from overseas gives teachers one such choice that is often much more scalable, affordable and accessible than the alternatives.

How is tutor performance monitored?

We’ve developed a Tutor Performance Framework to ensure each tutor is delivering high quality, effective and engaging lessons. This includes regular lesson observations and strict criteria. Where a tutor is identified as requiring improvement, a Tutor Performance Plan is put in place to provide additional training and support.

How much are the tutors paid?

We’re committed to providing our tutors with competitive pay, ongoing development, and a great place to work. Tutors are either paid per session or through a full-time salary, depending on their contract. Rates vary depending on location but it is roughly 2.5 times the local average graduate salary. Tutors receive a guaranteed minimum payment per session, paid even if a session is cancelled. This provides financial security for our tutors at a rate that is still above the local graduate salary.

How old are the tutors?

The average tutor age is 24-years-old. Tutors must be 18-years-old or older to deliver sessions. Tutors are all undergraduates or graduates.