Primary maths tutoring programmes

Online one to one tutoring to close gaps, accelerate progress and prepare for SATs

The programmes are excellent and allow the school to target specific children in different ways. The reports breakdown is also very useful to help support children back in the classroom.

Bishopton Primary School

Vanessa Charman, Deputy Headteacher

Bishopton Primary School

Programmes designed to meet KS2 pupils where they are

Year 3 Foundations: Securing KS1

Best for: Pupils with gaps from Year 2

Programme goal: Close gaps and catch up

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Year 3 Booster: Accelerating Progress

Best for: Pupils working just behind Year 3

Programme goal: Accelerate progress

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Year 4 Foundations: Revisiting Year 3

Best for: Pupils with gaps from Year 2-3

Programme goal: close gaps and catch up

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Year 4 Booster: Accelerating Progress

Best for: Pupils working just behind Year 4

Programme goal: Accelerate progress

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Year 5 Foundations: Revisiting lower KS2

Best for: Pupils with gaps from Year 3-4

Programme goal: Close gaps and catch up

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Year 5 Booster: Accelerating Progress

Best for: Pupils working just behind Year 5

Programme goal: Accelerate progress

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Year 5 Ready to Progress

Popular with Y5 in summer and Y6 in autumn

Best for: Revisiting Year 5 content

Programme goal: Prepare for Year 6

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Year 6 Foundations

Popular for autumn term

Best for: Pupils with gaps from Year 4 and 5

Programme goal: Close gaps and catch up

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Year 6 Booster

Popular for autumn term

Best for: Pupils working just behind

Programme goal: Accelerate progress

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Year 6 SATs Booster

Available January – May

Best for: KS2 SATs revision

Programme goal: Achieve EXS in May

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Year 6 SATs Booster: Follow-on

Available January – May

Best for: Additional SATs question practice

Programme goal: Achieve EXS in May

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What can you expect?

Close gaps

90% of pupils show a solid understanding of each concept at the end of each session.

Close gaps

Double progress

In an independent trial, pupils made 7 months’ progress in 14 weeks.

Double progress

Boost confidence

70% of pupils who report low confidence at the start say it has improved after their sessions.

Boost confidence

Improve SATs results

9 out of 10 teachers said the sessions helped pupils achieve higher maths SATs scores in 2024.

Improve SATs results

Scaffolded one to one lessons created by teachers

Our team of former primary teachers have created a range of programmes covering content from KS1 and KS2, including a dedicated SATs revision programme.

All lessons follow an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach to build conceptual understanding.

View Year 3-5 Programmes
<h4>Scaffolded one to one lessons created by teachers</h4> <h4>Scaffolded one to one lessons created by teachers</h4> <h4>Scaffolded one to one lessons created by teachers</h4>
Primary Maths Tutoring Programmes

Boost KS2 SATs scores

Programmes are available to support pupils as they progress through KS2 and into Year 6.

9 out of 10 teachers feel the tutoring has helped their Year 6 pupils achieve higher maths SATs scores than they otherwise would have.

Primary Maths Tutoring Programmes

Assessment-led tutoring

Diagnostic assessments at the start of the programme let tutors and teachers know where each pupil needs most support.

Tutors use formative assessments to adapt the pathway through each lesson, providing opportunities to recap prior learning if pupils need or skipping straight to independent practice if they’re ready.

Teachers can review and re-order lessons at any point

Primary Maths Tutoring Programmes

Specialist Key Stage 2 maths tutors

We recruit only the highest-quality STEM graduates and undergraduates.

All tutors receive extensive initial training and ongoing professional development.

Primary Maths Tutoring Programmes

Money-back guarantee

We know your staff and pupils will love it.

If you don’t, we’ll give you 100% of your money back if you’re not happy within the first 6 weeks.

Request a quote

Preview KS2 tutoring lessons

220 tutoring lessons designed to build conceptual understanding and enable tutors to respond to pupils’ needs in real-time:

Using diagrams to show equivalent fractions

View Year 3 Programmes

Year 3

Let’s learn

The first question introduces each concept and helps pupils feel ready to learn

Year 3

Follow me + your turn

Pupils work through a scaffolded example with their tutor before trying a similar question on their own

Year 3

You do

A carefully sequenced next question ensures pupils can apply knowledge to different contexts

Year 3

Go further

This gives pupils an opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem solving and reasoning questions

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10

View Year 4 Programmes

Year 4

Let’s learn

The first question introduces each concept and helps pupils feel ready to learn

Year 4

Follow me + your turn

Pupils work through a scaffolded example with their tutor before trying a similar question on their own

Year 4

You do

A carefully sequenced next question ensures pupils can apply knowledge to different contexts

Year 4

Go further

This gives pupils an opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem solving and reasoning questions

Adding and subtracting decimals using known facts

View Year 5 Programmes

Year 5

Let’s learn

The first question introduces each concept and helps pupils feel ready to learn

Year 5

Follow me + your turn

Pupils work through a scaffolded example with their tutor before trying a similar question on their own

Year 5

You do

A carefully sequenced next question ensures pupils can apply knowledge to different contexts

Year 5

Go further

This gives pupils an opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem solving and reasoning questions

Finding percentages of an amount

View Year 6 Programmes

Year 6

Let’s learn

The first question introduces each concept and helps pupils feel ready to learn

Year 6

Follow me + your turn

Pupils work through a scaffolded example with their tutor before trying a similar question on their own

Year 6

You do

A carefully sequenced next question ensures pupils can apply knowledge to different contexts

Year 6

Go further

This gives pupils an opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem solving and reasoning questions

Reasoning with money

View SATs Revision Programmes

SATs Revision - Reasoning


Each lesson starter helps tutors to quickly assess understanding

SATs Revision - Reasoning

Let’s try this SATs-style question

Prompts on-screen and from the tutor help pupils learn what to look out for in the reasoning papers

SATs Revision - Reasoning

Let’s go through this together

Scaffolded slides give pupils the strategies they need to eventually answer questions independently

SATs Revision - Reasoning

Try another one

This ensures pupils can apply those strategies to a range of different contexts

Developing fluency with multiplication and division

View SATs Revision Programmes

SATs Revision - Fluency


Each lesson starter helps tutors to quickly assess understanding

SATs Revision - Fluency

Let’s try this SATs-style question

Prompts on-screen and from the tutor help pupils learn what to look out for in the arithmetic paper

SATs Revision - Fluency

Let’s go through this together

Scaffolded slides give pupils the strategies they need to eventually answer questions independently

SATs Revision - Fluency

Try another one

This ensures pupils can apply those strategies to a range of different contexts

Request a personalised quote for your school

Let us know how many KS2 pupils you’re looking to support and we’ll be in touch with more information about how it works, the impact you can expect to see and a personalised quote for your school.

56% cheaper than the average cost of online one to one tutoring

The UK’s most affordable DfE-approved tutoring partner

Includes free headsets, diagnostic assessments and regular reports

Discounts available for long-term bookings and MATs

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