Teaching Times Tables In Primary: A Guide For Primary School Teachers From Year 2 To Year 6

Times tables are a crucial maths skill that primary children must learn. Throughout Years 2-6 (and often earlier), children will begin to learn their times tables, starting with the 5 and 10 times tables and gradually adding more times tables up until they know their times tables up to 12. 

With such a focus on primary students’ learning multiplication times tables it can often be tricky for teachers to devise a teaching plan that will really resonate with students and go beyond just repetitive rote memorisation. 

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30 Times Tables Tests and Answers

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At Third Space Learning, we believe in maths mastery; going beyond memorisation and instilling a deep understanding of mathematical concepts in our students. Our online one-to-one tutoring is specialised to the needs of each individual student and aims to fill gaps in understanding and build confidence in maths.

This belief has led us to create this bank of printable times tables worksheets, blogs, teacher tips, practice questions, quizzes, activities and resources to support teachers and to help young maths learners master their times tables.

Third Space Learning online lesson slide on times tables
Example of a Third Space Learning online one-to-one lesson slide

When do children learn times tables? 

Children will begin learning their multiplication tables in numeracy in Year 2. In Year 2 children will learn to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

2 Times Tables5 Times Tables10 Times Tables
1 x 2 = 21 x 5 = 51 x 10 = 10
2 x 2 = 42 x 5 = 102 x 10 = 20
3 x 2 = 63 x 5 = 153 x 10 = 30
4 x 2 = 84 x 5 = 204 x 10 = 40
5 x 2 = 105 x 5 = 255 x 10 = 50
6 x 2 = 126 x 5 = 306 x 10 = 60
7 x 2 = 147 x 5 = 357 x 10 = 70
8 x 2 = 168 x 5 = 408 x 10 = 80
9 x 2 = 189 x 5 = 459 x 10 = 90
10 x 2 = 2010 x 5 = 5010 x 10 = 100
11 x 2 = 2211 x 5 = 5511 x 10 = 110
12 x 2 = 2412 x 5 = 6012 x 10 = 120

In Year 3, children will add their 3s, 4s and 8s, times tables.

3 Times Tables4 Times Tables8 Times Tables
1 x 3 = 31 x 4 = 41 x 8 = 8
2 x 3 = 62 x 4 = 82 x 8 = 16
3 x 3 = 93 x 4 = 123 x 8 = 24
4 x 3 = 124 x 4 = 164 x 8 = 32
5 x 3 = 155 x 4 = 205 x 8 = 40
6 x 3 = 18 6x 4 = 246 x 8 = 48
7 x 3 = 217 x 4 = 287 x 8 = 56
8 x 3 = 248 x 4 = 328 x 8 = 64
9 x 3 = 279 x 4 = 369 x 8 = 72
10 x 3 = 3010 x 4 = 4010 x 8 = 80
11 x 3 = 3311 x 4 = 4411 x 8 = 88
12 x 3 = 3612 x 4 = 4812 x 8 = 96

In Year 4 students will be expected to know their times tables through to 12×12, ready for the Year 4 times tables check.

6 Times Tables7 Times Tables9 Times Tables11 Times Tables12 Times Tables
1 × 6 = 61 × 7 = 71 x 9 = 91 x 12 = 111 x 12 = 12
2 × 6 = 122 × 7 = 142 x 9 = 182 x 11 = 222 x 12 = 24
3 × 6 = 183 × 7 = 213 x 9 = 273 x 11 = 333 x 12 = 36
4 × 6 = 244 × 7 = 284 x 9 = 364 x 11 = 444 x 12 = 48
5 × 6 = 305 × 7 = 355 x 9 = 455 x 11 = 555 x 12 = 60
6 × 6 = 366 × 7 = 426 x 9 = 546 x 11 = 666 x 12 = 72
7 × 6 = 427 × 7 = 497 x 9 = 637 x 11 = 777 x 12 = 84
8 × 6 = 488 × 7 = 568 x 9 =728 x 11 = 888 x 12 = 96
9 × 6 = 549 × 7 = 639 x 9 = 819 x 11 = 999 x 12 = 108
10 × 6 = 6010 × 7 = 7010 x 9 = 9010 x 11 = 11010 x 12 = 120
11 × 6 = 6611 × 7 = 7711 x 9 = 9911 x 11 = 12111 x 12 = 132
12 × 6 = 7212 × 7 = 8412 x 9 =10812 x 11 = 13212 x 12 = 144

At Key Stage 2, children are expected to be confident with their multiplication facts and they will move onto more complex calculations, multiplying two-digit and three-digit numbers. 

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What is the Year 4 times tables check?

The Year 4 multiplication tables check is an informal test that children will sit at the end of Year 4 to assess their understanding of their times tables. 

We have a detailed walk through of all students, parents and teachers need to know about the Year 4 times tables test.

How best to teach the times tables? 

How to teach times tables can vary from teacher to teacher and will depend on the student, however, we’ve worked with experienced primary teachers to assemble a list of suggestions that we hope will make the task a bit easier.

Using learning aids

Using manipulatives and learning aids can really help with learning times tables. Take a look at different ways of using a times table grid to explain the concepts of multiplication and division

Times tables maths games

Times table games can also be a fun way of studying times tables. More engaging activities can actually be more memorable as well and help children to recall their multiplication facts.

You can create times tables flashcards and integrate these into mental maths games and activities to help children memorise their times tables facts. Take a look at our collection of times tables games and multiplication games for interactive approaches on how to learn times tables beyond maths worksheets.

We hope that this collection of times tables practice will come in handy in your primary maths classroom. For more discussions on teaching primary maths content.

See also: Multiplication and division
How do I teach my 10 year old times tables?

If children are struggling to understand times tables, use manipulatives and visual aids. To strengthen their memory, use times tables maths games.

What year do you learn times tables in the UK?

Children start learning their times tables from Year 2.

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FREE Ready-to-go Lessons for Summer (Years 1 to 6)

Use these Ready-to-go PowerPoints and worksheets to teach your Year 1 to Year 6 children block one of summer following the White Rose scheme of learning.

The PowerPoints are fully editable to allow you to adapt the learning to your class and are designed to be SEND friendly with an off-white background and dyslexia friendly font.

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