Free Year 4 Maths Worksheets And Homework – Download, Print, Or View Online

Here you’ll find all our free and premium Year 4 maths worksheets and Year 4 maths tests, many of which are suitable for homework as well as classroom teaching.

You can use these resources and workbooks as you like; most of the KS2 maths worksheets come in pdf format and all of them are printable if you want to give children something physical to work with. But they can also be downloaded and kept or viewed online, if you prefer to keep things electronic. 

To supplement these we also have a range of maths activities, lesson plans and PowerPoints for classroom teaching which are available from our White Rose maths page.

Many of these worksheets and maths tests are aimed at helping children improve their number work – we have mental maths practice work, place value worksheets, addition and subtraction worksheets, multiplication & division worksheets etc.

All our maths worksheets and tests come with answer sheets too, including advice from the National Curriculum (about the range of answers that are acceptable, for example), where needed.

If you’re a parent looking for more advice, try our home learning hub full of home learning packs, tips and teaching ideas for Year 4 Maths at home and maths homework.

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions, together with maths resources and CPD. You’re welcome to link to these free resources from your own website like thousands of other schools do.

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Free Year 4 Maths Worksheets and Tests

A collection of free Year 4 maths activities from the Third Space Maths Hub. You need to register to download (but it's free). Use Google Chrome.

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Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fluency, reasoning, and problem solving

Year 4 Maths Worksheets to improve fluency, mental maths and arithmetic skills: Fluent in Five

Fluent in Five worksheets provide a series of questions designed to take no more than 5-10 minutes and to help children develop their written and mental maths skills. Developing maths fluency in a key skill for children, especially in Year 4 with the newly-introduced times tables check to work towards. 

Download the FREE Fluent in Five Arithmetic Pack (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for improving reasoning and problem solving skills: Rapid Reasoning

The Rapid Reasoning resource was created to fulfil the greater emphasis that a maths mastery approach gives to children’s ability to reason well. ‘Explaining your reasoning’ is a key part of maths lessons in Key Stage 2, and these free worksheets (six weeks’ worth in total) help children improve their reasoning skills. This pack comes with six weeks of questions, with 3 questions focused on solving problems and reasoning per day.

Download the FREE Rapid Reasoning (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

Year 4 Times Tables Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Test: Times Tables

Knowing their multiplication tables is one of the key maths skills every child should have by the time they leave primary school, and Year 4 children will have this skill tested through the multiplication tables check

These times tables practice tests provide a quick and clear way to help children practise, and spot any gaps in their knowledge. No more worries about getting caught out on the 7x table!

Times tables tests
Example sheets from our Times Tables Tests.

Download the FREE Times Tables Packs

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for times tables: Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

These times tables worksheets are a fun way to practise times tables facts and related division facts independently and develop mental arithmetic skills.  

Download the PREMIUM Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

Year 4 FREE Place Value Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Word Problems

This worksheet contains eleven increasingly difficult questions about number and place value. A great choice whether you want to help a child revise this topic, or give a high achiever something more challenging to do as homework!

Word Problems Place Value (Year 4)

Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Worked Examples

Students love to be the teacher! This worksheet includes five completed questions, but they haven’t always been answered correctly. Pupils need to check to see if the given answer is correct and explain any errors they find. The questions in this worksheet include rounding, representing numbers and estimating on a number line.

Worked Examples Place Value Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Maths Code Crackers

Recap place value including Roman numerals, digit value and comparing numbers using this fun maths worksheet. Pupils are tasked with solving 15 place value questions in order to crack the code and find the punchline to a joke.

Maths Code Crackers Place Value Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets place value: Extension Questions

Help your students to deepen their understanding of place value with these challenging extension questions. These reasoning and problem solving questions are designed to extend and stretch your pupils.

Extension Questions Place Value Year 4

Year 4 FREE Addition and Subtraction Worksheets 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Maths Code Crackers

Sometimes a simple set of fluency questions can be engaging. This worksheet focuses on calculations including up to 4-digit numbers add 4-digit numbers and up to 4-digit numbers subtract 4-digit numbers, all with the aim of finding answers and the punchline to a halloween themed joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM addition and subtraction worksheets:

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Worked Examples

While children will have looked at formal column addition and subtraction, there are many common mistakes that even the most experienced amongst them can make. This worksheet highlights the common errors when using formal written methods, estimating and identifying related facts for addition and subtraction calculations. 

Worked Examples Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Word Problems Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 4
Extension Questions Addition and Subtraction Year 4

Year 4 FREE Multiplication and Division Worksheets 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for division: Short and Long Division Worksheets

Long division is one of the most difficult parts of the primary maths curriculum that is introduced in Year 6, and learning long division requires a good understanding of short division to start with. While a Year 4 child won’t have learnt long division yet, these worksheets include short division questions at the beginning, helping children sharpen their division skills in preparation for the next step.

Download our FREE Year 4 Division Worksheets

Year 4 PREMIUM Multiplication and Division Worksheets 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication: Word Problems 

In Year 4, children are not only expected to know their multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12, they also need to know how to multiply 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The multiplication workbook covers problems involving factors, multiples, missing numbers, multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers as well as times table facts. 

Word Problems Multiplication Year 4
Word Problems Division Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication and division: Worked Examples 

Children love to be the teacher. This worksheet gives children an opportunity to check work that has already been completed, explain any errors and develop reasoning skills. The worksheet covers a range of multiplication and division topics, including multiplying three 1-digit numbers together and dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.

Download the PREMIUM Year 4 Worked Examples Multiplication and Division A
Year 4 Worked Examples Multiplication and Division B

Third Space Learning online intervention slide for Year 4 division
One of the Third Space Learning online intervention slides for Year 4, which shows dividing using the partitioning method.

Maths Code Crackers Year 4: Multiplication and Division A
Maths Code Crackers Year 4: Multiplication and Division B
Extension Questions Multiplication and Division Year 4

Year 4 FREE Fractions Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Maths Worksheets 

These worksheets recap adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and calculating fractions of quantities. Children will have been introduced to both of these topics in Year 3, however it is important that they have a strong understanding of the concepts before moving on to more complex fraction work. These worksheets encourage completely independent work. 

Maths Worksheets Adding 2 Or More Fractions Year 4
Maths Worksheets Subtracting Fractions Year 4
Maths Worksheets Fractions Of Quantity Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM Fractions Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Maths Code Crackers

Finding fractions of numbers is a maths skill that becomes more and more important the later a child gets in their maths learning, but the basics are covered in Key Stage 2. This fractions for kids worksheet helps children become better at solving these types of problems without making it seem (too much) like work. 

year 4 maths worksheets fractions
An example sheet from our Maths Code Crackers worksheets.

Maths Code Crackers Fractions Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Year 4 Worked Examples

The topic of ‘fractions’ is very broad. In this worksheet, the focus is on 5 different areas of the fractions block that children in Year 4 often find confusing (adding three or more fractions, finding a fraction of an amount, subtracting from a whole, equivalent fractions and counting in fractions). 

Worked Examples Fractions Year 4
Extension Questions Fractions Year 4
Word Problems Fractions and Decimals Year 4

Year 4 FREE Decimals Worksheets 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Maths Worksheets

This small collection of four worksheets covers tenths, hundredths, and dividing 1- and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100 – all topics covered in Year 4 maths.

As independent working activities, they are specifically designed to be completed by children even if they can’t get access to online tools, or parent support.

Maths Worksheets Writing Tenths As Decimals Year 4
Maths Worksheets Writing Hundredths As Decimals Year 4
Maths Worksheets Making A Whole With Tenths Year 4
Maths Worksheets Making A Whole With Hundredths Year 4
Maths Worksheets Comparing Decimals Year 4
Maths Worksheets Ordering Decimals Year 4
Maths Worksheets Rounding Decimals To The Nearest Whole Year 4
Maths Worksheets Dividing 1 Or 2-Digits By 10 Year 4
Maths Worksheets Dividing 1 Or 2-Digits By 100 Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM Decimals Worksheets 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Worked Examples 

Decimals are first formally introduced to children in Year 4. This worksheet focuses on a range of topics including understanding the value of the digits in a decimal number, dividing by 10 and converting between fractions and decimals. As decimals is a new topic to Year 4, there are several common errors pupils could make and this worksheet aims to address these misconceptions. 

Worked Examples Decimals A Year 4
Worked Examples Decimals B Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Maths Code Crackers

This worksheet focuses on the value decimals, ordering decimals and adding decimals to make a whole in a fun way. Children need to answer the questions to solve the answer to a joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Decimals A Year 4
Maths Code Crackers Decimals B Year 4
Extension Questions Decimals Year 4

Year 4 FREE Measurement Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on money: Maths Worksheets

While money has been covered in previous years, in Year 4 writing money using decimal notation is introduced. Understanding and calculating with money, including when written using decimals, is an important life skill for students. 

Maths Worksheets Making Amounts Of Money Year 4
Maths Worksheets Comparing Money Year 4
Maths Worksheets Calculating With Money Year 4
Maths Worksheets Estimating Money Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM Measurement Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on area: Maths Code Crackers

Area is a new and more complicated Year 4 topic, moving away from the number facts and arithmetic-based work children will have been used to from previous years. This Maths Code Crackers worksheet on area gives them the chance to test their understanding of this more complex topic, and have fun at the same time. Answers for all questions are included with the pack. 

Maths Code Crackers Area Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on area: Worked Examples

When covering the topic of area, it is important that children understand not only what area is but what a 2D shape is. This worksheet covers the required content for this year group while also addressing common misconceptions that can form when the new topic of area is introduced. Children will focus on counting the squares to calculate areas as well as compare areas while they check and explain incorrect answers. 

Worked Examples Area Year 4

Year 4 FREE Geometry worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for shape: Maths Worksheets

Children have been learning about shapes since Year 1, but that does not mean the content is easy to understand. These worksheets cover identifying angles (including the names of angles and measurements in degrees), comparing and ordering angles as well as properties of 2D shapes, classifying triangles and quadrilaterals and identifying lines of symmetry and completing symmetrical figures. 

Maths Worksheets Classifying Quadrilaterals Year 4
Maths Worksheets Classifying Triangles Year 4
Maths Worksheets Identifying Angles Year 4
Maths Worksheets Comparing And Ordering Angles Year 4
Maths Worksheets Lines Of Symmetry Year 4
Maths Worksheets Completing A Symmetric Figure Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM Geometry worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for shape: Maths Code Crackers

This properties of shape worksheet focuses on recapping all the learning from this block of work. With a range of retrieval questions to answer, children need to answer the questions correctly to find the answer to a joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Shape Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for shape: Worked Examples

There are several different aspects of properties of shape that children need to know in Year 4. This worksheet recaps some of the key language in the topic (for example, obtuse angle, rhombus) as well as some key concepts (for example, classification of triangles, lines of symmetry), while including opportunities to develop reasoning skills. 

Worked Examples Shape Year 4
Extension Questions Shape Year 4

Year 4 FREE Statistics Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Maths Worksheets

These worksheets focus on answering questions about bar charts, tables and line graphs. As line graphs are new to Year 4, one of the worksheets in this pack encourages children to use data to draw their own line graphs. 

Maths Worksheets Interpreting Charts Year 4
Maths Worksheets Comparing, Sum And Difference In Charts Year 4
Maths Worksheets Introducing Line Graphs Year 4
Maths Worksheets Drawing Line Graphs Year 4

Year 4 PREMIUM Statistics Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Worked Examples

In Year 4, children are expected to be able to read and interpret a range of graphs and tables. This worksheet focuses on reading a table, bar chart and line graph. Children should be familiar with tables and bar charts but will have been introduced to line graphs for the first time in Year 4.  

Worked Examples Statistics Year 4

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Code Crackers

This worksheet encourages children to read and interpret a range of graphs to answer retrieval, comparison and sum questions about a range of different graphs and tables. 

Maths Code Crackers Statistics Year 4

Year 4 Maths Tests: All Topics

A great way to get an overall idea of a Year 4 child’s maths learning – two tests (one arithmetic, one reasoning) of about an hour each, with answer sheets included.

Please remember that children may not have covered every topic on this test, so they may not be able to answer some questions.

Download our FREE Year 4 Assessment Pack

Also in this series…

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Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.


Learn about the Year 3-5 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.


FREE Ready-to-go Lessons for Summer (Years 1 to 6)

Use these Ready-to-go PowerPoints and worksheets to teach your Year 1 to Year 6 children block one of summer following the White Rose scheme of learning.

The PowerPoints are fully editable to allow you to adapt the learning to your class and are designed to be SEND friendly with an off-white background and dyslexia friendly font.

Download free