All The Best GCSE Maths Predicted Papers For 2025: Edexcel, OCR and AQA

Here we’ve gathered together all the best GCSE maths predicted papers for 2025. Essentially, we are providing you with a one stop shop for the best GCSE predicted and practice papers available for each of the three main exam boards – Edexcel, OCR and AQA. We’ve included details of exactly what each set of papers offers and why we think you will find them useful.

Our starting point for this article is the fact that at Third Space Learning we provide all our predicted GCSE maths papers for free. They’re organised by exam board but the content as you’d imagine is often appropriate across boards.


Join our email list to stay up to date with the latest news, revision lists and resources for GCSE maths 2025. We’re analysing each paper during the course of the 2025 GCSEs in order to identify the key topic areas to focus on for your revision.

GCSE dates 2025
GCSE results 2025 (when published)
GCSE results 2024
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 1 (2024)
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 2 (2024)
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 3 (2024)
Summary of ALL GCSE Maths Papers (2024)

If you’re in a hurry, this is a great start: Download 40 GCSE maths papers from Third Space Learning for free.

Download Free Resources

Edexcel, AQA and OCR Foundation and Higher Papers: Set 3

Download this free pack of GCSE Maths predicted papers for all exam boards to help you to prepare for this year's exams.

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Reviewing last year’s papers to inform this year’s predicted papers

It’s a standard part of every teacher’s planning for May or resits in November to evaluate the success of your strategies last year, what you’re going to change, and what you’ll keep the same.

We do the same for the Third Space Learning GCSE maths tuition programme reviewing which lessons were particularly effective, whether we covered the most important topics with each student and looking at where we could improve.

What never changes however is the overarching approach we take in the online one to one tutoring for year 10 and 11. We are resolutely focused in the tuition on practising the skills of answering different types of GCSE maths questions.

They are always our starting point and from these we can start to delve deeper into any conceptual gaps.

We do this because we know that’s what’s most effective and efficient for students at this stage in their maths learning. We’ve been teachers ourselves, and all the teachers who work with us, by and large, take a similar approach.

If you’re just looking for GCSE maths questions, we’ve got hundreds, arranged by GCSE maths topic in our collection of GCSE maths worksheets.

Moving on to practice exam questions

However there comes a point when students need to start practising these maths questions back to back in a mixed topic environment, just like ‘the real thing’.

So that’s what you’ll get here.

In this blog, we will look at the best GCSE maths papers available online. We will delve into the specialist resources that can be found here at Third Space Learning as well as the best of what is on offer on other sites. You can of course also access the past GCSE maths papers from the exam boards websites.

What are predicted maths papers?

Predicted maths papers are a form of exam style paper that students can use to revise and practise exam technique. They include past exam papers from your chosen exam board, exam papers written by other providers and practice papers that you or someone you know has created themselves. Predicted and practice papers are extremely useful to students because they:

  • Provide the opportunity for revision and consolidation across a wide range of topics
  • Expose students to exam style questions
  • Give students the opportunity to practise exam technique
  • Get students used to moving confidently between topics
  • Help students learn to identify what questions are asking them to do

In our experience, maths teachers have an endless appetite for practice GCSE maths papers to give their Year 11 in the run up to their GCSEs in June (and then again for November resits).

Since Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic there have been a number of special adjustments to maths GCSE to take into account some children’s missed learning. We’ve still included papers from this period as they are still excellent practice.

Predicted GCSE maths papers for 2022

In 2022 any existing predicted GCSE maths papers had to be torn up and reimagined once the GCSE Maths Advanced Information was published by the exam boards. All predicted papers from that year were drawn just from the topics in the Advanced Information. Given these were considered the most important topics from the syllabus anyway, 2022 GCSE predicted maths papers still have relevance and value.

Predicted GCSE maths papers for 2023

2023 GCSE maths papers were the first ‘almost back to normal’ set from the government, with one minor difference from pre-Covid years. They included a GCSE maths formula sheet with the paper that students could use.

Predicted GCSE maths papers for 2024

2024 GCSE maths papers were going to be entirely back to normal but then opted for a second year of providing a GCSE maths formula sheet.

Predicted GCSE maths papers for 2025

2025 GCSE maths papers again still have formula sheets – it’s been proposed that formula sheets now stay until 2027.

Data and analysis from previous years’ maths papers

If you’re looking for analysis and trying to predict topics or question types that might appear on the GCSE maths papers in 2025, the following articles provide detailed insight and recommendations as to the sorts of questions and topics that have featured in recent years and what you might expect to see in 2025:

How to use these GCSE maths predicted papers

Predicted papers are an important revision tool for students preparing for GCSE maths exams. For the summer and November 2022 exams, papers based on the advanced information provided the best opportunity for students to revise topics that we know are going to appear in the exams.

Predicted and past papers can be used in a number of different ways and a combination of these is the best preparation for your students. Some of the ways exam paper could be used are:

1. Sit a paper in exam conditions

Sitting an exam paper in exam conditions can help students to develop their exam technique and learn how and when marks are awarded. The paper could be marked by the class teacher or together as a class, either way there is value in sharing the mark scheme with your students.

Understanding how the mark scheme is used by examiners can help students to appreciate that there is a lot of value in simply attempting GCSE maths questions. Writing down key pieces of information can result in a large percentage of marks being awarded without necessarily getting the answer fully correct. 

Papers sat in exam conditions can be used to identify the topics that students are more confident with, and those that require a little more support. This information can then be used to inform future planning. It is important that students are given time to reflect on their performance, either individually or as a class, and work on some of the topics that they found difficult. You could direct your students to the appropriate Third Space Learning revision guides and revision timetable template.

2. Walkthrough a paper as a class

Working through a paper as a class can be very beneficial. It gives you as the teacher the opportunity to share exam tips and techniques with your students as well as modelling how different types of questions should be answered. For your students, it can give them the confidence to attempt questions in a low stakes environment. 

3. Ask students to work through a paper independently, with access to books or online resources

Allowing students to practise papers in an open book environment will give them the opportunity to ask questions and work on topics that they are less confident with. Students should be directed to appropriate text book pages or online resources for each question, allowing them to independently revise that topic.

Our online revision guides contain worked examples, practice questions and exam style questions for each topic.

4. Work through a paper in a small group

Encouraging a group of students to work together through an exam paper can benefit those students in a number of ways. By explaining to each other and problem solving together, students can gain a deeper understanding of the topics they are working on. 

5. Giving students carefully selected questions from a paper

You might choose to do this for several reasons. Perhaps, through the analysis of other work, you have identified a number of topics that a large proportion of the class needs to work on. 

Or, maybe, you want to highlight methods and techniques that are common across a certain type of question, for example ratio and proportion questions. Focussing revision in the way is an effective tool for strengthening your students’ skill and resilience in targeted areas. 

6. Build a lesson/revision session around a question that covers multiple topics

It is important to expose students to questions that cover multiple topics. We often teach maths in a segmented way. This can leave students at a disadvantage when confronted with, for example, a probability question which requires the use of algebra.

Drawing attention to questions which cover multiple topics will give students the tools and confidence to use a range of skills when attempting questions.

The most important thing when planning a lesson involving the use of exam papers is to remember that we want students to learn from the exam papers. They will learn best if they are given the chance to reflect on any feedback and work through the areas that they found difficult. 

List of the best GCSE predicted papers

Each year we trawl the best providers of GCSE maths papers to check what they have available. Like you we’re looking ideally for the free papers from reputable good quality suppliers. We’ve included a few of the paid for versions at the end but you should get most of what you need from the free ones.

Every supplier’s definition of ‘predicted’ seems to vary but these papers all cover a range of questions on a range of topics, all with a focus on those that students will benefit most from practising.

1. Third Space Learning free GCSE maths predicted papers 2025

DOWNLOAD FREE: Over 60 predicted GCSE maths papers with answers

Third Space Learning has 20 full sets of 3 x GCSE papers and they are all free:

You can also just select all the foundation maths papers or the higher maths papers.

Key features

  • 60 free GCSE maths papers in total
  • Foundation and Higher
  • Written as exam style papers
  • Non-calculator paper 1 and calculator paper 2 and 3
  • Model solutions with marks
  • RAG analysis spreadsheets for the 2025 sets.

These papers have all been written as true exam style papers, covering a wide range of topics providing invaluable practice material for students to work through. 

Reasons why teachers love these predicted maths papers

  • Written in the style of a real exam with:
    • Exam questions, increasing in difficulty through the paper
    • Similar proportions of number, algebra, ratio and proportion, geometry, probability and statistics topics as real exam papers
    • A suitable mix of AO1, AO2 and AO3 style questions
  • Detailed mark scheme
  • Index for every question, with a link to related GCSE maths revision resources available free
  • And of course, they’re FREE

Download now: Third Space Learning predicted papers

Follow up the GCSE maths papers with online tutoring for those struggling to achieve their target grades

The Third Space Learning GCSE maths papers are also offered to secondary schools using our online GCSE maths tutoring.

While earlier lessons in Year 10 enable the GCSE maths tutor and student to work together on plugging gaps and conceptual understanding, the GCSE maths revision programme is very much focused on answering GCSE maths questions.

From the first lesson a student will be learning how to approach, understand and tackle all the different sorts of questions they are likely to encounter in their GCSE exams.

2. Maths Genie predicted papers 2025

Maths Genie has a wide selection of free GCSE maths predicted papers available, with predicted papers that they have produced both using the advance information and without advance information for previous years. A great place to go if you are looking to increase the number of exam papers you have available. The drawback here is that they provide mainly Edexcel foundation and Edexcel higher resources. 

November 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel only
  • Foundation and Higher
  • Written as exam style papers
  • Model solutions

Summer 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel only
  • Foundation and higher
  • Written as exam style papers
  • Model solutions
  • Video solutions

Other papers

  • Predicted Edexcel papers from 2014-2019, including some from the old spec (not based on advanced information)
  • Model solutions

Maths Genie free GCSE maths predicted papers

3. Corbett Maths predicted papers 2025

Corbett maths produces set A and set B of predicted papers for each exam board.

Summer 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel, AQA, OCR and CCEA
  • Foundation and higher
  • 2 sets of papers containing one question on each topic from the advanced information (not designed to replicate an exam paper)
  • Model solutions
  • YouTube playlists based on the papers (not solutions)

Other papers

  • 4 sets of generic higher and foundation exam style papers, not linked to a specific exam board 
  • Model solutions

Corbett Maths free GCSE maths predicted papers

4. 1st Class Maths predicted papers 2025

Free GCSE maths predicted papers

1st class maths produces predicted papers for Edexcel and AQA only. Each exam paper has a set of video solutions. 

What they have for 2025: 

Summer 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel and AQA GCSE papers
  • Foundation and higher
  • Written as exam style papers
  • Video solutions

1st class maths predicted papers

5. White Rose Maths predicted papers 2025

Free GCSE maths predicted papers

Most of the White Rose resources are available through a subscription but their predicted papers for summer 2025 are available for free. 

What they have for 2025:

One set of summer 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel, OCR and AQA
  • Foundation and higher
  • Written as exam style papers
  • Mark schemes

White Rose Maths predicted papers

6. Maths Made Easy predicted papers 2025 (PAID FOR)

Unlike the other providers Made Easy predicted papers are not free and must be purchased from the site. 

What they have:

November 2024 predicted papers

  • Edexcel, AQA, OCR and WJEC
  • Foundation and higher
  • 4 sets of predicted papers available for Edexcel, AQA and OCR
  • Mark schemes
  • Not free – must be purchased from the site

Other papers for 2025

  • Edexcel and AQA grade 9 papers consisting of a range of grade 9 questions
  • Mark schemes

Maths Made Easy predicted papers

7. Onmaths predicted papers 2025 (PAID FOR)

Onmaths have a large number of practice papers available however the free version is only one question at a time in an online format. You are able to pay to subscribe for access to full papers and more detailed solutions. 

What they have:

November 2024 predicted papers

  • Edexcel, AQA and OCR
  • Foundation and higher
  • Free version is only one question at a time in an online format
  • Basic answers follow each question

Summer 2025 predicted papers

  • Edexcel, AQA and OCR
  • Foundation and higher 
  • Free version is only one question at a time in an online format
  • Basic answers follow each question

Other papers

  • Predicted Edexcel, AQA and OCR higher and foundation papers for each year from 2016 onwards (not based on advance information)
  • Free version is only one question at a time in an online format
  • Basic answers follow each question

Past maths papers from the exam boards

Past exam papers for each exam board can be found on their individual websites. We’re including them on our list because they act as predicted papers and are great practice for students. They will also get students used to the layout and feel of exam papers for their exam board. 

Exam papers for each of the exam boards can be found here: 

Edexcel maths past papers


AQA maths past papers


OCR maths past papers


More free GCSE maths resources

We all know that practice papers are just one part of preparing our students for their exams. Here is a reminder of some of the other resources we have available:

GCSE maths revision guides 

Online lessons in a huge variety of topics, consisting of step by step guides, revision cards, worked examples, multiple choice practice questions with worked solutions and GCSE style questions with mark schemes. 

Explore our collection of maths revision guides.

GCSE maths worksheets

All of our worksheets contain a skills section, applied section and a selection of exam style questions. Answers and mark schemes are included with all of our worksheets. 

Explore our collection of GCSE maths worksheets.

Guides on revision techniques

A number of helpful blogs can be found on our website.

You could begin by checking out these ones: How to Revise for GCSE, How to Revise, How to revise for maths and Exam Techniques.

You will find many helpful ideas for revision resources and revision material. 

Revision mats

A series of complete revision mats to help your students revise the key skills from each topic area. Each topic is broken down into a series of smaller topic areas which each contain sets of questions that cover all of the main skills in that topic. Our revision mats work alongside our online revision pages and come in higher and foundation.

Fluent in Five

A series of slides designed to be used every day. The slides build fluency and confidence in key topics across a week and are an excellent way to ensure students have a secure understanding of the building blocks of maths.

Diagnostic Questions

Sets of topic based multiple choice questions that have been designed to assess each of the key skills required to master the given topic. Each diagnostic question has a correct answer and 3 carefully chosen incorrect answers that are designed to identify and highlight misconceptions.

Any maths papers we’ve missed?

That completes the list of the best GCSE maths predicted and practice papers that we know of. If you know any that should be added, please let us know [email protected].

We’ll finish by saying that the use of any predicted or practice papers is only one part of preparing our students for exams and that papers should be used in a considered way alongside effective teaching and learning. The quality of the time spent on GCSE maths questions and exam papers is far more important than the number of papers completed.

Third Space Learning Upsell Section


Every week Third Space Learning’s specialist online GCSE maths tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1 to 1 maths lessons designed to plug gaps and boost progress.


Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.


Learn about the GCSE revision programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.


FREE GCSE maths practice papers (Edexcel, AQA & OCR)

8 sets of free exam practice papers written by maths teachers and examiners for Edexcel, AQA and OCR.

Each set of exam papers contains the three papers that your students will expect to find in their GCSE mathematics exam.

Download free