Free Year 5 Maths Worksheets And Homework – Download, Print, Or View Online

Here you’ll find all our Year 5 maths worksheets and Year 5 maths tests that are suitable for use during classroom lessons and as homework.

These KS2 maths worksheets cover every part of the Year 5 primary maths curriculum, to help your children practise and gain confidence in their understanding ahead of Year 6 and the KS2 SATs. Their focus is on retrieval practice – going over topics that children should already have covered and helping them strengthen their knowledge and understanding. 

About these year 5 maths worksheets and tests 

Most of the links provided will take you to the Third Space Learning Maths Hub where you will need to register – very quick and free – in order to download the resources. Many of the resources are free to download; others are accessible with a premium subscription or if your school is using our online maths tutors.

The worksheets come in pdf format and are printable, but if you’re running out of printer ink, they can be viewed online too. 

Every Year 5 maths test or worksheet also includes its own answer sheet, and teaching guidance if it’s needed (for example, if there might be more than one correct answer for a question). If it’s a diagnostic assessment, the misconception identified by each wrong answer is also explained. There are links to the national curriculum, White Rose Maths and the NCETM framework. If you have any questions just get in touch.

Note: The National Curriculum does not specify any place value teaching for Year 5. However this is often a good time to begin revising the topic (among others) in preparation for the KS2 SATs. Have a look at these place value worksheets as part of your revision.

Similarly, addition and subtraction work is largely an extension of what was covered in previous years. Take a look at our collection of addition and subtraction worksheets for practice materials for these topics.

If you’re a teacher or school leader who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our online tutoring programme of maths interventions, together with maths resources and CPD.

Download Free Resources

Free Year 5 Maths Worksheets

All year 5 maths topics covered in high quality, adaptable worksheets. Register free with the Third Space Learning maths hub for these and hundreds more (use Chrome).

Download Free Now!

Year 5 Mental Maths and Arithmetic Worksheets: Fluent in Five

One of our most popular resources with parents and teachers and a great way to start or end the day, Fluent in Five worksheets include 5-10 minutes worth of quick arithmetic questions designed to help children become quicker at making mental or written calculations. 

Children are given 4 or 5 questions per maths worksheet – more than in previous years – to get them used to completing more questions in a short space of time ahead of Year 6 and the KS2 maths arithmetic paper. 

Download the FREE Year 5 Arithmetic worksheets

Unlimited maths tutoring for primary schools with Skye, our AI voice tutor

Built on the same principles, pedagogy and curriculum as our traditional tutoring but with more flexibility, reach and lower cost.

Join the schools already helping hundreds of primary pupils nationwide with Skye’s one to one maths tutoring.

Watch Skye in action

Year 5 Maths reasoning and problem solving worksheets: Rapid Reasoning

Reasoning is one of the key maths skills pupils are expected to show by the time they take the Key Stage 2 SATs, and our Rapid Reasoning worksheets give them plenty of extra practice! This pack comes with six weeks of questions, with 3 questions focused on solving problems and reasoning per day.

Download the FREE Year 5 maths reasoning worksheets

Rapid Reasoning for Year 5
An example of Rapid Reasoning questions for Year 5.

Year 5 FREE Place Value Worksheets

Year 5 Maths worksheets place value: Maths Code Crackers

Place value is one of the most important topics in the mathematics curriculum. This fun worksheet covers key elements of the Year 5 place value curriculum including Roman numerals, negative numbers and rounding. 

Use this free resource to recap Year 5 place value learning whilst finding the punchline to a joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Place Value Year 5

Year 5 Maths worksheets place value: Word Problems

Place value is the basis of all mathematical knowledge. This workbook encourages children to deepen their understanding of place value through a range of different problems. Children will focus on understanding and rounding decimal numbers in context, creating numbers with different values and number sequences. 

Word Problems Place Value Year 5

Year 5 Maths worksheets place value: Worked Examples

As larger numbers are introduced, children can find the topic of place value more challenging. This worksheet focuses on common misconceptions and encouraging children to identify and explain errors, therefore developing their reasoning skills. 

Worked Examples Place Value Year 5

Year 5 Maths worksheets place value: Extension Questions

Encourage your pupils to deepen and extend their understanding of place value using these challenging extension questions. Questions include proving a statement about digit value is correct, identifying the odd one out with partitioned numbers and pictorially representing a given number.

Extension Questions Place Value Year 5

A Third Space Learning online intervention slide for Year 5 rounding
One of Third Space Learning’s online intervention slides for Year 5 rounding.

Year 5 FREE Addition and Subtraction Worksheets

Year 5 Maths worksheets addition and subtraction: Maths Code Crackers

Sometimes, some simple retrieval questions to round up a topic is all that is needed. This resource focuses on adding and subtracting numbers with 4 or more digits to find the answer to a space themed joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Addition and Subtraction Year 5

Year 5 PREMIUM Addition and Subtraction Worksheets

Year 5 Maths worksheets addition and subtraction: Word problems

This resource encourages children to think about maths in a more open ended way. In this workbook, children are presented with a range of problems to solve and not all of them will have one answer only. From checking the addition and subtraction answers to writing a range of ways to create a number, pupils will be challenged with this resource. 

Word Problems Addition and Subtraction Year 5
Extension Questions Addition and Subtraction Year 5
Worked Examples Addition and Subtraction Year 5

Year 5 FREE Multiplication and Division Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for long multiplication

By the end of Year 5, children are expected to be able to multiply up to 4-digit numbers by 1- and 2-digit numbers, and multiply decimal and whole numbers by multiples of 10 up to 1000, according to the National Curriculum. 

These worksheets help pupils improve their skills with the former, with 45 questions ranging from multiplying 2-digit numbers by other 2-digit numbers all the way to multiplying 4-digit numbers. Each worksheet also comes with an answer scheme and modelled answers to show children how to correctly lay out their long multiplication calculations. 

Long multiplication worksheet.
An example worksheet from our Year 5 long multiplication worksheet.

Long Multiplication Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for long division

Long division is one of the most difficult parts of the primary maths curriculum. This set of 3 worksheets helps children practice it in stages, including several short division questions to begin with to help them get warmed up before tackling the harder questions. 

Long Division Worksheets

Year 5 PREMIUM Multiplication and Division Worksheets

Year 5 Maths worksheets on Times Tables: Tarsia Puzzles 

By the time children start in Year 5, they are expected to know all their times tables in any order and the related division facts. These worksheets are a fun way to practise times tables facts independently and develop mental arithmetic skills for any children who are less confident.

Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack Year 5

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for multiplication & division: Maths Code Crackers

Our Code Crackers worksheets give children a fun way to revise their knowledge of a topic. Each Code Crackers worksheet includes a series of questions – in this case multiplication and division problems – based on what they have learned that year, and the answers can be put together to make the punchline of a joke!

In Year 5 children will mostly be practising long multiplication and division, but some short division/short multiplication questions are also included, to help them keep their knowledge of the basics sharp. 

Maths Code Crackers Multiplication and Division A Year 5
Maths Code Crackers Multiplication and Division B Year 5

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for multiplication & division: Worked Examples

There is a lot of content to cover for multiplication and division in Year 5, which is why we made two different worked examples worksheets. The first worksheet covers common misconceptions found when learning about prime numbers, square numbers, multiplying or dividing by a power of ten and factors. The second worksheet covers multiply 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (and two 2-digit numbers) and dividing a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number.

Worked Examples Multiplication & Division A Year 5
Worked Examples Multiplication & Division B Year 5
Extension Questions Multiplication and Division Year 5
Word Problems Multiplication Year 5

Year 5 FREE Fractions Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Maths Worksheets

Our maths worksheets are designed to be completed by children with little extra support, making them perfect home learning or homework activities.

This Year 5 maths worksheets focus on a range of fractions topics including finding equivalent fractions (including by using number lines), multiplying with fractions and finding fractions of amounts.

Example sheets from our maths worksheets collection.

Maths Worksheets Equivalent Fractions Using Number Lines Year 5
Maths Worksheets Finding Equivalent Fractions Year 5
Maths Worksheets Thousandths As Fractions Year 5
Maths Worksheets Multiplying Fractions By Integers Year 5
Maths Worksheets Multiplying Mixed Numbers By Integers Year 5
Maths Worksheets Fractions Of Amounts Year 5
Maths Worksheets Fractions As Operators Year 5

Year 5 PREMIUM Fractions Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on fractions: Maths Code Crackers

By Year 5, children have learned about equivalent fractions, improper fractions, and calculating with fractions. Our Maths Code Crackers fractions worksheets helps them get even more practice in solving these complicated questions. 

Maths Code Crackers Fractions A Year 5
Maths Code Crackers Fractions B Year 5

Year 5 Maths worksheet on fractions: Worked Examples

There are certain aspects of fractions that will be familiar to Year 5 students but may still carry misconceptions. This worksheet focuses on showing these misconceptions to children to allow them to discuss them openly. While the worksheet covers some familiar aspects (adding and subtracting fractions, ordering fractions) a new element of different denominators has been introduced. 

Worked Examples Fractions A Year 5
Worked Examples Fractions B Year 5
Extension Questions Fractions Year 5

Year 5 FREE Decimals and Percentages Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on decimals and percentages: Maths Worksheets

While decimals were introduced in Year 4, percentages are new for Year 5. These simple to follow worksheets cover a range of decimal concept such as calculating with fractions as well as introducing percentages.

Maths Worksheets Fractions As Decimals Year 5
Maths Worksheets Comparing Decimals Using Money Year 5
Maths Worksheets Ordering And Comparing Decimals Year 5
Maths Worksheets Adding Decimals With Different Decimal Places Year 5
Maths Worksheets Adding Decimals With The Same Decimal Places Year 5
Maths Worksheets Subtracting Decimals With Different Decimal Places Year 5
Maths Worksheets Subtracting Decimals With The Same Decimal Places Year 5
Maths Worksheets Adding And Subtracting Decimals Year 5
Maths Worksheets Multiplying And Dividing Integers And Decimals By 10 And 100 Year 5
Maths Worksheets Rounding Decimals To The Nearest Tenth Year 5
Maths Worksheets Understanding The Percent Sign Year 5
Maths Worksheets Percentages As Fractions And Decimals Year 5

Year 5 PREMIUM Decimals and Percentages Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on decimals and percentages: Maths Code Crackers

A worksheet of problems covering percentages and numbers up to two decimal places, with the answers coming together to form the punchline to the joke given at the start – great for retrieval practice!

Maths Code Crackers Decimals and Percentages Year 5

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on decimals and percentages: Worked Examples

This worksheet covers what percentage is, converting between decimals, percentages and fractions as well as understanding the value of decimals. There are a range of common errors that are made within this unit that have been addressed to encourage children to fully understand the topic. 

Worked Examples Decimals and Percentages Year 5
Extension Questions Decimals and Percentages Year 5
Word Problems Decimals and Percentages Year 5

Year 5 FREE Statistics Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets on statistics: Maths Worksheets

In Year 5, pupils continue to explore line graphs and two-way tables. Timetables are introduced for the first time, encouraging children to apply their learning to everyday contexts.

Maths Worksheets Timetables Year 5

Year 5 PREMIUM Statistics Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Maths Code Crackers

In Year 5 statistics, the focus is on line graphs and more complex tables. This worksheet encourages children to read and interpret line graphs and tables in order to answer retrieval, comparison and sum calculations with the ultimate reward of finding the answer to a joke. 

Maths Code Crackers Statistics Year 5

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Worked Examples

Although children will be familiar with line graphs and tables, they are still likely to make errors, especially when reading line graphs with more than one set of data. This worksheet addresses these common errors while allowing the children to ‘be the teacher’. 

Worked Examples Statistics Year 5

Year 5 FREE Measurement Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for converting units: Maths worksheets

These easy to follow maths worksheets cover a range of converting units content to help secure children’s understanding of the topic. The worksheets include converting between different units of metric measures, converting between metric and imperial units and converting between units of time.

Maths Worksheets Converting Between Metric And Imperial Units Year 5
Maths Worksheets Converting Units Of Time Year 5
Maths Worksheets Converting Units Of Metric Measures Year 5

Year 5 PREMIUM Measurement Worksheets

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for converting units: Worked Examples

In previous years, children will have looked at converting units (for example centimetres to metres), however in Year 5, this is a unit of its own. This worked examples worksheet on converting units covers converting between metric units of measures, metric and imperial units of measures, converting between units of time and reading a timetable. 

Worked Examples Measurement Year 5

Year 5 Maths Worksheets for converting units: Maths Code Crackers

There are a lot of facts to remember when learning about converting units. This fun worksheet recaps the key facts of converting between metric units of measure (including converting between units of time). 

Maths Code Crackers Measurement Year 5
Extension Questions Converting Units Year 5

Year 5 Maths Tests

Year 5 Maths Test: All topics

Our collection of Year 5 maths tests include topic specific assessments, end of year quizzes and diagnostic assessments to guide teaching, intervention and revision.

As a child gets closer to Year 6 and the Key Stage 2 SATs, it’s important they get used to the timings and styles of questions they might face. Our Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper Practice for Year 5 includes two assessments – one arithmetic paper and one reasoning paper – with SATS style questions created by our curriculum experts, answers and a mark scheme with detailed explanations of how to solve each question. 

Both papers should take about one hour to complete, and cover every part of the curriculum, from place value to geometry and 3D shapes. This makes them useful for checking children’s overall understanding of the maths they’ve learned in Year 5, as well as providing them with exam practice.  

See our full collection of maths tests and quizzes for Year 1 – Year 6 here

Year 5 Maths Test: Times Tables

While Year 5 children are past the newly introduced multiplication tables check, knowing your times tables is a key part of many other maths topics they will learn. So it’s always worth keeping up with practice, and these quick worksheets help a child see exactly which ones they know by heart, and which they struggle with. 

Download the FREE Year 5 Times Tables Tests

Also in this series…

Looking for fun games and activities to boost pupils’ learning?
We’ve got several articles sharing teacher approved maths activities and fun maths games, including KS2 maths games, KS1 maths games and KS3 maths games for all maths topics and a set of 35 times tables games and multiplication games you’ll want to bookmark whichever year group you teach!

More free resources are available from the home learning hub full of home learning packs, tips and teaching ideas for maths homework.

Third Space Learning Upsell Section


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.


Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.


Learn about the Year 3-5 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.


FREE Ready-to-go Lessons for Summer (Years 1 to 6)

Use these Ready-to-go PowerPoints and worksheets to teach your Year 1 to Year 6 children block one of summer following the White Rose scheme of learning.

The PowerPoints are fully editable to allow you to adapt the learning to your class and are designed to be SEND friendly with an off-white background and dyslexia friendly font.

Download free