White Rose Maths: White Rose Hub Resources, Worksheets & Lessons For Year 1 to Year 6
White Rose Maths is still the first choice scheme of learning for primary schools teaching Year 1 to Year 6 maths. Due to the commitment of the White Rose team to providing the most comprehensive scheme and approach to teaching maths it is also regularly updated and it can be hard to keep up and get hold of White Rose maths resources that align to the latest scheme.
To answer this we’ve created a comprehensive guide to the White Rose small steps, the breakdown of their scheme of work across the year, and links to the most up to date White Rose maths resources to support your planning and teaching with White Rose.
If you’re just looking for all the White Rose maths resources you can get your hands on right now, free and premium, then we recommend you go straight to the Third Space Learning Maths Hub where you can download hundreds of White Rose Education aligned maths resources including the very popular Ready To Go Lesson Slides with accompanying White Rose maths worksheets.
White Rose Autumn Block 1 Lesson Slides – Place Value
Download this free pack of our White Rose aligned Ready-To-Go lessons for Years 1 - 6.
Download Free Now!Background to White Rose Maths
For those new to White Rose Education, here are a few key things you should know.
What is White Rose Maths?
White Rose Maths is the term generally used for the scheme of work or scheme of learning developed originally by White Rose Education. The White Rose SOL takes the main learning objectives from the national curriculum and breaks them down into teaching blocks across each term. Time is built in for maths assessments and for recapping at the end of the term. The topics into which the curriculum is broken down are known as the White Rose small steps.
The website homepage is available here: https://whiterosemaths.com
Is White Rose Maths free?
Yes and no! The White Rose Maths Scheme and the structured small steps progression is free for all primary schools to use (and it starts right down at EYFS stage). In addition during the Covid-19 lockdown the White Rose hub started releasing some of their resources for use at home, but these were usually just for a ‘week’ in the block that schools should have been teaching. However the majority of the White Rose resources are now paid for premium resources.
Meet Skye, the AI voice tutor making maths success possible for every student.
Built by maths experts, Skye uses the same pedagogy, curriculum and lesson structure as our traditional tutoring.
But, with more flexibility and a lower cost, schools can scale AI voice tutoring to support every student who needs it.
Watch Skye in actionAdvantages of White Rose Maths
- Small steps provide progression through a topic in a logical way, building upon prior knowledge.
- Opportunities to go in depth with a topic – by spending a long time on a topic, you can really explore it
- It is perfect for ECTs / RQTs or less confident teachers as it gives examples of fluency, reasoning and problem solving
- Provides sentence stems for lessons to give structure
- Whole school progression and consistency in maths is built in, provided all year groups from early years to Year 6 follow it.
- Aligns to the national curriculum expectations
Disadvantages of White Rose Maths
- As it’s a linear curriculum (not spiral curriculum), it means that young mathematicians sometimes have a year between topics.
- The White Rose SOL doesn’t include answers for fluency questions which can add to a teachers’ workload.
- White Rose takes a fully maths mastery approach which means there are no suggestions for differentiation in the classroom at all.
- Some schools find that teachers follow the small steps too rigidly, meaning that teachers and pupils are not developing a deep understanding of maths.
- Some lessons move on too quickly e.g. adding fractions with different denominators does not, in our opinion, have enough time dedicated to it.
White Rose Maths resources at a glance
If your school is similar to 70% of other primary schools in England, you’re likely to be:
- following the White Rose small steps.
- looking for suitable White Rose Maths resources to supplement these small steps!
We speak to hundreds of teachers, school leaders and headteachers every week about the one to one maths intervention programmes we offer and we hear similar comments a lot.
So, in response to feedback and requests from lots of maths teachers we have created several series of White Rose Maths free resources, maths worksheets and booklets deliberately aimed at those following the White Rose small steps.
Some of these resources are free and some are premium. To test out the free White Rose Maths resources, all you need to do is click the ‘Free to me’ button wherever you see it.
White Rose Maths worksheets and resources from Third Space Learning
- White Rose Ready-To-Go Lessons, block by block for the autumn term, spring term and summer term. For a detailed breakdown of how these work and why teachers love them see below.
- White Rose Maths Code Crackers, worksheets to use as retrieval practice either at the end of each block or later on in the year to support children’s recall and retention of prior learning.
- White Rose Maths Worked Examples, which encourage pupils to find, explain and correct errors, not just focus and on finding the correct answer.
- White Rose Maths Diagnostic Assessments, available for each year group covering a wider range of topics to help you identify learning gaps.
- White Rose Maths Rapid Reasoning, daily reasoning problems mapped to the scheme of learning. Each day covers a specific concept with questions developing in difficulty.
- White Rose Maths Word Problems, 11 word problems ascending in difficulty to stretch your pupils’ problem solving skills.
- White Rose Maths Extension Questions, topic based questions to deepen, extend and stretch your children’s understanding of a given topic.
Take a look at our full collection of primary maths resources on the Third Space Learning Maths Hub.
White Rose Maths version 3 scheme of learning
As mentioned above, the White Rose Maths scheme of learning is regularly updated. It is now in its third version (which means resources created for versions 1 and 2 may need a bit of adapting). All versions of White Rose Maths are aligned to the national curriculum.
Below we give you a summary of what to expect for each year group’s White Rose maths planning.
White Rose Maths Year 1
White Rose Maths Year 1 focuses heavily on place value, measurement and the basics of the four operations.
In the autumn term, pupils cover:
- Place value within 10
- Addition and subtraction within 10
- Shape
In the spring term:
- Place value within 20
- Addition and subtraction within 20
- Place value within 50
- Length and height
- Mass and volume
In the summer term:
- Multiplication and division
- Fractions
- Position and direction
- Place value within 100
- Money
- Time
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 1 detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 1 resources
White Rose Maths Year 2
White Rose Maths Year 2 expands on learning in Year 1 and introduces children to new concepts.
Year 2 autumn term pupils cover:
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Shape
In Year 2 spring term:
- Money
- Multiplication and division
- Length and height
- Mass, capacity and temperature
Year 2 summer term topics include:
- Fractions
- Time
- Statistics
- Position and direction
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 2 detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 2 resources
White Rose Maths Year 3
White Rose Maths Year 3 aims for a deep understanding of the four operations. Children expand their knowledge of times tables, encounter larger numbers and apply maths to real life contexts.
Year 3 autumn term covers:
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division (A)
Year 3 spring term:
- Multiplication and division (B)
- Length and perimeter
- Fractions (A)
- Mass and capacity
Year 3 summer term:
- Fractions (B)
- Money
- Time
- Shape
- Statistics
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 3 detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 3 resources
White Rose Maths Year 4
White Rose Maths Year 4 consolidates key concepts from past years and delves deeper into concepts such as place value, fractions and decimals.
Year 4 autumn term:
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Area
- Multiplication and division (A)
Year 4 spring term:
- Multiplication and division (B)
- Length and perimeter
- Fractions
- Decimals (A)
Year 4 summer term:
- Decimals (B)
- Money
- Time
- Shape
- Statistics
- Position and direction
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 4 detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 4 resources
White Rose Maths Year 5
White Rose Maths Year 5 pushes students’ problem solving and calculation skills across a wide range of topics and concepts.
Year 5 autumn term:
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division A
- Fractions A
Year 5 spring term:
- Multiplication and division B
- Fractions B
- Decimals and percentages
- Perimeter and area
- Statistics
Year 5 summer term:
- Shape
- Position and direction
- Decimals
- Negative numbers
- Converting units
- Volume
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 5 detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 5 resources
White Rose Maths Year 6
In White Rose Maths Year 6, students deepen their understanding in maths, and focus on preparing for secondary school.
Year 6 autumn term:
- Place value
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Fractions A
- Fractions B
- Converting units of measurement
Year 6 spring term:
- Ratio
- Algebra
- Decimals
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
- Area, perimeter and volume
- Statistics
Year 6 summer term:
- Shape
- Position and direction
- Themed projects, consolidation and problem solving
Find out more
- White Rose Maths Year 6, detailed curriculum breakdown
- White Rose Maths Year 6 resources
White Rose Planning with Third Space Learning Maths Resources
Now you’ve seen what White Rose Maths resources are available for you from Third Space Learning, here we take a more indepth look at the Ready-to-go Lessons as they are likely to form the core of your White Rose lesson planning with Third Space.
The idea is that they should save you lots of time. They’ve been developed by maths mastery teachers to match the White Rose small steps and require little preparation from you except for an awareness of what you’re teaching, any concrete resources or maths manipulatives you’ll need, and any supporting materials or additional worksheets you want to use.
These ready-to-go lessons are intended for mixed-ability, whole class, mastery maths teaching, with differentiation made possible by the level of adult or peer support, the pacing of activities, or the continued use of concrete pictorial abstract representations (e.g. bar modelling) to support learning throughout each lesson. Each ready-to-go lesson includes a series of PowerPoints and related worksheets designed to guide pupils through the small steps.
Detailed look at the Third Space Learning White Rose Lessons
Our lessons are designed in PowerPoint to be fully editable and adaptable for your class. Each teaching slide includes notes that can be used to support teaching. These notes include (where appropriate) concrete resources to use, key questions to ask, common errors or misconceptions that could occur in the slide, further practice and extension activities.
The lessons include: key vocabulary and sentence stems. This page identifies the key vocabulary that students will use in the lesson. This can be used as part of a maths working wall or to prepare you for new terms that may be introduced to pupils. The sentence stems can be used throughout the lesson to help pupils organise their thoughts.
Diagnostic questions
This is otherwise known as hinge questions or assessment for learning questions. This can be inserted where you feel it is appropriate within the lesson to assess the understanding of the class on the content taught in the lesson so far. The question is multiple choice to make it a quick activity to administer.
Starter activity
The starter activity is designed to warm the children up for their mathematical learning. The starters are designed to recap learning from previous lessons in the block or recap key knowledge that is needed for the upcoming lesson.
Let’s learn
The Let’s Learn slide introduces and explores the key concept for the lesson. This is usually used to elicit discussions around the key concept before it is explored in depth.
Follow me
The Follow Me slides allow the teacher to guide children through a specific part of the learning for the lesson. This is an opportunity for teachers to demonstrate metacognition by explaining their process of completing a task. These slides are a variety of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions to ensure that all pupils are exposed to all elements of the national curriculum.
Your turn
Each Your Turn slide contains an image of the related worksheet for the lesson. The section of the worksheet is related to the previous Follow Me section so children can apply the whole class teaching to their independent work. The notes section for the Your Turn slides include the answers for the given section of the worksheet.
Let’s reflect
This is the final slide of the main body of the lesson. The Let’s Reflect slide encourages reflection on the lesson via explanation and application of learning.
After the main body of the lesson, there are a series of support slides. These slides are designed to support the main body of the lesson and to be used as prior learning or as support during a lesson if a child or group of children are finding the lesson challenging and need to recap the previous step before the main body of the lesson.
Read more: Fluency Reasoning and Problem Solving
What teachers say about Third Space Learning’s White Rose Maths style lessons
Time is precious in the classroom, and our PowerPoints have proven popular amongst teachers all around the UK since we relaunched them this year.
The following are just a flavour of what teachers have been saying about them so far:
Amazing! High quality, excellent range of visual representations, contexts which are relevant to the children. I can’t speak highly enough of these resources.
They have been able to help with work/life balance:
Thanks to you I’ve been able to spend some time with my kids this week instead of them seeing the top of my laptop. It’s very much appreciated by my family.
The PowerPoints are a fantastic way to save time:
They have been fantastic. A huge thank you to whoever designed or made them. I emailed all of the Key Stage 2 staff about them. I love them and more importantly, they make maths more accessible for all.
Really useful – just downloaded the set and shared with colleagues. Brilliant stuff and delighted you have saved me time and effort next week with planning. Thank you.
We think you will love our White Rose Maths style PowerPoints and resources, so take a look, let us know what you think, and, even better, if you like them, add them to your class pages, kids’ zone, and even sitemap on your school website. Then they’ll be there for everyone!
Alternatives to White Rose Maths
It’s easy to become a bit blinkered about White Rose Maths as the only scheme out there due to the numbers of schools using it. We should say as we wrap up, that there are lots of other primary maths schemes of work available. The most popular of these seem to be:
- NCETM’s Curriculum Prioritisation in Primary Maths
- Maths Mastery (from the Ark Foundation)
- Maths No Problem
However the last of these, like some of the others in our Guide to Primary Maths Schemes of Work are paid for and are not only very expensive but also very intensive. You’ll likely find you don’t need all the resources provided.
That’s why at Third Space we’ve taken the best parts of the White Rose planning and created a flexible and easy to teach scheme of our own through our Ready-To-Go Slides and accompanying worksheets and additional resources. Many schools find this not only cheaper than a full scheme’s suite of resources as well as easier to manage. Get in touch to find out more about this scheme and how you can access the premium resources in the Maths Hub.
Further reading
- Maths School Clubs Ideas and Activities
- Ofsted Deep Dives: The Questions To Expect in Maths
- Pupil Premium Intervention Ideas
- A Guide To Primary School Tutoring
Frequently asked questions
What is the White Rose method of maths?
White Rose takes a fully maths mastery approach, meaning it aims for pupils to develop a comprehensive, deep understanding of maths rather than simply memorising procedures. To achieve this, it uses various concrete objects and pictorial representations to build pupils’ conceptual understanding.
Another key feature of White Rose maths is its ‘small steps’ progression and curriculum sequencing. The White Rose scheme of learning takes the main learning objectives from the national curriculum and breaks them down into teaching blocks across each term.
Is White Rose a good maths scheme?
White Rose maths is a very popular scheme of work and is used in many primary schools across the country. Some of its key benefits include:
1. A ‘small steps’ progression that ensures pupils move through a topic in a logical way, building upon prior knowledge.
2. It is perfect for ECTs or less confident teachers as it gives examples of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
3. The scheme provides sentence stems for lessons to give structure.
4. Whole school progression and consistency in maths is built in, provided all year groups from early years to Year 6 follow it.
5. The scheme aligns to the national curriculum expectations.
Do you have to pay for White Rose maths?
Some of White Rose Maths’ resources are free, including the White Rose Maths Scheme and the structured small steps progression but some resources are premium and require a paid-for subscription.
What are the criticisms of White Rose maths?
Some criticisms of White Rose Maths include:
1. As a linear curriculum (not spiral), pupils may have a year between topics and may not revisit learning as frequently as other schemes.
2. The White Rose SOL doesn’t include answers for fluency questions.
3. White Rose takes a fully maths mastery approach which means there are no suggestions for differentiation in the classroom.
4. Some schools find that teachers follow the small steps too rigidly, meaning that teachers and pupils are not developing a deep understanding of maths.
5. Some lessons move on too quickly e.g. adding fractions with different denominators does not, in our opinion, have enough time dedicated to it.
Every week Third Space Learning’s specialist online maths tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1 to 1 maths lessons designed to plug gaps and boost progress.
Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.
Learn how the programmes are aligned to maths mastery teaching or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.
Meet Skye, our AI voice tutor. Built on over a decade of tutoring expertise, Skye uses the same proven pedagogy and curriculum as our traditional tutoring to close learning gaps and accelerate progress. Watch a clip of Skye’s AI maths tutoring in action.