Exam Techniques: Help Your Students Make The Most Of Their Marks
Exam techniques and content knowledge are the two fundamental parts of exam preparation. Students need to know the syllabus content and be able to apply it to unfamiliar problems. This knowledge comes from teaching, learning, study skills and revision techniques.
While content knowledge is definitely the most important part of our job as educators, we also need to teach exam techniques. We must ensure that our young people have the best exam strategies under their belts when they go into the exam so they can demonstrate the full range of their knowledge, skills and understanding.
This article covers top tips for students to try in exams to gain as many marks as possible and exam techniques that will reduce exam anxiety and leave students feeling more confident ahead of their GCSEs. Exam techniques include:
- Plan revision
- Complete past papers
- Time management
- Note important formulae
- Read questions carefully
- Identify command words
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Show workings
- Check the number of marks each question is worth
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Join our email list to stay up to date with the latest news, revision lists and resources for GCSE maths 2025. We’re analysing each paper during the course of the 2025 GCSEs in order to identify the key topic areas to focus on for your revision.
GCSE dates 2025
GCSE results 2025 (when published)
GCSE results 2024
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 1 (2024)
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 2 (2024)
Analysis of GCSE Maths Paper 3 (2024)
Summary of ALL GCSE Maths Papers (2024)
During revision sessions
Think like an examiner
As part of the revision technique of completing past papers, it’s good to get students to engage with the examiners’ reports; these provide information on common mistakes and tips for good examination practice. They also comment generally on which topics have been tackled well nationally and which require improvement.
From the Edexcel Chief Examiner’s report for June 2019 (the last whole-cohort exam series before the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic), we have a few good general exam tips:
- Make sure students have the correct equipment;
- Cross out an error rather than writing over it, as this can make it illegible;
- Make sure any calculator workings are also written down on the exam paper;
- In the case of multiple attempts at the same question, cross through any work that students do not want marked – but don’t scribble or rub out!
I like to use examiners’ reports in class by snipping the relevant section for a question that students may have struggled with on a mock exam or homework past paper and displaying this alongside the question and mark scheme. We can then break down the struggle that has occurred and see what the examiner highlights as issues so we know what to work on for similar questions in the future.
Know how to revise
Revising taught concepts may seem obvious to an educator. But not all students know how to revise generally, how to revise for maths or how to revise for GCSEs, specifically.
Help your students understand which concepts they should prioritise during revision sessions and how techniques such as interleaving can be beneficial to long-term memory gains.
Encourage students to create a revision timetable for out-of-school hours. Show them how to create an effective revision timetable or use a revision timetable template to create one together in class.
Think about how marks might be allocated on the mark scheme
Getting students to engage with mark schemes when completing past papers is a good way to show them how marks are allocated, and mark types available. This knowledge can help them gain as many marks as possible in their maths GCSE or GCSE maths resits to reach their desired GCSE grade boundary. A few common ones are in the table below:
M | Method mark for a correct or partial method |
A | Accuracy mark, awarded after a correct method or process |
B | Unconditional accuracy mark (no method needed) |
These are common to most major exam boards.
One mark questions
One-mark questions are marked either right or wrong. Students don’t need to spend a lot of time recording their working out for these problems – these are usually B marks. When revising with Year 11, it can be good to incorporate a regular low-stakes quiz on B-mark topics.
Two mark questions
Questions worth two marks often have one mark for method and one for accuracy (M1 A1 on a mark scheme). It’s worth mentioning to students that this mark is not for ‘the correct answer’, as they sometimes assume from the ‘A’.
Unless the question states to show working, students can achieve both marks with a fully correct answer and no working. However, I usually avoid telling students this fact until just before the exam, or at all, if I can get away with it!
Third Space Learning’s online GCSE revision lessons, GCSE revision mats and GCSE maths worksheets all contain practice questions and exam-style questions that indicate how many exam marks a question would be worth. Our GCSE maths resources are a good way for students to revise a wide range of topics and get familiar with the types of questions that will appear on the exam.
With our one-to-one online GCSE maths tuition, diagnostic testing identifies the gaps in students’ learning and helps tailor the revision programme to focus on the types of questions they struggle with. Students are then able to work through these topics step by step with the support of their tutor, gaining confidence before exam day.
Peer mark using mark schemes
This is another great method of exam preparation to get students to think about how they present their answers and how easy it is for someone else to interpret what they’ve written! Rather than marking a whole paper, I’d choose a couple of harder, long-answer questions, such as problem-solving questions requiring applications of multiple topics. Discuss each step of the mark scheme in depth and ask students to critically mark each other’s work.
Another way of doing this is to prepare a selection of mocked-up answers to the same question, with different levels of response. Students can then decide how to mark these similarly. This removes the degree of personal criticism involved in marking each other’s work.
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Non-calculator vs calculator
Each board has one non-calculator paper and two calculator papers. The nature of some questions and topics mean they are more suited to one or the other; ensuring students are aware of these gives them some focus for last minute revision or revision in between papers.
The table below has some suggestions of topics that are more likely to appear on a particular type of paper. Please note though that any paper can examine any topic. For example, while fraction addition is more likely to appear on the non-calculator paper, it could also appear on the calculator papers as a ‘show that’ question, or in context, or as an assumed skill for more advanced work.
- Simplifying fractions
- Leaving answers in terms of 𝜋
- Calculations i.e. four operations with integers and fractions
- Order of operations
- Estimating calculations
- Solving using quadratic formula
- Circle theorems
- Iteration
- Sine and cosine rule
- Area of triangle using ½ ab sin C
Other topics which don’t require a calculator, e.g. transformations, constructions, sketching and transforming graphs tend to appear slightly more frequently on the two calculator papers, just because there is less room for them on the non-calculator paper!
Use a to help plan and organise revision sessions and topics.
Before the exam
Eat a decent meal
Try to point students towards slow-release carbohydrates and protein rather than chocolate bars and energy drinks to avoid a sugar crash in the exam. Some schools run a breakfast club before GCSE exams to support students with morning exams. Encourage students to bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated during the exam.
Early morning sessions
Some students find it beneficial to attend an early session immediately before a morning exam. I’d avoid the temptation to use this to cram in some last-minute teaching. It’s unlikely to stick in their heads, and might just confuse them and cause additional exam stress.
A better use of this time is to chat through any concerns and calm nerves. If students want to do some final revision, encourage them to look through flashcards to remind themselves of key formulae. Something useful might just stick in their short-term memory.
Do a calculator check
If you’re likely to get most of your class in for a short time before an exam, it can be useful to get them to turn their calculators on and reset them – this avoids students going into exams with their calculators inexplicably set in radians rather than degrees, for example.
At the beginning of the exam
Jot down important formulae
If there are formulae that students are likely to forget or muddle up, get them to write these down on the inside front cover (or anywhere there’s blank space they can find easily); this takes the pressure off when they come across the topic on the paper.
You can give students a mnemonic or rhyme to help them remember key formulae. They can repeat this in their heads and write the formulae down as soon as they’re allowed to start writing. This works well on Foundation with circumference and area of a circle. ‘Cherry Pie’s Delicious (C = πD), Apple Pies aRe too (A = πr2).
Before you start writing
Don’t try and read through the whole paper
Reading the whole paper is good practice for some subjects, particularly those where students have a choice of topics to answer. However, there’s very little gain in scanning through the whole paper in GCSE Maths students must attempt to answer all content.
Some students prefer to look through and find questions on topics they ‘like’ – this might give them a good initial boost, but encourage them to look no further than about halfway (they can use the staples in the middle of the paper as a guide), as harder questions generally appear in the back half of the paper.
Look for command words
A command word tells students how they should answer an exam question.
Here are some useful general ones:
Command words like construct, factorise or reflect indicate to students exactly which knowledge or skill to apply.
When working on past papers with students, it is useful to practise spotting command words in exam questions, getting students to underline or highlight and then discuss what information this gives about the question. For example, ‘evaluate’ means the answer requires a numerical value. If the answer they end up with isn’t numerical, it’s a hint that something is wrong!
Read the question carefully
A good process for tackling wordier questions is as follows:
- Read the question once, all the way through;
- Identify the command word;
- Read the question again and underline any key points or values.
Sometimes, a useful strategy can be to translate some of the ‘wordy bits’ into ‘maths’ while reading. A problem similar to the example below appeared on the 2020 Higher Paper 1 from Edexcel:
Liquid A and liquid B are mixed to make liquid C.
Liquid A has a density of 60kg/m³ and a mass of 1500kg
Liquid B has a density of 300kg/m³ and a volume of 40m³
Work out the density of liquid C.
Writing d=60 and m=1500 may help students to spot the first step of using a rearrangement of the equation d=mv to calculate the volume.
Showing working out and method marks
Show working out for every question
Generally speaking, I find it best to encourage students to write down a representation of their method for every question. Although single-mark questions with B marks have no credit for working, it’s best not to have students second-guess this in the exam. They must show working out for any question worth more than one mark.
Record anything done on a calculator
A common theme on examiners’ reports is that students often don’t record what they’ve entered into their calculator on the exam paper. If there’s a transcription error from the calculator screen, students may not receive any credit for methodology. Generally speaking, transcribe anything entered on a calculator screen onto the paper.
Good timing
Check the number of marks available for each question
Looking at the number of marks available for each exam question is a useful exam technique for students. It helps with exam time management and to gauge the expected level of response.
Questions worth one or two marks are unlikely to need a long or complicated response. If students spend a lot of time on this type of question, they’ve likely made an error or need to re-read the question to check they’re doing the right thing. Questions with three or more marks need a more detailed response. If students have answered a four-mark question in one line, they probably need to check their work again!
Don’t spend too long working on a single question
Encourage students to move on to the next question if they’ve spent a while on a single question and aren’t making progress. They can return to these questions at the end of the paper and try them again.
Aim to leave at least ten minutes at the end to check for avoidable errors
Get students into the habit of performing a quick error check, particularly on single-mark questions that are either right or wrong (usually B marks on the mark scheme), and make sure that they leave enough time for this.
What to do if you finish early
Try and attempt every question
If students have left any questions blank, this is a good time to go back and attempt some form of response, even if this is just writing a relevant formula and substituting some numbers, performing a single relevant calculation in a multi-step problem, or having a guess!
For example, returning to the density problem discussed above:
Liquid A and liquid B are mixed to make liquid C.
Liquid A has a density of 60kg/m³ and a mass of 1500kg
Liquid B has a density of 300kg/m³ and a volume of 40m³
Work out the density of liquid C.
This problem is quite complex and students may struggle to see a clear path to a solution. However, one out of three marks is awarded for a single correct use of the density/mass/volume formula for either liquid. Encourage students to scrape every mark like this that they can.
If the exam paper includes multiple choice questions, make sure they’ve not left any of these blank.
Check work carefully
In my experience, the way most students approach this is with a cursory glance over each question. If this is all they have time for, this is better than nothing. Teach students to use inverse processes to check their work as common practice. For example, when teaching factorising, get students to check their answer by expanding brackets and, crucially, record this checking process.
Re-do the high-mark questions
If students find that they’re sitting there for more than about fifteen minutes, a good tip is to pick some of the 4-5 mark questions and reattempt them from scratch, without looking at their recorded working out. Do this in pencil faintly alongside their original question and cross out any working not intended for marking.
Student FAQs about exam techniques
Look for command words (calculate, show that, evaluate, prove) to indicate what the question requires;
Read each question carefully;
Read the question actively, jot down key information as you go;
Check the number of marks available for each question and use this as a guide for timings;
If you’re struggling with a question – leave it and return to it later on;
Demonstrate your method for all questions, particularly on the calculator papers;
Leave enough time at the end to check for errors or attempt questions you’ve left blank.
Use mark schemes and examiners’ reports to help you ‘think like an examiner’ and work out exactly what the answer requires;
Practise exam papers in timed conditions;
Use information given to you by your teacher to prepare for topics that will be on the exam–revise these thoroughly.
Have a good breakfast–slow release carbs and protein rather than high-sugar!
Have a last-minute check through flashcards if this helps to settle your nerves;
Check your calculator set up is correct–if in doubt, reset it using the manual instructions, or ask a teacher to reset it for you;
Try to remain calm as you go into the exam–you have prepared as much as you can by this point!
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