White Rose Maths Year 6: What Students Learn And The Resources To Support Them

Here we look at the White Rose Maths Year 6 scheme of learning, the topics it covers across the year and provide lots of sample questions and White Rose Maths resources for those following White Rose in Year 6.  

About White Rose Maths 

The White Rose Education Maths scheme of learning follows the national curriculum with a mastery approach to maths with a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving elements. They also encourage concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to develop deep understanding of mathematical concepts. 

Read more: White Rose Maths

It is thought that approximately 70% of schools in the UK follow the White Rose Maths scheme and this is reflected in the thousands of young mathematicians Third Space Learning tutors every week. Our tutors are highly skilled maths and pedagogy experts, well trained in the language, representations and approach used by White Rose. They are therefore able to deliver a one to one lesson that feels familiar to students who are also used to White Rose. 

Throughout this article you’ll see example maths lesson slides and example questions from Third Space Learning’s Year 6 maths curriculum that exemplify best practice teaching to the White Rose Maths Year 6 scheme. 

Download Free Resources

Year 6 White Rose Place Value Lesson

Download these free Year 6 White Rose resources to teach your class place value. You will need to register or login to the Maths Hub but it’s totally free!

Download Free Now!

About the Year 6 White Rose maths resources provided

In this article we’ve included lots of links to Year 6 White Rose Maths  resources that are suitable for use for each topic. All of these links will take you to the Third Space Learning Maths Hub. Many of the resources are free to download once you’ve registered (also free); others are accessible with a premium subscription. 

You’ll also be able to review our entire range of maths resources for Year 6 while you’re there, most of which are aligned to White Rose Maths. Keep reading to find out more about these resources and the Year 6 White Rose Maths scheme.

About the White Rose Maths Year 6 Scheme of Learning

The primary school White Rose Maths scheme of learning has gone through several iterations and versions up to the current version 3. The scheme of learning SOL is designed as guidance and it is not necessarily intended for each small step to take one lesson. As with all teaching, it is important that teachers adapt this SOL for their class/ pupils. 

Topics covered in Year 6 White Rose Maths scheme of learning work

The White Rose Maths Year 6 SOL outlines which topics are taught, and when, throughout the autumn, spring and summer terms of Year 6. 

The breakdown for Version 3 of the scheme of learning is as follows 

Year 6 autumn term

  • Place value
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Fractions A
  • Fractions B
  • Converting units of measurement

Year 6 spring term

  • Ratio
  • Algebra
  • Decimals
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Area, perimeter and volume
  • Statistics

Year 6 summer term

  • Shape
  • Position and direction
  • Themed projects, consolidation and problem solving
Version 3 of the White Rose Year 6 SOL
Version 3 of the White Rose Year 6 SOL

​​Third Space Learning has created several collections of White Rose Maths aligned resources for all primary year groups from Year 1 through to Year 6. These resources can provide a different perspective on a topic and so help pupils spend the time needed to fully embed a concept.

Here is a summary of the different collections available for schools following Year 6 White Rose Maths, many of them are free resources and some are premium resources, all can be downloaded from our Maths Hub. Links to the topic specific versions are provided within each termly breakdown below:

Ready to go lesson slides

These ready-to-go lesson slides come in the form of editable PowerPoints with related worksheets that are designed for everyday teaching. The lesson slides cover both version 2 of the White Rose scheme of learning (in blue) and version 3 of the SOL. They also include support slides that can be used to support pupils who need a little extra pre/ post teaching to support their understanding.

Ready-To-Go Lessons Year 6

Code Crackers 

Our Code Crackers resources are aligned to the version 3 SOL. These are summative resources designed as a retrieval activity for the end of the place value block.

Maths Code Crackers Year 6

Pre and Post Diagnostic Assessments 

These assessments can be used before starting a block of learning to assess gaps, and after teaching a block of learning to identify progress. 

Diagnostic Assessments Year 6

Worked Examples

Pupils check over completed questions to identify errors (or identify correct answers). Pupils are encouraged to explain the errors they find, not just ‘mark’ work. These worked examples help to solidify understanding by getting the children to discuss errors and how to avoid them. 

Worked Examples Year 6

Rapid Reasoning 

These reasoning problems go alongside our Fluent in Five resource. Each day focuses on a specific small step with 3 questions that progress in difficulty.

Rapid Reasoning Year 6

Word Problems

Test your class’ problem solving skills with these word problems worksheets.

Word Problems Year 6

Extension Questions

These topic based questions can be used to help pupils deepen their understanding by challenging them to think differently about a given topic.

Extension Questions Year 6

White Rose Maths Year 6 autumn term

In the autumn block, Year 6 focuses on place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication & division; fractions and converting units of measurement.

Place Value Year 6

As with all year groups, place value is the first block to be covered in the Autumn term. By Year 6, this is only a short unit of work; reading and writing numbers to 10,000,000 and exploring powers of 10.

number line slide
Pupils explore numbers up to 10,000,000 on a number line, including
estimating using a number line. 
negative numbers in context question slide
Pupils look at negative numbers in context in Year 6 place value. 

Example Year 6 place value questions

1. Write the following number in digits: twenty seven million, three hundred and forty eight thousand, five hundred and 6.

Answer: 27,348,506

2. Identify the value of each underlined digit

a) 73,640,328

b) 25,604,713

c) 17,394,801


a) 3 million

b) 600,000

c) 90,000

White Rose Maths Year 6 place value resources (FREE)

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Year 6

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is the largest block of Year 6. Unlike the other year groups, the four operations are all covered in one block, rather than being separated into two blocks. By this stage, pupils are expected to be confident using formal written methods for addition and subtraction. Focus is on securing confidence with long multiplication and division, and applying this knowledge to solving more complex multi-step problems. Children also build on their understanding of factors, multiples, prime, square and cube numbers.

multiplication method slide
In Year 6, pupils learn long division. They can explore different methods to solve
division problems with long division. 
multiplication in order of operations
Pupils explore the order of operations in Year 6. 

Example Year 6 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions

1. 196,877 ÷ 37 = 

Answer: 5,321

2. Which number is a factor of 24, but not a multiple of 8?

a) 8

b) 7

c) 10

d) 12

Answer: d) 12

White Rose Maths Year 6 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division resources (PREMIUM)

Fractions Year 6

Fractions in Year 6, are also split into two blocks, with both Block A and Block B being covered in the Autumn term. 

Fractions A in Year 6

Pupils continue to develop their understanding of equivalent fractions in Year 6; utilising this knowledge to be able to compare and order fractions, and add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators.

fraction addition and subtraction question slide
Pupils start to use the lowest common multiple to add and subtract
fractions with different denominators. 
fractions question slide
Learners apply their understanding of fractions to solving multi-step fractions problems. 

Example Year 6 fractions A questions

1. Order the following fractions from largest to smallest

\frac{1}{2}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{9}{12}, \frac{5}{6}

Answer: \frac{5}{6}, \frac{9}{12}, \frac{2}{3}, \frac{1}{2}

2. 4\frac{3}{4} + 5\frac{4}{12}

Answer: 10\frac{1}{12}

White Rose Maths Year 6 fractions resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 fractions resources (PREMIUM)

Fractions B Year 6

In this second fractions block of Year 6, pupils build on the concepts introduced in Year 5; including multiplying and dividing fractions. They also continue to focus on calculating fractions of an amount

fraction multiplication
Pupils are encouraged to explore multiplying two fractions using paper to help them
understand how they get the answer. 
fractions bar model division
When pupils learn how to divide a fraction by an integer,
they are encouraged to represent the problem
pictorially to help understand how the answer is found.

Example Year 6 fractions B questions

1. 2\frac{1}{2} × 3\frac{1}{4} =

Answer: 6\frac{1}{8}

2. What is \frac{7}{8} of 336

Answer: 294

Converting Units Year 6

Converting units is a short topic at the end of the autumn term. In this block, pupils build on their understanding of converting metric measures and are introduced to converting between metric and imperial measures (For example, between miles and kilometres).

converting units of weight
Pupils apply their understanding of multiplying by 10, 100 and
1000 to converting between metric units of measure. 
converting units of measure question slide
Pupils explore imperial measures in Year 6. 

Example Year 6 converting units questions

1. Write 7,532m as km

Answer: 7.532km

2. If 1 mile = 1.6km, how far in kilometres is 8 miles?

Answer: 12.8 miles

White Rose Maths Year 6 converting units resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 converting units resources (PREMIUM)

White Rose Maths Year 6 spring term

In the spring term term, Year 6 focuses on ratio; algebra; fractions, decimals & percentages; area, perimeter & volume and statistics

Ratio Year 6

Pupils are introduced to ratio for the first time in Year 6. In this block pupils learn to use ratio language and the symbol. They also look at the connection between ratio and fractions and scale drawings.

ratio question
Pupils are introduced to ratio in Year 6. They explore the
language of ratio and use images to describe ratios.
ratio recipe question
Once pupils are familiar with ratio and proportion they explore problems,
including problems involving recipes. 

Example Year 6 ratio questions

1. Gemma is making a necklace. The ratio of purple beads to blue beads she uses is 3:1. If she uses 5 blue beads, how many purple beads does she use?

Answer: 15 purple beads

2. The ratio of counters was 4:1 (red:yellow). If there were 20 counters altogether. How many red and yellow counters were there?

Answer: 16 red and 4 yellow

White Rose Maths Year 6 ratio resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 ratio resources (PREMIUM)

Algebra Year 6

Year 6 is the first time pupils are introduced to algebra. Students begin the block investigating 1-step and 2-step function machines, followed by forming expressions, formulae and equations. This progresses to solving 1-step, then 2-step equations. 

functions year 6
Once pupils are familiar with function machines, they use function machines
to write an expression. This is expressed using concrete resources or
pictorial representations before moving on to abstract concepts. 
year 6 algebra questions
Pupils use concrete or pictorial representations to solve 1-step and 2-step equations. 

Example Year 6 algebra questions

1. An x was input into the following function machine. What would be the output expression?

Answer: 2x + 4

2. Solve the following equation: 2x + 2 = 12

Answer: x = 5

White Rose Maths Year 6 algebra resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 algebra resources (PREMIUM)

Decimals Year 6

In Year 6, pupils focus on decimals in two blocks. Firstly as an independent unit, followed by a unit covering fractions, decimals and percentages. In this first block, understanding of place value within a decimal number is reinforced, followed by rounding and adding & subtracting decimals and finally building on knowledge from Year 5 to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.

decimals on a number line
Pupils look at rounding decimals to the nearest whole or the nearest tenth.
They are encouraged to use number lines to help understand how to round the numbers. 
decimals with counters
Pupils use concrete resources to help them understand how to divide decimals by an integer. 

Example Year 6 decimals questions

1. Round 3.765 to 2 decimal places

Answer: 3.77

2. Divide 32.7 by 10, 100 and 100


32.7 ÷ 10 = 3.27

32.74 ÷ 100 =0.327

32.74 ÷ 1000 =0.0327

White Rose Maths Year 6 decimals resources (PREMIUM)

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Year 6

In this block, pupils build upon the concepts learnt in Year 5; exploring and using equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages. At this stage, students are also introduced to the concept of calculating a percentage of an amount. Initially children are introduced to one-step problems, such as finding 10% of an amount. They then progress to solving multi-step problems, such as calculating 37% of an amount.

decimals question
Pupils look at how to convert fractions to decimals using
different methods, such as using short division. 
year 6 percentages question slide
Pupils should understand what a percentage is by Year 6. They can then go on to find percentages
of amounts (both in multiples of 10 and multiples of 5). 

Example Year 6 fractions, decimals and percentages questions

1. Write \frac{7}{25} as a decimal and a percentage

Answer: \frac{28}{100} = 0.28 = 28%

2. Use the < > or = symbol for each question below:

\frac{4}{10}   ______  45%

\frac{3}{4} ________ 70%

\frac{6}{20} ______  60%


\frac{4}{10}   < 45%

\frac{3}{4}  > 70%

\frac{6}{20} <  60%

White Rose Maths Year 6 fractions, decimals and percentages resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 fractions, decimals and percentages resources (PREMIUM)

Area, Perimeter and Volume Year 6

In Year 6, pupils explore how to calculate the area of different shapes; including triangles and parallelograms. They also build on their knowledge of volume from Year 5; calculating, estimating and comparing volume of cubes and cuboids, using standard units, including cubic centimetres and cubic metres.

area of triangles question slide
area of parallelograms

Example Year 6 area, perimeter and volume questions

1. Calculate the volume of the cuboid below


Answer: 72cm ^{3}

2. Draw 2 different cuboids with a volume of 60cm ^{3}

Answer: 2 x 5 x 6 and 3 x 4 x 5

White Rose Maths Year 6 area, perimeter and volume resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 area, perimeter and volume resources (PREMIUM)

Statistics Year 6

In Year 6, pupils continue to focus on drawing and interpreting line graphs. They are also introduced to pie charts for the first time, learning how to interpret and construct them. Children also learn how to calculate and interpret the mean as an average.

Read more: Mean median mode

Example Year 6 statistics questions

1. A man walks up a hill. It takes him 15 minutes to reach 800m. He then stops for 10 minutes before walking back down. It takes him 10 minutes to reach the bottom of the hill. Plot the graph to show what happens.

blank grid


graph answer

White Rose Maths Year 6 statistics resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 statistics resources (PREMIUM)

White Rose Maths Year 6 summer term

In the summer term, Year 6 focuses on shape; position & direction, followed by themed projects, consolidation and problem solving.

Shape Year 6

Pupils build on their understanding of shape and properties of shape; drawing 2D shapes, using given dimensions. Children also learn to recognise, describe and build simple 3D shapes, including making nets. In Year 6, there is a significant focus on angles, with pupils learning how to calculate a range of angles, including: vertically opposite angles; angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons.

Example Year 6 shape questions

1. Calculate the size of angle a below:

angles question

Answer: Angle a = 180°

2. A triangle has the angles: 45° and 65°. Calculate what the 3rd angle will be:

Answer: 70°

White Rose Maths Year 6 shape resources (FREE)

White Rose Maths Year 6 shape resources (PREMIUM)

Position and Direction Year 6

In Year 4 and 5, pupils learn to plot coordinates in the first quadrant. In Year 6, pupils progress to reading and plotting points in all four quadrants and solving problems with coordinates. Students also draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes.

Example Year 6 position and direction questions

1. On the grid below, plot the following coordinates. What shape do they make?

(4,3) (-2,3) (-2, -2) (3,-2)

blank graph


graph with answer plotted

They make a square

White Rose Maths Year 6 position and direction resources (PREMIUM)

Looking for more maths resources and guidance?

Third Space Learning Upsell Section


Every week Third Space Learning’s specialist online maths tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1 to 1 maths lessons designed to plug gaps and boost progress.


Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.


Learn how the programmes are aligned to maths mastery teaching or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.


FREE Ready-to-go Lessons for Summer (Years 1 to 6)

Use these Ready-to-go PowerPoints and worksheets to teach your Year 1 to Year 6 children block one of summer following the White Rose scheme of learning.

The PowerPoints are fully editable to allow you to adapt the learning to your class and are designed to be SEND friendly with an off-white background and dyslexia friendly font.

Download free