A more accessible and scalable way to provide personalised maths support for every pupil who needs it
Tutoring from our community of maths tutors is 56% cheaper than the average cost of one to one tutoring
Choose Skye, our new voice-based AI maths tutor, for an even lower-cost option
Helps your Pupil Premium funding reach more pupils
Includes headsets, diagnostic assessments and regular reports
Discounts available for long-term bookings and MATs
“The sessions are excellent and the structure and pace means the children progress well. Most importantly, they love them. In times of budget cuts and uncertainty, it’s something which we have no problem funding again each year.”
Robin Morell, Assistant Headteacher
The Cathedral of St Saviour & St Mary Overie, Southwark
Trusted by 4,000+ school leaders across the UK to provide cost-effective one to one maths tutoring for the pupils who need it most:
Proven to accelerate maths progress
Personalised one to one support with no impact on staff workload
Gives staff back more time to focus on whole class teaching and other intervention groups
Access to maths specialist tutors without the need to recruit or train internally