3rd Grade Math Curriculum Toolkit: Guidance, Tips And Resources For Elementary School Teachers
Teaching the 3rd grade math curriculum is exciting and challenging. At this stage, students move beyond the basics and start to tackle more complex math skills.
In 3rd grade, students deepen their multiplication and division facts, tackle division word problems, learn about fractions, understand place value for multi-digit arithmetic, and explore geometric concepts like area, and perimeter of polygons.
This blog provides problem-solving strategies, hands-on enrichment activities to incorporate into your lesson plans, solutions to common misconceptions, and handy resources designed for the third grade math curriculum.
3rd grade math curriculum overview
The 3rd grade math curriculum is designed to build upon the foundational skills students have developed in earlier grades while introducing more advanced concepts and problem-solving techniques.
Here is a summary of the key domains for the 3rd grade math curriculum, aligned with Common Core State Standards.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (3.OA)
- Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
- Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
- Multiply and divide within 100.
- Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.
Number and Operations in Base Ten (3.NBT)
- Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Number and Operations—Fractions (3.NF)
- Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.
Measurement and Data (3.MD)
- Solve problems involving measurement and estimation math for intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
- Represent and interpret data.
- Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.
- Recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.
Geometry (3.G)
- Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Math Enrichment Activities Place Value 3rd Grade
Math enrichment activities to help your 3rd grade students deepen their understanding of place value.
Download Free Now!Understanding the third grade math curriculum in greater depth
The 3rd grade math curriculum, aligned with the Common Core State Standards, focuses on four main areas:
- Multiplication and division: students develop a solid understanding of multiplication and division, using arrays and area models to explore these operations.
- Fractions: starting with unit fractions, students use visual fraction models to grasp the concept of parts of a whole. They learn to compare fractions and work with equivalent fractions.
- Measurement: Third grade learners study the area and learn to measure it using unit squares and connect this to multiplication.
- Geometry: students describe and analyze 2D shapes, learning to classify two-dimensional by their sides and angles. As they progress, they link their understanding of fractions to geometry and represent parts of shapes as fractions of the whole.
Challenges of third grade math
The challenges of 3rd grade math go beyond teaching fundamental concepts. Educators must introduce new mathematical ideas and address the misconceptions learners will likely encounter.
Here are the third grade math topics in more detail, the most common misconceptions, and how you can support learners to overcome them.
All references are to Common Core, but the guidance, recommendations and resources can apply to your state standards.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking (3.OA)
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division
Interpreting products of whole numbers: Learn that a multiplication product represents the total number of objects when arranging items into groups.
- Common mistakes: Confusing the number of groups with the number of objects per group.
For example, interpreting 4 x 8 as 8 groups of 4 objects each instead of 4 groups of 8 objects each.
- How to correct this: Use visual aids to show there are 4 groups, with 8 objects in each. For example, draw 4 circles to represent the groups and place 8 counters inside each circle.
Interpreting whole-number quotients of whole numbers: Understand that a quotient represents:
- how many items are in each group
- how many groups are formed when dividing a total into equal parts
- Common mistakes: Viewing division as subtracting the divisor repeatedly, rather than finding out how many groups can be made.
For example, in 20 ÷ 4, students might subtract 4 from 20 until reaching 0, rather than find out how many groups of 4 fit into 20.
- How to correct this: Use concrete examples like sharing objects among groups.
Using multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems: Interpret and solve problems using the correct operations. Explore and apply properties of multiplication to simplify calculations.
- Common mistakes: Misinterpreting the problem and choosing the wrong operation.
- How to correct this: Encourage learners to identify keywords that indicate whether to multiply or divide and to use visual aids like arrays to set up the problem.
Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
Applying properties of operations strategies: Use the commutative properties, distributive properties and associative properties as strategies to solve multiplication and division problems, simplify calculations, and understand the relationships between numbers.
- Common mistakes: Mistakenly using properties like commutative property for division, such as thinking 6 ÷ 24 is the same as 24 ÷ 6.
- How to correct this: Explain that properties like commutative and associative do not apply to division and use visual aids to show how division splits a total into equal parts.
Understanding division as an unknown-factor problem: Understand division as finding how many times a factor fits into another number.
- Common mistakes: Thinking division is only about subtracting or misunderstanding the concept of finding how many groups fit into a total.
For example, in 20 ÷ 4, learners might not realize they need to find how many 4s fit into 20.
- How to correct this: Show division as finding how many times one number fits into another using visual aids like grouping objects.
Multiply and divide within 100
Fluently multiplying and dividing within 100: Multiply and divide within 100, using strategies like understanding the relationship between multiplication and division.
- Common mistakes: Struggling with the relationship between multiplication and division and misinterpreting the inverse relationship.
For instance, they may not understand that if 6 × 4 = 24, then 24 ÷ 6 = 4.
- How to correct this: Reinforce the connection between multiplication and division with fact families.
For example, show that if 6 x 4 = 24 then 24 ÷ 6 must equal 4 and use visual aids to build fluency and understanding.
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic
Solving two-step word problems: Solve two-step word problems using the four operations, perform calculations in the right order, and explain reasoning.
- Common mistakes: When encountering two-step problems, students may forget the second step.
- How to correct this: Teach students to follow each step carefully and use worked examples to reinforce the correct sequence of operations.
Identifying arithmetic patterns: Identify and explain patterns in arithmetic, such as those found in addition and multiplication tables.
- Common mistakes: Struggling to see patterns, such as multiplying a number by 2 results in an even number.
- How to correct this: Use number lines or arrays to visually demonstrate patterns (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8…) and explain that these result from the commutative and distributive properties.
Number and Operations in Base 10 (3.OA)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
Using place value understanding to round numbers: Use place value to perform addition and subtraction with multi-digit numbers and learn to round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
- Common mistakes: Misapplying rounding rules.
- How to correct this: Teach rounding using number lines and place value charts to reinforce the concept.
Ensure students know which digit to identify when rounding. For example, to round 123 to the nearest 10, they would look at the number to the right of the tens column, which is 3.
So, 123 rounded to the nearest 123 is 120.
Adding and subtract within 1000: Add and subtract within 1000 using strategies based on:
- place value
- properties of operations
- relationship between addition and subtraction.
- Common mistakes: Misaligning digits when adding or subtracting which leads to incorrect sums or differences.
- How to correct this: Emphasize lining up numbers by their place value; ones under ones, and so on.
Multiplying one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to multiply one-digit numbers by multiples of 10.
- Common mistakes: Ignoring place value when multiplying.
For example, calculating 3 x 40 as 3 x 4 = 12.
- How to correct this: Emphasize the concept of place value by showing that 40 is 4 tens, so 3 x 40 is 3 x 4 = 12 and 12 x 10 = 120.
Number and Operations – Fractions (3.OA)
Develop understanding of fractions as numbers
Understanding a fraction \frac{1}{b} and a fraction \frac{a}{b}:
Students learn that:
- A fraction like \frac{1}{b} represents one part of a whole divided into b equal parts.
- A fraction like \frac{a}{b} represents the quantity formed by a parts of size \frac{1}{b}.
- Common mistakes in placing fractions on a number line: Thinking \frac{1}{b} means just one part of size b rather than one part when the whole is divided into b equal parts.
For instance, misinterpreting \frac{1}{4} as one part of a total of 4, rather than one out of 4 equal parts of the whole.
- How to correct this: Illustrate fractions with visual models like pie charts or bar diagrams to show how the whole is divided into equal parts.
Understanding a fraction: Practice representing fractions on a number line diagram.
- Common mistakes: Placing fractions on a number line incorrectly. For example, placing \frac{1}{2} between 0 and \frac{1}{4}.
- How to correct this: Use fraction strips or number lines to help students visualize and place fractions correctly.
Explaining equivalence of fractions: Explain why certain fractions are equivalent and compare them by understanding their sizes.
Use visual models, such as fraction bar models, to show equivalence and compare fractions with different numerators and denominators.
- Common mistakes: Assuming that fractions with the same numerator or denominator are always equivalent.
For example, thinking that \frac{3}{4} is the same as \frac{3}{5} because they have the same numerator.
- How to correct this: Use diagrams of pizza and divide them by the denominator. Then shade the number of parts the numerator represents. Can students see the difference in the size of the parts of the whole?
Measurement and Data (3.MD)
Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
Telling and writing time: Telling time to the nearest minute and measuring time intervals in minutes.
- Common mistakes: Confusing the hour and minute hands or misinterpreting where the minute hand points.
- How to correct this: Use clock models to emphasize the difference between hour and minute hands.
Measuring and estimating liquid volumes and masses of objects: Solve one-step measurement word problems using the four operations, and visual aids, such as drawings.
- Common mistakes: Mixing up units when adding or subtracting, and forgetting to include units in final answers.
- How to correct this: Teach students to convert all measurements to the same unit before performing operations, and reinforce the importance of including units of measurement in all answers.
Represent and interpret data
Scaled picture graphs and scaled bar graphs: Draw and interpret scaled picture and bar graphs to represent data with multiple categories.
- Common mistakes: Misinterpreting the scale on a graph. For example, if a picture graph shows each picture represents 2 items but the student uses 1 item, their data will be incorrect.
- How to correct this: Reinforce the scale of the graph with visual aids and practice problems, and ensure students understand how to read the scale and count accordingly.
Generating measurement data by measuring lengths: Measure lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch and represent this data on a line plot.
- Common mistakes: Misreading the ruler when identifying halves and fourths of an inch.
- How to correct this: Use visual aids to show students how to read a ruler, and emphasize how to identify halves and fourths of an inch with hands-on practice.
3rd grade Third Space Learning lesson on measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and addition.
Measuring area: Measure area by counting unit squares and relate this to multiplication and addition.
- Common mistakes: Counting the perimeter instead of the area, confusing the shape boundary with the space inside.
For example, counting the number of squares along the edge of a rectangle to find the area.
- How to correct this: Emphasize area is the entire surface inside the shape.
Use grid paper and have students count all the squares within the shape to find the area, practicing with various shapes.
Relating area to the operations of multiplication and addition: Relate area to the multiplication of side lengths.
- Common mistakes: Miscounting the number of squares in one row or column and multiplying.
- How to correct this: Have students check off each square in the row or column before multiplying.
Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures
Solving mathematical and real-world problems involving perimeters of polygons: Add up the side lengths to find the perimeter of polygons.
- Common mistakes: Adding a few sides instead of all sides.
- How to correct this: Emphasize that perimeter is the total distance around a shape. Use visual aids to show each side being added up, and practice with different shapes to reinforce adding all sides.
Geometry (3.MD)
Reason with shapes and their attributes
Understanding shapes: Categorize shapes by their attributes, such as sides and angles. Understand that different shapes may share common attributes and use these to classify shapes into broader categories, like recognizing that the following shapes are all quadrilaterals:
- Common mistakes: Confusing shape categories. For example, incorrectly categorizing a square as just a rectangle without recognizing it also fits the definition of a square.
- How to correct this: Teach that a square is a specific type of rectangle and a rhombus.
Elicit that while all squares are rectangles (and rhombuses), not all rectangles (or rhombuses) are squares. Use visual aids to show the attributes of each shape.
Partitioning shapes into parts with equal areas: Understand that when partitioning a shape into equal parts, each part has the same area.
- Common mistakes in partitioning: Dividing a shape into unequal parts, leading to inaccurate fraction representation. For example, dividing a rectangle into 3 unequal pieces and stating each piece is 1/3 of the area.
- How to Correct This: Use grid paper or shape manipulatives to help students partition shapes into equal areas. Reinforce that each fraction part must be the same size.
Teaching Problem-Solving in 3rd Grade Math
Problem solving and reasoning are essential math skills, particularly in 3rd grade when students face more complex problems and apply their foundational skills.
Encouraging problem-solving is crucial because it helps students understand how to:
- Approach challenges methodically
- Analyze mathematical reasoning thoughtfully
- Become confident mathematicians
Use these tips for teaching problem-solving and the 8 mathematical practices laid out in the Common Core State Standards effectively:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
Encourage students to understand the problem, break it into smaller parts, and reconsider their approach if they encounter difficulties.
- Model problem analysis: Demonstrate how to break down problems into smaller steps and identify key information. Use think-alouds to show how to approach problems methodically.
- Encourage reflection: After solving a problem, ask students to review their process, as well as explain their thinking.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Help students use math manipulatives and visual aids to transition from hands-on activities to more abstract reasoning.
As they gain confidence, guide them to represent and manipulate numbers symbolically and make connections between different forms of representation.
- Use visual aids and manipulatives: Begin with concrete tools like base ten blocks and number lines to illustrate addition and subtraction.
Gradually introduce symbolic representations to show how these tools translate into abstract calculations.
- Encourage symbolic representation: Once comfortable with concrete models, ask students to represent problems with symbols and equations.
Encourage them to translate real-world scenarios into mathematical expressions and understand how these symbols relate to their earlier hands-on experiences.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
Encourage students to communicate their reasoning clearly and promote peer discussions where they have to explain their thought process and evaluate their peers’ reasoning using appropriate math vocabulary.
- Facilitate “math talk”: Create opportunities for students to present their solutions and reasoning to the class.
- Promote peer review: Encourage students to ask questions about their classmates’ solutions and provide constructive feedback.
- Model with mathematics
Demonstrate how math is used in everyday situations and other subjects and use math examples in real life to connect it to real-world contexts to make the concepts more relatable.
- Incorporate math in other subjects: Link math with subjects like science.
For instance, use measurement data from a science experiment to create simple graphs in a math lesson.
- Use everyday scenarios: Create problems based on real life math, like measuring ingredients for a recipe to help students see the practical uses of math concepts.
4. Use appropriate tools strategically
Teach students how to choose and use math tools effectively.
- Practice with tools: Set up activities where students use tools like rulers, number lines, and base-ten blocks for various tasks.
- Guide tool use: Demonstrate how to use tools for specific math activities.
For example, show how to use a number line for addition and subtraction or base-ten blocks to understand place value.
5. Attend to precision
Encourage students to check their work and make sure their answers make sense.
- Review work carefully: Teach them to go back and review their calculations to ensure they are correct and that they have provided precise answers.
- Emphasize exactness: Use activities that require careful measurement and calculation, such as measuring objects, to reinforce the importance of precision.
6. Look for and make use of structure
Show them how identifying patterns, relationships and structures can help solve problems more effectively.
- Explore patterns: Use visual aids like arrays to help them see and understand patterns in numbers.
- Find number relationships: Engage them in activities that involve identifying patterns, such as noticing how multiplication tables work or how numbers relate to each other.
7. Express regularity in repeated reasoning
Encourage them to notice and apply patterns in their problem-solving. Help them understand how recognizing regularities can simplify their work and make problem-solving more efficient.
- Identify patterns in work: Guide them to observe and use patterns in their calculations, such as repeated addition in multiplication, so they apply consistent strategies to similar problems.
- Apply repeated strategies: Teach them to use identified patterns or regularities to solve problems more easily.
Enrichment activities for 3rd grade math
Third-grade math educators can use enrichment activities to engage and challenge young learners.
Here are some enrichment activities designed to deepen understanding and spark enthusiasm in your 3rd graders:
Operations and algebraic thinking
Multiplication relay race
- Set up stations around the classroom, each with a different multiplication problem written on a paper and get students work in teams to solve multiplication problems.
- In each round, one student per team races to a station, solves the problem, and then races back to tag the next teammate.
- The next one runs to a different station, and so on.
Combining problem-solving and physical activity helps students practice multiplication facts in a lively and interactive setting.
Number and operations in base 10
Place Value Peer Review
Place value peer review is a good way to ensure collaboration:
- Provide each student with a small whiteboard labeled with a number.
- Students write the number in expanded form and identify the value of each digit.
- They then exchange their whiteboards with a classmate and compare answers.
Rolling Tens – Addition and Subtraction within 1000
This repetitive activity helps to solidify understanding of multi-digit operations:
- Use dice to generate numbers for addition and subtraction problems.
- Students roll the dice, write down the numbers, and then solve the problems using place value strategies.
Number and operations – fractions
Fraction Fun Fair
This setting makes the abstract concept of fractions more concrete:
- Set up a mock fair with different booths, each comparing fractions.
- Students move from booth to booth solving fraction comparison problems using visual aids like fraction bars and number lines.
Measurement and data
Time Treasure Hunt – Telling Time
Get your students moving to reinforce understanding of time in a fun way:
- Create a classroom scavenger hunt where students find and solve time-related clues hidden around the room.
- Each clue focuses on reading clocks and calculating elapsed time.
Weight Watch – Estimation and Measurement
This hands-on experience teaches how to estimate and measure weight properly:
- Provide objects of different weights and a scale.
- Students estimate the weight of each object, then measure it and record their estimations and actual measurements.
Graphing Nature – Represent and Interpret Data
Using real-world applications helps understand how to represent and interpret data effectively:
- Take students outside to collect data on natural items like leaves and rocks.
- Back in the classroom, they graph their findings using a bar graph.
Shape Detectives – Identifying Attributes of Shapes
This detective-themed activity makes geometry explorative and fun:
- Provide students with a “mystery shape” bag containing various geometric shapes.
- They must identify and list the attributes of each shape and guess the mystery shape based on their observations.
Pattern Block Designs – Partitioning Shapes
Creative activities like this help to solidify understanding of partitioning shapes and using fractions:
- Give students pattern blocks to create complex designs.
- They must partition their designs into equal parts and express each part as a fraction of the whole.
Why we love teaching the 3rd grade math curriculum
Teaching third grade math is rewarding. Students start to grow in independence and begin to make mathematical connections.
They’re enthusiastic about new concepts and need hands-on math activities to solidify their understanding. They can work collaboratively and benefit from group activities that allow them to verbalize their thought processes.
As a third grade math educator, making math lessons interactive and enjoyable, embracing students’ energy, and channeling their curiosity are key to building academic success.
How Third Space Learning helps students with the 3rd Grade math curriculum
In your 3rd grade class, you likely have students at different stages of math development, working at various grade levels, with some needing more targeted support.
Third Space Learning offers evidence-based high-dosage tutoring for math that is personalized, one-on-one and designed to help 3rd grade students at different stages in their math progress.
Third Space Learning math tutoring for 3rd grade
Third Space Learning offers one-to-one 3rd grade math tutoring that accelerates learning without adding to staff workload.
We offer tutoring programs designed by former teachers and pedagogy experts for all state standards and Common Core. This ensures the content covered in tutoring sessions will have a direct impact on student progress in the classroom and assessment outcomes.
STEM-specialist tutors help struggling students close gaps in their math understanding. Tutors adapt instruction and math lesson content in real-time according to the student’s needs. The result is more confident students with a better conceptual understanding of key ideas and skills needed for success with the 3rd grade math curriculum.
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