
Here we will learn about a rhombus, including what it is and how to identify it.

Students will first learn about a rhombus as part of geometry in 4 th grade.

What is a rhombus?

A rhombus is a geometric shape with the following properties:

  • Four congruent sides
  • Four vertices
  • Two pairs of opposite parallel sides
  • Two pairs of congruent opposite angles

For example,

Rhombus image 1 US

Let’s look at each of the properties of a rhombus.

  • Four congruent sides:

Since a rhombus is a type of quadrilateral, it has four sides. All the sides are equal lengths (congruent). This can be shown with a tick mark on each side or with given measurements. Since all the sides of a rhombus are equal, it is an equilateral quadrilateral.

Rhombus congruent sides

  • Four vertices:

The sides of a rhombus come together at points called vertices. Since there are four sides, there are four vertices.

Rhombus sides - vertices

  • Two pairs of opposite parallel sides:

Since a rhombus is a type of parallelogram, the opposite sides will be the same distance apart and never intersect.

Rhombus parallel sides

  • Two pairs of congruent opposite angles:

Since the pairs of opposite sides are parallel, the opposite angles formed are congruent. The curved lines within the angles are used to show equivalence.

Rhombus angles

Since a four sided polygon will always have four vertices, these properties can be combined under the property of four equal sides when classifying.

Since the two pairs of opposite parallel sides create two congruent opposite angles, these properties can be combined under the property of two pairs of opposite parallel sides when classifying.

Finally, a square is a special type of rhombus. The square shape fits all the properties of a rhombus.

A Square is a Rhombus

Note on vocabulary: More than one rhombus can be called ‘rhombuses’ or ‘rhombi.’

What is a rhombus?

What is a rhombus?

Common Core State Standards

How does this relate to 3 rd grade math to 6 th grade math?

  • Grade 3 – Measurement and Data (3.MD.8)
    Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas, or with the same area and different perimeters.

  • Grade 4 – Geometry (4.G.A.2)
    Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.

  • Grade 5 – Geometry (5.G.B.3)
    Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.

  • Grade 5 – Geometry (5.G.B.4)
    Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

  • Grade 6 – Geometry (6.G.1)
    Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

How to identify a rhombus

In order to identify a rhombus:

  1. Look for a shape with four equal sides.
  2. Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

Use this worksheet to check your grade 3 and 4 students’ understanding of rhombus. 15 questions with answers to identify areas of strength and support!

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

[FREE] Rhombus Worksheet (Grade 3 And 4)

Use this worksheet to check your grade 3 and 4 students’ understanding of rhombus. 15 questions with answers to identify areas of strength and support!


Rhombus examples

Example 1: identifying a shape

Is the shape a rhombus?

Rhombus image 7 US

  1. Look for a shape with four equal sides.

The shape has four equal sides.

Rhombus image 8 US

2Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

The opposite sides are the same distance apart and will never intersect.

Rhombus image 9 US

The shape is a rhombus.

Example 2: identifying a shape

Is the shape a rhombus?

Rhombus image 10 US

Look for a shape with four equal sides.

Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

Example 3: identifying a shape

Is the shape a rhombus?

Rhombus image 13 US

Look for a shape with four equal sides.

Example 4: identifying a shape

The sides of a polygon are 7 \, cm, 7 \, cm, 7 \, cm, and 7 \, cm , and the opposite sides are parallel. Is the shape a rhombus?

Look for a shape with four equal sides.

Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

Example 5: finding rhombuses in geometric shapes

How many rhombuses are formed by the geometric shape?

Rhombus image 15 US

Look for a shape with four equal sides.

Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

Example 6: finding rhombuses in the real world

How many rhombuses are in the image below?

Rhombus image 18 US

Look for a shape with four equal sides.

Decide if the shape has two pairs of opposite parallel sides.

How to calculate the perimeter and area of a rhombus

In order to calculate the perimeter and area of a rhombus:

  1. Identify the side lengths and the height.
  2. Calculate.

Example 7: calculating perimeter of a rhombus

A rhombus has a side length of 6.7 \, cm. What is the perimeter?

 Identify the side lengths and the height.


Example 8: calculating area of a rhombus

What is the area of the rhombus?

Rhombus image 46 US

Identify the side lengths and the height.


Teaching tips for rhombus

  • Printable worksheets that include real world drawings or images are a good way for students to practice identifying rhombuses. They can also use a tool to measure each side, to create justifications for whether or not a shape is a rhombus.

  • There are many real life items that are in the shape of a rhombus. Encourage students to look for examples of rhombuses everywhere they go.

Easy mistakes to make

  • Mistaking a rectangle for a rhombus
    A rectangle has parallel opposite sides, but all the sides are not equal length, so it is NOT a rhombus.

  • Forgetting the interior angles can be any measure between \bf{0}^{\circ} and \bf{180}^{\circ}
    Some commonly shown rhombuses are…
    Angles of 45^{\circ} and 135^{\circ} and Angles of 90^{\circ}

    Rhombus image 21 US

    However, the interior angles of a rhombus can vary from >0^{\circ} to <180^{\circ} .
    For example,
    From angles close to 0^{\circ} and 180^{\circ} to angles close to 90^{\circ}.

    Rhombus image 22 US

  • Thinking adjacent angles in a rhombus are always equal
    Adjacent sides are equal, but not necessarily the angles. The only time the adjacent angles are equal is when the rhombus can also be classified as a square.
    For example,

    Rhombus image 23 US

Practice rhombus questions

1. Which geometric shape is a rhombus?

Rhombus image 24 US

GCSE Quiz False

Rhombus image 25 US

GCSE Quiz True

Rhombus image 26 US

GCSE Quiz False

Rhombus image 27 US

GCSE Quiz False

Thinking about the properties, a rhombus has 4 sides, so it can’t be this shape:


Rhombus image 28 US


The side lengths of a rhombus are equal, so it cannot be these two shapes:


Rhombus image 29 US


The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel:


Rhombus image 30 US


This shape is a rhombus: Rhombus image 31 US

2. Which geometric shape is a rhombus?

Rhombus image 32 US

GCSE Quiz False

Rhombus image 33 US

GCSE Quiz False

Rhombus image 34 US

GCSE Quiz False

Rhombus image 35 US

GCSE Quiz True

Thinking about the properties, a rhombus has sides of equal length, so it can’t be these two shapes:


Rhombus image 36 US


The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel, so it can’t be this shape:


Rhombus image 37 US


Note: This shape also only has 3 sides and a rhombus has 4.


This shape is a rhombus:  Rhombus image 38 US

3. Is this shape a rhombus? Why or why not?


Rhombus image 39 US

No, it does not have 4 sides and 4 right angles.

GCSE Quiz False

Yes, it has 4 equal sides and pairs of parallel sides.

GCSE Quiz True

No, it does not have 4 equal sides and pairs of parallel sides.

GCSE Quiz False

Yes, it has 4 sides and 4 right angles.

GCSE Quiz False

A rhombus must have 4 equal sides…


Rhombus image 40 US


and pairs of parallel sides.


Rhombus image 41 US


This shape is a rhombus.

4. The sides of a polygon are: 4 \, m, 4 \, m, 4 \, m, 4 \, m, 4 \, m, and 4 \, m , and the opposite sides are parallel. Is the shape a rhombus? Why?

Yes, it has all equal sides.

GCSE Quiz False

No, it does not have all equal sides.

GCSE Quiz False

Yes, it has exactly four sides.

GCSE Quiz False

No, it does not have exactly four sides.

GCSE Quiz True

The shape has six equal sides. The shape is a hexagon, not a rhombus.

5. How many rhombuses are formed by the geometric shape?

Rhombus image 42 US

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

The shapes highlighted have four equal sides and the opposite sides are parallel.


Rhombus image 43 US


There are 3 rhombuses in the geometric shape.

6. How many rhombuses are in the flag of the state of Arkansas?


Rhombus image 44 US

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

The shapes highlighted have four equal sides and the opposite sides are parallel.


Rhombus image 45 US


There are 2 rhombuses in the flag.

7. What is the perimeter of the rhombus?


Rhombus image 47 US

12.5 ft

GCSE Quiz False

25 ft

GCSE Quiz False

50 ft

GCSE Quiz True

156.25 ft

GCSE Quiz False

A rhombus has 4 equal sides, so all sides are 12.5 ft . 


Perimeter is the distance around the outside of the rhombus, so add each side.


12.5 + 12.5 + 12.5 + 12.5 = 50 ft

8. What is the area of the rhombus?


Rhombus image 48 US

17 m

GCSE Quiz False

36 m

GCSE Quiz False

34 m

GCSE Quiz False

72 m

GCSE Quiz True

The sides of the rhombus are 9 m and the height is 8 m.


Area is the space within a rhombus, which is found by multiplying the base and height.


9 × 8 = 72 m^2

Rhombus FAQs

How do you calculate the perimeter of a rhombus and the area of a rhombus?

The perimeter is the distance around the outside of a rhombus, so you can add all the sides or multiply one side length by 4. The perimeter is measured in units.

Perimeter = a + a + a + a OR Perimeter = 4a

The area of the rhombus is the space inside the rhombus and is calculated by multiplying the base times the height. The area is measured in square units.

Area of rhombus = b × h

What is the sum of the interior angles of a rhombus?

All four angles always add to be 360 degrees in total.

Does a rhombus always have perpendicular bisectors?

Yes, no matter the length of the diagonals, the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at 90 degree angles.

Does a rhombus fit the properties of a parallelogram?

Yes, a rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram. It is a parallelogram that has all congruent sides.

What is a lozenge?

A lozenge is another name for a certain type of rhombus. It has two acute angles and two obtuse angles.

What are the origins of the word rhombus?

Rhombus comes from the ancient greek word ‘rhombos.’

The next lessons are

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