High-quality one-on-one math tutoring in New York

New York

Evidence-based instructional materials

Efficient and effective instructional practices

Easy-to-use tutoring platform

Intensively-trained STEM specialist tutors

Approved NYC DOE vendor

New York

Personalized math tutoring in New York for maximum progress

Select which of your students need high-quality NGMLS-aligned mathematics instruction.

Decide whether you would like them to progress through the default NGMLS or select specific standards for each student.

New York

Evidence-based results

After just one lesson, students demonstrate a more secure conceptual understanding of the math strand they are studying.

After a few sessions, students demonstrate procedural fluency and accelerate progress towards the required grade level fluencies.

Why choose Third Space Learning’s math tutors in New York?

New York


You choose the NGMLS students need extra math instruction for and the dosage

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Students receive real-time feedback from their tutor as they work together to build math fluency

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Each student has their own dedicated math tutor to encourage mathematical communication in a safe learning environment

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Schedule your tutoring experience with session lengths and times available to fit your schedule throughout the school year.

New York

Delivered by experts

Tutoring sessions are delivered by excellent tutors who are STEM specialists. Tutors receive ongoing training to implement effective teaching methods.

New York

Scalable math tutoring

Provide a personalized one-on-one math tutoring service to multiple students simultaneously. Accelerate math progress for students of all ages from just $16 per session.

Evidence-based lesson materials

Math tutors in New York use NGMLS-aligned lessons, developed by expert math teachers with years of teaching experience. Every lesson follows an ‘I do, you do, we do’ teaching style designed to improve student achievement and act as test prep.

4th Grade: Understanding place value relationships in multi-digit numbers and decimals

NGMLS-aligned lesson

Let’s learn

The first question introduces each concept and helps students feel ready to learn

NGMLS-aligned lesson

Follow me + your turn

Students work through a scaffolded example with their tutor before trying a similar question on their own

NGMLS-aligned lesson

You do

A carefully sequenced next question ensures students can apply knowledge to different contexts

NGMLS-aligned lesson

Go further

This gives students an opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem solving and reasoning questions

New York

Elementary school programs

Secure the mathematical concepts your learners need to succeed in elementary school math and ensure they are ready for middle school math skills such as trigonometry.

Explore Third Space Learning’s elementary school programs:

2nd grade math tutoring 3rd grade math tutoring 4th grade math tutoring 5th grade math tutoring

New York

Middle school programs

6th through 8th grade learners secure the math skills they need to prepare them for the math concepts covered in high school such as algebra 1.

Explore Third Space Learning’s middle school programs:

6th grade math tutoring 7th grade math tutoring 8th grade math tutoring

New York

New York state resources

Download hundreds of free math resources created by experienced math teachers to save time, build engagement and improve academic performance including NYS practice math tests for state test prep.

Request a demo for your school or district

See for yourself why 4,000+ schools have chosen Third Space Learning to provide cost-effective one-on-one math tutoring for the students who need it most:

Proven to accelerate math growth in half the time

2.4x cheaper than the average cost of one-on-one tutoring

Scalable and easy-to-implement across multiple grade levels and schools

Flexible scheduling according to your school and district’s needs

You can learn more about how we keep your data safe and secure in our privacy policy.

Not in New York? Explore Third Space Learning’s state-specific tutoring services

New York

We’re proud to be a TEA-approved vetted full service tutoring provider offering TEKS-aligned tutoring

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Our OLS-aligned lessons have been approved as part of Ohio’s High-Quality Tutoring Program directory

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The ADE has approved Third Space Learning as part of the High Impact Tutoring Pilot Program

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Tutoring services aligned to the Common Core math standards designed to provide a high-quality tutoring experience for states following the Common Core

New York

We’ve looked at how global tutoring models can make tutoring more accessible for schools

New York

We’ve been selected to make high-impact tutoring more sustainable and cost-effective for US schools

Why has Third Space Learning been selected?

The New York City Department of Education has approved Third Space Learning as a vendor based on a variety of components:

Methodology and approach: lessons built by former math teachers and pedagogy experts

Evidence of experience: 160,000 students supported since 2013

High quality tutor training: tutors receive extensive training and ongoing PD to deliver effective and engaging instruction

High-quality instruction materials: all tutoring lessons and math resources are designed to help students develop deep conceptual understanding

Team and experience: Third Space Learning math specialist tutors have delivered over 2 million tutoring sessions

Watch a video in action

Frequently asked questions

Which New York boroughs do you cover?

As Third Space Learning is an online tutoring service, we cover all five boroughs including Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island. Private tutoring sessions are available to all schools and districts within the five boroughs.

How much does a math tutor cost in NYC?

Tutoring sessions with Third Space Learning are cost-effective and affordable. From $16 per session, private tutoring is 2.4 x cheaper than the average cost of one-on-one tutoring services.

Is it a good idea to get a math tutor?

Math tutors are an excellent supplement to math teaching for students struggling to grasp the math skills required. Students of any age can benefit from a math tutor whether in elementary, middle, high school or college level.