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Circumference Of A Circle

Here we will learn about calculating the circumference of a circle including how to calculate the circumference of a circle given the radius, diameter or area, how to calculate the perimeter of a semi-circle and how to calculate the radius or diameter of a circle given the circumference.

There are also circumference of a circle worksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck.

What is the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle.

Circumference is a special case of perimeter. Both describe the total length of the boundary of a two dimensional shape, but circumference specifically refers to the perimeter of a curved figure or arc. Therefore it only applies to circles, ovals, ellipses, arcs, etc.

Circumference of a circle formula:
There is a specific relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference.
If you multiply the diameter of a circle by \pi you will calculate the length of the circumference. This is true of all circles.

Therefore the below formula is for the circumference of any given circle:

\pi \times d

As the diameter of the circle is twice the radius we can also use the below formula:

2\times\pi \times r

Which formula you use will depend on whether you know the diameter or the radius of the circle.

What is the circumference of a circle with radius 3cm ?

Circumference of a Circle image 1 1

\begin{aligned} \text { Circumference } &=2 \times \pi \times r \\\\ &=2 \times \pi \times 3 \\\\ &=6 \pi \mathrm{cm} \\\\ &=18.8 \mathrm{~cm} \quad(1 . \mathrm{d} . \mathrm{p}) \end{aligned}


\begin{aligned} \text { Circumference } &=\pi \times d \\\\ &=\pi \times 6 \\\\ &=6 \pi \mathrm{cm} \\\\ &=18.8 \mathrm{~cm} \quad(1 . \mathrm{d} . \mathrm{p}) \end{aligned}

What is the circumference of a circle?

What is the circumference of a circle?

How to calculate the circumference of a circle

In order to calculate the circumference of a circle:

  1. Find the radius or diameter of the circle.
  2. Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.
  3. Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Explain how to calculate the circumference of a circle

Explain how to calculate the circumference of a circle

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Get your free circumference of a circle worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Circumference of a circle worksheet

Get your free circumference of a circle worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.


Circumference of a circle examples

Example 1: calculating the circumference of the circle given the radius

A circle has a radius of 6cm .

Calculate its circumference.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place

Circumference of a Circle example 1 1

  1. Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

The radius is given in the question

Radius = 6cm

2Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

In this question you have the radius, therefore you should use the formula

\begin{aligned} &2\times\pi \times r\\\\ &2\times\pi \times 6\\\\ &12\pi \\\\ &37.699911... \end{aligned}

Remember the question asks you to round your answer to ‘1 decimal place’


3Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Remember circumference is a measure of length, therefore the units should not be “squared”


Example 2: calculating the circumference of the circle given the diameter

A circle has a diameter of 10mm.

Calculate its circumference.

Give your answer to 1 decimal place

Circumference of a Circle example 2 1

Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Example 3: calculating the circumference of the circle, given the radius, answer in terms of 𝝅

A circle has a radius of 8m.

Calculate its circumference.

Give your answer in terms of \pi

Circumference of a Circle example 3 1

Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Example 4: calculating the circumference of the circle given the diameter

A circle has a diameter of 420km.

Calculate its circumference.

Give your answer in terms of \pi

Circumference of a Circle example 4 1

 Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Example 5: calculating the circumference of the circle given the area of a circle

A circle has a area of 21 cm^2.

Calculate its circumference.

Give your answer to 2 decimal places.

Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Example 6: calculating the perimeter of a semi-circle given the diameter

A semicircle has a diameter of 20m.

Calculate its perimeter.

Give your answer in terms of \pi

Circumference of a Circle example 6 1

Find the radius or diameter of the circle.

Use the relevant formula to calculate the circumference of the circle.

Give your answer clearly with the correct units.

Common misconceptions

  • Not including the correct units

When working with circumference you must always give the correct units,  they should be not be squared.
cm , m, km etc.

  • Not rounding correctly

These types of questions often involve rounding. You must only round at the end of the question and ensure you are rounding to what the question specifies.

  •  Not giving answer in terms of \pi

Sometimes the question may ask you to give the answer ‘in terms of \pi ’. This means you do not give the numerical answer that is produced when you multiply it by \pi


 6 x \pi = 6 \pi (this is an answer in terms of pi)

 6 x \pi = 18.8495592…   (this answer is not in terms of pi)

  • Misuse of calculator

Ensure you know how to correctly use the \pi button on your calculator 

Circumference of a circle is part of our series of lessons to support revision on circles, sectors and arcs. You may find it helpful to start with the main circles, sectors and arcs lesson for a summary of what to expect, or use the step by step guides below for further detail on individual topics. Other lessons in this series include:

Practice circumference of a circle questions

1. A circle has a diameter of 6cm . What is the circumference of the circle in terms of \pi ?

GCSE Quiz False

6\pi cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

6\pi cm
GCSE Quiz True
\begin{aligned} &\pi \times d \\ &= \pi \times 6 \\ &=6\pi cm \end{aligned}

2. A circle has a diameter of 6cm . What is the circumference of the circle to 1 decimal place?

GCSE Quiz True

6\pi cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

6\pi cm
GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} &\pi \times d \\ &= \pi \times 6 \\ &= 18.849… cm \end{aligned}


18.8 cm (rounded to one decimal place)

3. Which of these could be the circumference of a circle?

31.4 \pi cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

10\pi cm
GCSE Quiz True

24.5 cm^3
GCSE Quiz False

Circumference is a measure of length and this is the only answer with a measure of length (cm) as its units.

4. A circle has a radius of 1cm. What is its circumference to 1 decimal place?

\pi cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

\pi cm
GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} &2 \times \pi \times r \\ &= 2 \times \pi \times 1 \\ &= 6.2831… cm \end{aligned}


= 6.3 cm (rounded to one decimal place)

5. A circle has a radius of 1cm . What is its circumference in terms of \pi ?

2\pi cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

2\pi cm
GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} &2 \times \pi \times r \\ &= 2 \times \pi \times 1 \\ &= 2\pi cm \end{aligned}


This answer has been left in terms of \pi

6. A circle has a diameter of 4cm . What is its circumference in terms of \pi ?

4\pi cm
GCSE Quiz True

\pi cm
GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

12.7 cm^2
GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} & \pi \times d \\ &= \pi \times 4 \\ &= 4\pi cm \end{aligned}

7. A circle has a radius of 100cm . What is its circumference to the nearest whole number?

628.3 cm^2
GCSE Quiz False

629 cm
GCSE Quiz False

628 cm
GCSE Quiz True

200\pi cm
GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} & 2 \times \pi \times r \\ &= 2 \times\pi \times 100 \\ &= 628.3185.. cm \end{aligned}


=628 cm   (rounded to the nearest integer)


Remember integer means whole number

Circumference of a circle GCSE questions

1. The radius of a circle is 3.5 cm , work out the circumference of the circle.
Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

(3 marks)

Show answer

2 \times \pi \times3.5   or  21.9911… seen








2. The radius of a circle is 17.2 m , calculate the circumference of the circle.
Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.

(3 marks)

Show answer

2 \times \pi \times17.2   or  108.0707… seen








3. The diameter of a circle is 12mm , work out the circumference of the circle.
Give your answer in terms of \pi .

(2 marks)

Show answer
\pi \times 12



12\pi cm


4. The diameter of a circle is 34cm , work out the circumference of the circle.
Give your answer in terms of \pi .

(2 marks)

Show answer
\pi \times 34



34\pi cm


5. The area of a circle is 72cm , work out the circumference of the circle.
Give your answer correct to the nearest integer.

(4 marks)

Show answer

r = \sqrt{\frac{72}{\pi}}   or    4.787… seen



2 \times \pi \times 4.787






30 cm


6. A tile is in the shape of a semicircle has a perimeter of 15cm .
Work out the length of the diameter. Give your answer correct to one decimal place.

(5 marks)

Show answer

Seen or implied that the perimeter of a semicircle is the diameter added to the length of the arc. Could be seen in a diagram.


Diameter + half of the circumference = 15



Seen or implied that the length of the arc half of the total circumference


\frac{\pi d}{2} seen



Correct method to find the diameter of the circle e.g.

d = \frac{15}{1+\frac{\pi}{2}}






5.8 cm


7. The circumference of a circle is 64\pi cm .
Calculate the radius of the circle.

(2 marks)

Show answer
64\pi = 2\times\pi \times r



32 = r


Learning checklist

You have now learned how to:

  • Identify and apply circle definitions and properties, including: centre, radius, chord, diameter, circumference
  • Know the formulae for circumference of a circle
  • Give answers in terms of \pi
  • Calculate circumference of circles and the perimeter semi-circles

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