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GCSE Maths Geometry and Measure Area

Area Of A Quadrilateral

Area Of A Quadrilateral

Here we will learn about about the area of a quadrilateral including how to find the area of a rectangle, square, parallelogram and trapezium. You will also learn how to find the area of compound shapes made from more than one quadrilateral and find missing lengths given an area.

There are also area of a quadrilateral worksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck.

What is area of a quadrilateral?

Area of a quadrilateral is a measure of how much space there is inside of a 2 dimensional shape four sided shape.
To find the area of a shape we can either count the number of unit squares within a shape or use the appropriate area formula for that shape.

Area is measured in square units e.g. cm2, m2, mm2.


Area of a Quadrilateral Image 1

This rectangle contains 15 squares.

\[\begin{aligned} \text{Area of a rectangle} &= \text{base} \times \text{height}\\\\ &= 5 \times 3\\\\ &= 15cm^2 \end{aligned}\]

What is area?

What is area?

What are quadrilaterals?

A quadrilateral is a closed 2 dimensional shape with 4 straight sides and 4 vertices.

Regular quadrilaterals have sides that are all the same length and interior angles that are the same size.

Irregular quadrilaterals have sides that have different lengths and interior angles that have different sizes.

There are several different types of quadrilaterals:


A square is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four straight sides of equal length and four right angles (90°).

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 2


A rectangle is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four straight sides and four right angles (90°). It has two pairs of parallel sides that are equal.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 3


A parallelogram is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four straight sides. The opposite sides of a parallelogram have the same lengths and are parallel.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 4


A rhombus is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four equal straight sides.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 5


A trapezium is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four straight sides and only one pair of parallel sides.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 6


A Kite is a closed 2 dimensional shape with four straight sides. It has two pairs of adjacent sides (sides that are next to each other )that are equal to each other.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 7

What are quadrilaterals?

What are quadrilaterals?

How to name quadrilaterals

We usually refer to quadrilaterals by using assigning letters to each of their vertices.

This is quadrilateral ABCD:

Area of a Quadrilateral how to name Image 8

How to calculate the area of a rectangle, square, parallelogram and trapezium

We can use formulae to calculate the area of the following shapes:

Area of a rectangle/square:

Area of a Quadrilateral how to calculate Image 9

\[\text {Area of rectangle/square = base × height}\]

Area of a parallelogram:

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 10
Area of a Quadrilateral Image 11

\[\text {Area of parallelogram = base × height} \]

In order to calculate the area of a rectangle, square or parallelogram:

  1. Substitute the values into the formula. (Make sure the units are the same for all measurements e.g. all cm).
  2. Work out the calculation.
  3. Add the correct units.

Area of a trapezium:

A Trapezium is a trapezoid shape, meaning that it only has one pair of parallel sides. In order to calculate the area of a trapezium we need to use the following formula.

Area of a Quadrilateral Image 12

\[\text { Area of a trapezium }=\frac{1}{2}(a+b) h \]

In order to calculate the area of a trapezium:

  1. Substitute the values into the formula.
  2. Do the calculation.
  3. Add the correct units.

We can use the following formula to work out the area of a rhombus and the area of a kite:

\[\text { Area of a rhombus or kite }=\frac{1}{2} \times d_{1} \times d_{2} \]

Where d1 and d2 are the diagonal lengths.

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Get your free area of a quadrilateral worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Area of quadrilateral worksheet

Get your free area of a quadrilateral worksheet of 20+ questions and answers. Includes reasoning and applied questions.


Related lessons on area

Area of a quadrilateral is part of our series of lessons to support revision on area. You may find it helpful to start with the main area lesson for a summary of what to expect, or use the step by step guides below for further detail on individual topics. Other lessons in this series include:

Area of quadrilateral examples

Example 1: area of a square

Find the area of the quadrilateral:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 1 Image 13

  1. Here the height is 8. Since it is a square, the base is also 8.

\begin{aligned} \text { Area }&=\text { base } \times \text { height } \\\\ \text { Area }&=8 \times 8 \end{aligned}

2 Work out the calculation.

\[Area = 64\]

3 Add the correct units.

The measurements on this square are in cm so the area will be measured in cm2:

\[Area = 64cm^2\]

Example 2: area of a rectangle, different units

Find the area of the rectangle:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 2 Image 14

Substitute the values into the formula.

Do the calculation.

Add the correct units.

Example 3: area of a parallelogram

Calculate the area of the parallelogram:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 3 Image 16

Substitute the values into the formula.

Do the calculation.

Add the correct units.

Example 4: area of a trapezium

Find the area of the following trapezium:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 4 Image 17

Substitute the values into the formula.

Do the calculation.

Add the correct units.

Example 5: area of a trapezium

Find the area of the following trapezium:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 5 Image 18

Substitute the values into the formula.

Do the calculation.

Add the correct units.

How to calculate the area of compound shapes with quadrilaterals

Sometimes a shape is made from two or more quadrilaterals put together. We can calculate the area of these shapes by breaking them down into individual quadrilaterals.

  1. Draw lines to split the shape into quadrilaterals (this step is not always necessary). Label the quadrilaterals A, B, C,…
  2. Consider each quadrilateral individually
    a) work out any measurements that you need.
    b) calculate the area using the methods above.
  3. Add or subtract the relevant areas to find the total area.
  4. Add the correct units.

Example 6: compound shape made from 2 quadrilaterals

Find the total area of the shape shown below:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 6 Image 19

Draw lines to split the shape into quadrilaterals if necessary. Label the quadrilaterals A, B, C,…

Consider each quadrilateral individually and:
a) work out any measurements that you need.
b) calculate the area using the methods above

Add or subtract the areas.

Add the units.

Example 7: compound shape made from three quadrilaterals

Find the total area of the shape shown below:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 7 Image 22

Draw lines to split the shape into quadrilaterals if necessary. Label the quadrilaterals A, B, C,…

Consider each quadrilateral individually and:
a) work out any measurements that you need.
b) calculate the area using the methods above

Add or subtract the areas.

Add the units.

Example 8: subtracting areas

Find the shaded area:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 8 Image 25

Draw lines to split the shape into quadrilaterals if necessary. Label the quadrilaterals A, B, C,…

Consider each quadrilateral individually and:
a) work out any measurements that you need.
b) calculate the area using the methods above

Add or subtract the areas.

Add the units.

How to find a missing length

We will sometimes be given the area of a quadrilateral and then need to calculate an unknown length.

  1. Put the values you know into the formula.
  2. Solve the equation.

Example 9: missing length in a rectangle

Work out the height of the rectangle:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 9 Image 27

Put the values you know into the formula.

Solve the equation.

Example 10: missing length in a trapezium

Find the height of the following trapezium given that it has an area of 56cm2:

Area of a Quadrilateral Example 10 Image 28

Put the values you know into the formula.

Solve the equation.

Common misconceptions

  • Calculating perimeter instead of area
  • Height of parallelogram

Using the wrong measurement for the height of a parallelogram.

Area of a Quadrilateral Common Misconceptions Image 29
  • Wrong formula for area of a trapezium

A common error is to use the wrong formula for area of a trapezium, for example using the formula for area of a triangle instead

  • Units

Using measurements with different units. Remember to make sure the units are the same for each length (e.g. all cm).

Practice area of quadrilateral questions

1. Find the area of the following square:


Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 1 Image 30

9 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz True

12 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

6 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

27 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=\text{ base }\times \text{ height}\\\\ &= 3 \times 3\\\\ &=9 \mathrm{m}^{2} \end{aligned}

2. Find the area of the following parallelogram. Give your answer in


Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 2 Image 31

420 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

42 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz True

36 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

4200 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False
First we need to make the units the same. Here  70mm=7cm. 


\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=\text{ base }\times \text{ height}\\\\ &= 7 \times 6\\\\ &=42 \mathrm{~cm}^{2} \end{aligned}

3. Find the area of the following trapezium:


Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 3 Image 32

27 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

24 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

54 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

45 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz True
\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=\frac{1}{2}(a+b)h\\\\ &=\frac{1}{2}(6+9) \times 6\\\\ &=\frac{1}{2} \times 15 \times 6\\\\ &=45\mathrm{m}^{2} \end{aligned}

4. Find the area of the following shape:


Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 4 Image 33

96 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz True

144 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

132 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

88 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False


Quadrilateral A:


\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=3 \times 4\\\\ &=12\mathrm{~cm}^{2} \end{aligned}


Quadrilateral B:


\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=12 \times 7\\\\ &=84\mathrm{~cm}^{2} \end{aligned}


\text{Total area: }12+84=96\mathrm{~cm}^{2}

5. Find the shaded area:


Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 5 Image 34

600 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

516 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False

480 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz True

432 \mathrm{~m}^{2}
GCSE Quiz False


Quadrilateral A:


\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=30\times20\\\\ &=600\mathrm~{~m}^{2} \end{aligned}


Quadrilateral B:


\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&=\frac{1}{2}(6+14)\times12\\\\ &=\frac{1}{2}\times 20 \times 12\\\\ &=120 \mathrm{~m}^{2} \end{aligned}


\text{Shaded area: }600-120=480\mathrm{~mm}^{2}

6. Find the height of the following parallelogram:



Area of a Quadrilateral Practice Question 6 Image 35

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned} \text{Area }&= \text{ base } \times \text{ height}\\\\ 24&=6h\\\\ 4&=h \end{aligned}

Area of quadrilateral GCSE questions

1. A plan of Rosie’s garden is shown below.


Area of a Quadrilateral GCSE Question 1 Image 36


Rosie wants to buy grass seed to grow a lawn in the spaces not covered by the patio and the vegetable patch.

Each box of grass seed covers 20m^2 and costs £5.50 .

How much will Rosie need to spend on grass seed?


(5 marks)

Show answer

Total area: \frac{1}{2} \times (8+12) \times 18

= 180 \mathrm{~m}^{2} 



Area of patio: 5 \times 8 = 40 \mathrm{~m}^{2}

Area of vegetable patch: 3 \times 9 = 27 \mathrm{~m}^{2} 



Area to be seeded: 180-40-27=113\mathrm{~m}^{2}



Boxes of seed: 113 \div 20 = 5.65



Need 6 boxes, so 6 \times \pounds 5.50 = \pounds 33 she will have to spend


2. Rita wants to tile a section of her kitchen wall, as shown below:


Area of a Quadrilateral GCSE Question 2a Image 37


(a) Calculate the area of the wall that Rita wants to tile. Give your answer in cm^2.


(b) The tiles that Rita has chosen are square, with side length 20cm. How many tiles will Rita need?


(5 marks)

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Area of a Quadrilateral GCSE Question 2b Image 38




1.2m=120cm, 1.6m=160cm, 1m=100cm



\begin{array}{l} 120 \times 160 = 19200 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}\\\\ 320 \times 40 = 12800 \mathrm{~cm}^{2} \end{array}



Total area: 19200 + 12800 = 32000 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}





20 \times 20 = 400



3200 \div 400 = 80


3. The shape below is made from two identical rectangles. The area of the shape is 120cm^2


Area of a Quadrilateral GCSE Question 3 Image 39


Calculate the height of the shape.


(3 marks)

Show answer

Area of a Quadrilateral GCSE Question 3b Image 40


Area of one rectangle: 60 \mathrm{~cm}^{2}



\begin{aligned} \text { Area }&=\text { base } \times \text { height } \\\\ 60&=5 \times h \end{aligned}



h = 12cm


Learning checklist

You have now learned how to:

  • Calculate the area of a square, rectangle, parallelogram and trapezium
  • Calculate the area of a compound shape
  • Calculate missing lengths given an area

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