Lindsay Lynd, Deputy Head Teacher
St Paul's Catholic Junior School
The personalised approach to tutoring is really great
The diagnostic assessment is really great and really useful. Although it personalises the lessons to each pupil, it still allows us to have input, and we really enjoyed having that flexibility. It’s also really great how the actual teaching is personalised to the pupil’s specific interests. For example, a tutor might know their pupil likes dogs and so welcomes the pupil to the lesson with a photo of a dog. It creates an instant connection between pupil and tutor, and the slots are consistent so it’s the same tutor each session.
We saw that a lot of our SEND pupils thrived during their sessions
We also found that a lot of our SEND children loved it, particularly during periods of partial school closures and remote learning. They loved being online and using the computer, and they really looked forward to their Third Space Learning lessons. The engagement and response was really positive.
Sometimes our SEND children can perhaps hold back a bit more in the classroom, but they really thrived on the sessions as it was one to one support with their own tutor.
All the pupils love their Third Space Learning lessons!
We can tell that all our pupils have really enjoyed their lessons with Third Space Learning. The pupils are constantly asking when their next lesson is; they get really excited and are always ready to begin. There have been no issues in terms of pupil disruption in the lessons, they are all focused and engaged throughout. There are also no ways to get out of working. The pupils are eager to learn, even when we have had to isolate or during the lockdown, the pupils were completing the sessions at home when it would have been easy to avoid.Â
The pupil reports have been very useful
We’ve been able to see how positive the impact has been from the pupil reports. We loved the report at the end of the year, and we’ve been printing them out and sending them to parents. It’s been really helpful to have seen where each pupils’ gaps were, and the lesson feedback that tells us how many lesson objectives and what % of the curriculum has been covered is brilliant and really useful. I look at the overall progress picture and it’s great being able to pass it on to parents.
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Maths is a focus area for the school, in particular the progress levels for Pupil Premium. This academic year we were down by […]
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