What Is Summative Assessment: A Practical Guide For Teachers On When And How To Use It
Are you looking to design a summative assessment that accurately measures your students’ learning progress? It may seem like creating a test is a straightforward task – just jot down some questions and select the answers. But if you aspire to create assessments that genuinely reflect your learners’ abilities and enhance their academic achievements, you need to adopt a considered approach embedding summative assessments into your teaching plans from the start
In this article, we delve into the benefits and limitations of summative assessments on student achievement and provide recommendations for teachers to improve the effectiveness of this form of assessment for their learners.
What is summative assessment?
Summative assessment is an evaluation of students’ current understanding and achievement. It allows teachers to track learners’ progress over a period of time. It is done at the end of teaching unit or several teaching units and can be benchmarked or standardised against other students’ work.
The findings of these assessments can be used to make informed decisions about how to support each individual pupil in succeeding and determine whether they have achieved the required learning objectives or content domains.
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Summative assessments can take many forms, including in class tests, exams, projects, or essays, and are often scored to provide a quantifiable measure of students’ performance.
It’s worth saying that in fact there’s nothing intrinsic to an assessment activity that makes it either summative or formative – it’s what you do with the information that you gain from the assessment that determines this.
That said, some assessment types are more commonly used summatively. These include:
- Benchmark tests at the start of the year or a unit of work with the intention of comparing the results with future assessment data.
- Online assessments designed to measure transferable skills and academic aptitude to make predictions and targets for future attainment.
- Portfolios of work, for subjects such as Art or Photography.
- A final project following a period of group work.
- Midterm exams or classroom assessments at the end of a unit of study.
- Performance assessments that showcase students’ development of new skills.
- Key stage assessments that form part of a national curriculum.
- Standardised tests which students of the same age sit throughout a country, such as GCSEs and SATs

Formative vs summative assessments
The difference between formative and summative assessment is their purpose, design, frequency, and outcomes. While summative assessment is an assessment of learning, formative assessment is an assessment for learning.
Read more: Formative assessment examples
Formative and summative assessments are the two types of assessment that are most prevalent in education literature. The table below shows their main characteristics:

Benefits of summative assessment practices
The benefits of incorporating summative assessment into teaching methods may not be as apparent as those of formative assessment, as they are often less immediate and direct than the advantages gained from ongoing assessment strategies that promote learning.
But summative assessments bring many benefits that enhance teaching and learning.
Tracking student progress
Summative assessments offer assessment data typically used to track student progress over time. This data indicates whether students are making the expected level of progress based on their age and abilities.
The results of summative assessments provide an objective measure of accountability for teachers and students.
Teachers can use students’ end-of-year or external assessment results in their appraisal meetings to evaluate their teaching approaches. Additionally, teachers can hold students accountable if their results indicate a decrease in effort or underperformance in one or more subjects.
Motivating students
Summative assessments provide high-stakes conditions for students to showcase their capabilities to themselves and others. These assessments motivate students to prepare and revise more thoroughly than they might for other types of evaluations.
However, lower ability students and those with exam anxiety may be less motivated by summative assessments, which can lead to a decrease in their effort and motivation as the assessment date approaches.
Preparation for external exams
GCSEs and A-Levels are external exams that act as summative assessments at the end of a course. High stakes classroom assessments, such as midterm exams, offer valuable exam practice for time management, meeting assessment objectives, and managing exam anxiety.
Summative assessments will require students retrieving information from their long term memory which can help to further embed it and support improved performance during external exams.
Summative assessments can provide schools and education systems with objective data to create standardised scores for each learner. This enables comparisons between individuals and small cohorts to other students and larger cohorts.
Standardisation is often used to determine the grade boundaries in external exams.
How can summative assessment impact student achievement?
How summative assessment is carried out can considerably impact the academic progress of students.
Summative assessment helps:
- track student progress and identify underachievement, allowing for interventions to be put in place.
- reveal issues with exam technique.
- hold students and teachers accountable and increase motivation to improve learning outcomes.
- prepare students for external exams, improving long-term memory retrieval and adjusting revision and exam strategies accordingly.
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In all cases above, increased achievement is defined as achieving a higher result in a future summative assessment.
This may not be a reliable or valid measure of achievement, but until education institutions move away from standardised testing and entry requirements that depend on the results of summative assessments, it is an important measure to consider.
Limitations of summative assessment
Summative assessments are widely used in education to measure student achievement. But, they also have limitations every teacher should be aware of:
Provides a limited snapshot of student achievement
Summative assessment is limited in that it provides a snapshot of student achievement at one point in time and uses a limited range of assessment strategies.
After ‘teacher assessed grades’ replaced external exams during periods of lockdown, the validity and appropriateness of summative assessments, particularly external exams, were scrutinised in the UK.
Closed-book exams may not accurately reflect students’ ability or potential
There is uncertainty about whether closed-book exams taken at the end of GCSE and A-Level courses provide an accurate reflection of students’ ability or academic potential.
Teachers can coach students to perform well on summative assessments, which takes time away from deepening students’ understanding or studying a broader curriculum.
Critics of summative assessment argue that ‘open-book’ assessments would be more appropriate. This is so students are tested on their ability to apply and fact-check the material they have access to.
Comparing students based on summative grades might be unfair
Using summative grades to compare students to each other or to gain entry into a school, college, or university, seems unfair when final grades are so dependent on factors outside of students’ control.
Summative assessments can emphasise memorization
Summative assessments often require students to memorise material, which is becoming an increasingly redundant skill given how readily information is available online.
Time spent memorising material ahead of a summative assessment could be better spent deepening students’ understanding or improving their ability to critically interact with new material.
Summative assessment tips for teachers
As a teacher, designing and administering effective summative assessments can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you create successful summative assessments for your students.
1. Design a summative assessment based on its purpose
Carefully select the content of a summative assessment. This content may vary depending on the intended use of the assessment data.
Let’s consider short formal tests administered at the end of a unit of work or half-term based only on the work completed during that time. Benefits of tests like these include:
- Increased motivation for students to revise and consolidate learned content.
- An increase in student achievement due to the testing effect.
- Helps to identify students who may benefit from intervention. Note that summative test results should not be the only method for identifying these students, as discussed above.
- Provision of feedback on the effectiveness of curriculum design and implementation (the extent to which learning intentions match with learning accomplished).
While this type of short formal test has many benefits, it is not as useful for providing a longer-term picture of student progress. Or to measure the attainment of more generalised learning goals.
For example, it is unlikely to be appropriate to convert the data collected from an isolated end of unit assessment to a GCSE grade to report to parents as part of a school’s wider monitoring processes. This is because it’s highly likely that different content domains are assessed with each separate unit test. Fluctuations in results may reflect the comparative difficulty of the material covered rather than any meaningful change in a student’s progress.
2. Offer clear instructions throughout the assessment
Ensure the instructions throughout the assessment convey what the student is required to do. For example, show each step of your calculation.
Create a mark scheme or rubric before the assessment so it is clear what is required from each question. Check the exam instructions accurately explain this to the students.
3. Ensure consistency in summative assessments from year to year
It’s a good idea to use the same summative assessments each year to compare each cohort of students.
This allows departments to evaluate their performance and adjust if a cohort’s performance differs significantly from previous years. Include a mixture of recent and past topics on each summative assessment to benefit from retrieval practice and spacing.
On the other hand, regular reviews of how you are assessing content throughout the year helps meet the needs of each cohort.
Read more: Retrieval practice activities
4. Prepare students in advance
Prepare students for summative assessments and reduce exam anxiety by giving them Year 6 SATs practice papers or practice GCSE maths papers. These should match the summative assessment in terms of style and content.
Summative assessment is designed to produce a measure of achievement. It is important because it helps teachers to track their students’ progress and gives students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge to external organisations such as employers or universities.
An assessment with a clear purpose which allows comparisons to be made with past or future assessments.
External exams like Year 6 SATs, GCSEs or A-Levels
End of year or end of topic exams
Benchmark or aptitude tests that measure transferable skills and academic potential
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