Headteacher, Maths Lead & Year 5 Teacher
Hague Primary School
Third Space Learning has worked so well for both pupils and staff over the last few years.
Third Space Learning works really well for those pupils who aren’t yet confident with maths. They have regular one to one learning with their own tutor on a programme that’s specifically designed to meet their needs. It consolidates any learning they might have missed or are confused about. I think it’s really beneficial and a great opportunity for them to have.
We are extremely happy with our SATs results from our Third Space Learners.
For a lot of our pupils, when they came into Year 6, they were working at Year 2 or 3 level. As a result of their individualised support from their Third Space Learning sessions, over 80% of our Third Space Learners met the Year 6 expectations in their SATs.
Pupils’ one-to-one sessions have had a positive impact on their enjoyment of maths.
The pupils were chosen because they weren’t confident in maths and didn’t like the subject. We have found that their weekly Third Space Learning sessions have improved both their engagement and confidence in maths. One particular pupil was working at a pre-key stage foundation in Year 2 but he has skyrocketed with the help of Third Space Learning. He was only one mark away from Greater Depth in his SATs results!
Third Space Learning’s approach reinforces what I’m teaching in the classroom and prepares them for their exams.
Third Space Learning works so well for our pupils at Hague, especially when we look at the impact of the SATs revision programme. Doing a test is a skill and practising this is essential for bringing context to the learning and getting good results.
“One pupil used to cry in almost every maths lesson and was getting single-digit scores in assessments, so I didn’t think she would reach the Expected Standard but she did. After attending the Third Space Learning sessions I could see she also had an attitude shift towards maths. She knows that even if she doesn’t know the answer, she should give it a go and explain how she’s doing it.”
Parents were shocked to see how incredible the SATs scores were!.
After seeing the results our pupils achieved in their SATs, parents approached me saying how incredible it was. It’s amazing to see children go from such low scores to reaching the Expected Standard. Third Space Learning really works; there’s no way it doesn’t!
The reports are a great tool to see how the pupils progress with the intervention.
Third Space Learning’s reports give a really clear indication of how pupils are progressing. They’re really useful not only for individual class teachers, but also for our Headteacher, Sue, to be able to evaluate how impactful the sessions are across the school and plan additional interventions. It’s also really nice when the pupils see their report and are really pleased with what they’ve achieved.
Third Space Learning is instrumental in getting children over the line and helping them fill gaps in their learning.
Our pupils have explained that their Third Space Learning sessions really boost their confidence and help them focus. They often share feedback after sessions which reassures us that they are building rapport with their tutors and they are really making a difference in helping them understand the work.
I would recommend Third Space Learning to other schools looking to close the maths attainment gap, especially at SATs level, because it’s worked so well for us.
After many years of working with Third Space Learning, their intervention is embedded within our school. The programme is effective, professional and seamless. The children love it and are fully engaged in their learning. It is a really great way of boosting their confidence and an effective way of teaching maths.
Hear it from our Third Space Learners themselves!
“I love Third Space Learning because it really boosts my confidence. When I get back to class after a session, people are really shocked and amazed at how well I’m doing.” – Emmanuel
“Before Third Space Learning I didn’t really feel very confident with maths. But now that I have it, it helps me in maths a lot.” – Zoya
“I love Third Space Learning because I can focus on what I’m doing. It used to be hard but now I have more confidence that I can do it now even better than ever before!” – Radia
Watch a session in action:
Maths is a focus area for the school, in particular the progress levels for Pupil Premium. This academic year we were down by […]
Read full case studyRob Davies, Deputy Headteacher, Kent
Trusted by 4,000+ school leaders across the UK to provide cost-effective one to one maths tutoring for the pupils who need it most.
90% of pupils show a solid understanding of each concept at the end of each session.
In an independent trial, pupils made 7 months’ progress in 14 weeks.
100% of teachers surveyed felt the sessions helped pupils achieve higher scores in 2023.