Math resources Geometry


Translation math

Translation math

Here you will learn about translation math, including how to translate 2D shapes and how to describe translations.

Students will first learn about translation math as part of geometry in 8 th grade.

What is translation math?

A translation in math is a type of transformation that refers to moving a shape or object from one location to another without changing its size, shape, or orientation. A translation moves a shape in a horizontal direction (left and right) and in a vertical direction (up and down).

A translation is typically described using a column vector to help record the movement.

For example,

Shape A has been translated to shape B by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix} .

Translation math 1 US

The column vector gives instructions on how to move each point of the original shape (also known as the pre-image).

\begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix} \text{ is } \; \begin{matrix} 3 \ \text{right}\\ 2 \ \text{up}\\ \end{matrix}

The inverse transformation would translate shape B back to shape A using the column vector:

\begin{pmatrix} \; -3 \;\\ \; -2 \; \end{pmatrix} \text{ is } \; \begin{matrix} 3 \ \text{left}\\ 2 \ \text{down}\\ \end{matrix}

The object or pre-image is the name of the original shape (or original figure). The image is the name of the shape after it had been translated.

When an object is translated, the object and the image have the same orientation. There is no rotation or reflection. The object and the image are congruent because they are the same shape and the same size.

Using graph paper or tracing paper can be useful when translating shapes.

What is translation math?

What is translation math?

Common Core State Standards

How does this relate to 8 th grade math and high school math?

  • Grade 8 – Geometry (8.G.A.3)
    Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.

  • High School – Geometry – Congruence (HS.G.CO.A.5)
    Given a geometric figure and a rotation, reflection, or translation, draw the transformed figure using, example, graph paper, tracing paper, or geometry software. Specify a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another.

  • High School – Geometry – Congruence (HS.G.CO.B.6)
    Use geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a given rigid motion on a given figure; given two figures, use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent.

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How to use translation

In order to translate a 2D shape:

  1. Choose a vertex of the shape.
  2. Move it left or right using the top value in the column vector.
  3. Move it up or down using the bottom value in the column vector.
  4. Repeat for each vertex.

Translation math examples

Example 1: translate a 2D shape

Translate shape A by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; 1 \; \end{pmatrix} and label the image B.

Translation math 2 US

  1. Choose a vertex of the shape.

Choose one of the vertices of the shape (a coordinate) as the point you are going to move. Let’s use the bottom right hand point of the shape.

Translation math 3 US

2Move it left or right using the top value in the column vector.

The top number in the column vector is 4 , so move the point \bf{4} squares to the right.

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3Move it up or down using the bottom value in the column vector.

The bottom number in the column vector is 1 , so move the point \bf{1} square up.

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4Repeat for each vertex.

You can move each of the other points in the same way and draw in the rest of the 2D shape.

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Example 2: translate a 2D shape

Translate shape A by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; -1 \;\\ \; 3 \; \end{pmatrix} and label the image B.

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Choose a vertex of the shape.

Move it left or right using the top value in the column vector.

Move it up or down using the bottom value in the column vector.

Repeat for each vertex.

Example 3: translate a 2D shape

Translate shape A by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 0 \;\\ \; -4 \; \end{pmatrix} and label the image B.

Translation math 12 US

Choose a vertex of the shape.

Move it left or right using the top value in the column vector.

Move it up or down using the bottom value in the column vector.

Repeat for each vertex.

How to describe translations

In order to describe a translation of a shape:

  1. Pair up two identical vertices.
  2. Work out the horizontal movement.
  3. Work out the vertical movement.
  4. State the column vector.

Describing translations examples

Example 4: describe a translation

Describe the following translation of shape P to shape Q.

Translation math 16 US

Pair up two identical vertices.

Work out the horizontal movement.

Work out the vertical movement.

State the column vector.

Example 5: describe a translation

Describe the translation of shape A to shape B.

Translation math 20 US

Pair up two identical vertices.

Work out the horizontal movement.

Work out the vertical movement.

State the column vector.

Example 6: describe a translation

Describe the translation of shape A to shape B.

Translation math 24 US

Pair up two identical vertices.

Work out the horizontal movement

Work out the vertical movement.

State the column vector.

Teaching tips for translation math

  • Start by introducing translations in the coordinate plane. Explain that translating a shape means moving it horizontally (along the x -axis) or vertically (along the y -axis), while the shape remains the same in size and orientation.

  • Connect translation examples to everyday actions, like sliding a book across a table or moving a piece on a board game, to make it relatable.

  • Connect translation to their previous knowledge of coordinate systems from 6 th and 7 th grade. Explain that just like they used coordinates to locate points, they will now use translation vectors to move these points to new coordinates.

  • Once students are comfortable with single translations, give worksheets that include multiple translations, first a horizontal translation then a vertical translation or vice versa. This reinforces the idea of movement along both the x and y axes.

  • Introduce the translation rule, which is typically written as (x, \, y) \rightarrow(x+a, \, y+b), where a is the horizontal shift (left or right), and b is the vertical shift (up or down).

  • Break down translations into steps, calculating each of the new coordinates based on the translation rule. This helps students understand how each axis is affected independently.

Easy mistakes to make

  • Not checking the scale of the coordinate grid
    Be careful to consider the scaling on the axes.

    For example,
    What is the column vector for the translation of shape P to shape Q?

    Translation math 27 US
    If you count the squares, it may appear that shape P has been translated by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 6 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix}.

    But if by considering the scale on the axes, the correct column vector is \begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 1 \; \end{pmatrix} .

  • Misinterpreting the column vector
    Remember, the top number is for horizontal movement. A positive number moves the shape to the right and a negative number moves the shape to the left.

    The bottom number is for vertical movement. A positive moves the shape upwards and a negative number moves the shape downwards.

  • Confusing object and image
    The original shape is the object or pre-image and the translated shape is the image. Make sure you know which shape is the original shape and start there when describing transformations such as translations.

Practice translation math questions

1. Translate the shaded shape by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix} .


Translation math 28 US

Translation math 29 US

GCSE Quiz True


Translation math 30 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 31 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 32 US

GCSE Quiz False

Choose a point on the vertex of the shape and move it 3 to the right and 2 up. Do the same with all the points, or carefully draw in the rest of the image.


\begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix}Β  \text{ is } \; \begin{matrix} 3 \ \text{right}\\ 2 \ \text{up}\\ \end{matrix}


Translation math 33 US

2. Translate the shaded shape by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; -4 \;\\ \; 1 \; \end{pmatrix} .


Translation math 34 US

Translation math 35 US

GCSE Quiz False


Translation math 36 US

GCSE Quiz True

Translation math 37 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 38 US

GCSE Quiz False

Choose a point on the vertex of the shape and move it 4 to the left and 1 up. Do the same with all the points, or carefully draw in the rest of the image.


\begin{pmatrix} \; -4 \;\\ \; 1 \; \end{pmatrix} \text{ is } \; \begin{matrix} 4 \ \text{left}\\ 1 \ \text{up}\\ \end{matrix}


Translation math 39 US

3. Translate the shaded shape by the column vector \begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 0 \; \end{pmatrix} .


Translation math 40 US

Translation math 41 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 42 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 43 US

GCSE Quiz False

Translation math 44 US

GCSE Quiz True

Choose a point on the vertex of the shape and move it 3 to the right and 0 up or down. Do the same with all the points, or carefully draw in the rest of the image.


\begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 0 \; \end{pmatrix} \text{ is } \; \begin{matrix} 3 \ \text{right}\\ 0 \ \text{up or down}\\ \end{matrix}


Translation math 45 US

4. Describe the transformation of shape A to shape B.


Translation math 46 US

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 2 \;\\ \; 3 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz True

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; -3 \;\\ \; -2 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by [ \begin{pmatrix} \; 3 \;\\ \; 2 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; -2 \;\\ \; -3 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Choose a point on the object shape A and its corresponding point on the image shape B. Count the shift in the horizontal direction. Count the shift in the vertical direction.


Translation math 47 US


\begin{matrix} 2 \ \text{right}\\ 3 \ \text{up}\\ \end{matrix} \; \text{ is } \begin{pmatrix} \; 2 \;\\ \; 3 \; \end{pmatrix}

5. Describe the transformation of shape A to shape B.


Translation math 48 US

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; 3 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; -3 \;\\ \; 4 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; -3 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz True

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; -3 \;\\ \; -4 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Choose a point on the object shape A and its corresponding point on the image shape B. Count the shift in the horizontal direction. Count the shift in the vertical direction.


Translation math 49 US


\begin{matrix} 4 \ \text{right}\\ 3 \ \text{down}\\ \end{matrix} \; \text{ is } \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; -3 \; \end{pmatrix}

6. Describe the transformation of shape A to shape B.


Translation math 50 US

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; -1 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 1 \;\\ \; -4 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz True

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 4 \;\\ \; 1 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Translation by \begin{pmatrix} \; 1 \;\\ \; 4 \; \end{pmatrix}

GCSE Quiz False

Choose a point on the object shape P and its corresponding point on the image shape Q. Count the shift in the horizontal direction. Count the shift in the vertical direction.


\begin{matrix} 1 \ \text{right}\\ 4 \ \text{down}\\ \end{matrix} \; \text{ is } \begin{pmatrix} \; 1 \;\\ \; -4 \; \end{pmatrix}


Translation math 51 US

Translation math FAQs

What is a translation in math?

A translation in math is a type of transformation where a shape or object is moved from one position to another on the Cartesian plane without changing its size, shape, or orientation. Each point of the shape moves the same distance in the same direction.

How do you describe a translation?

A translation is described by a vector (a, \, b), where a represents the horizontal shift (positive for right, negative for left) and b represents the vertical shift (positive for up, negative for down).

What are the coordinates of a point after translation?

If point A \, (x, \, y) is translated by a vector (a, \, b), the new coordinates of point A’ are given by x'=x+a and y'=y+b.

What are common mistakes when performing translations?

Some common mistakes include mixing up the x -axis and y -axis when applying the translation, forgetting to apply the translation to every point of the shape to find the new points, misinterpreting the direction of negative or positive values in the translation vector.

Are there any real-world examples of translations?

Yes, real-world examples of translations in math include sliding a book across a table, shifting a piece on a chessboard, or moving an image across a computer screen.

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