Tutoring is one of the most effective ways to accelerate math growth, but we appreciate you might have a few questions about:
How we make sure our one-on-one tutoring is personalized for individual pupils
How tutoring is aligned with state standards
What qualifications our math specialist tutors have and what training they receive
If you’re interested in a particular part of our tutoring programs or tutoring approach, take a look at some of our most requested information below:
See for yourself why 4,000+ schools have chosen Third Space Learning to provide cost-effective one-on-one tutoring for the students who need it most:
Proven to accelerate math growth in half the time
2.4x cheaper than the average cost of one-on-one tutoring
Scalable and easy-to-implement across multiple grade levels and schools
Flexible scheduling according to your school and district's needs
Our 2023 math assessment results were our best ever. 100% of our Third Space Learners met the expected standard. It's huge value for money. We love it, it is brilliant. Thank you!
Alison Walsh, Head of School
St Augustine's School