Trig functions

Here you will learn what the trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions are and how you can use them to calculate missing side lengths and angles in right triangles.

Students will first learn about trig functions as part of geometry in high school.

What are trig functions?

Trig functions, or trigonometric functions, are functions that relate an angle in a right triangle to the ratio of two of its sides.

Sin, Cos, and Tan (sine, cosine, tangent) are trig functions.

The angle is often referred to as theta and is represented using the symbol \theta.

sin θ (The sine of angle theta)

When you input a given angle into \sin\theta, it gives you the ratio between the opposite length and the hypotenuse.

It tells you how many times greater the opposite side is than the hypotenuse.


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[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

Use this quiz to check your grade 9 to 12 students’ understanding of Trigonometry. 15+ questions with answers covering a range of 9th to 12th grade trigonometry topics to identify areas of strength and support!

[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

[FREE] Trigonometry Worksheet (Grade 9 to 12)

Use this quiz to check your grade 9 to 12 students’ understanding of Trigonometry. 15+ questions with answers covering a range of 9th to 12th grade trigonometry topics to identify areas of strength and support!


cos θ (The cosine of angle theta)

When you input a given angle into \cos\theta , it gives you the ratio between the adjacent length and the hypotenuse.

It tells you how many times greater the adjacent side is than the hypotenuse.


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tan θ (The tangent of angle theta)

When you input a given angle into \tan\theta , it gives you the ratio between the adjacent length and the opposite length.

It tells you how many times greater the opposite is than the adjacent.


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In summary, trigonometric functions can tell you how many times greater one side is than another in triangles containing a right angle. Therefore, if you are given the length of one side and the value of one angle, you can set up equations using trigonometric functions to help you find the lengths of the other sides.

Alternatively, if you are given the length of two sides of a right triangle, you can determine the size of the respective angle. This is calculated using inverse trigonometric functions.

What are inverse trigonometric functions?

In the same way that addition and subtraction are inverse operations, inverse trig functions do the opposite of regular trig functions.

You can use the inverse sine function, the inverse cosine function, and the inverse tangent function to find the missing angle \theta.

The inverse trig functions are:

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The regular trig functions are functions that act on an angle \theta.

As these functions are equal to the ratio of two respective side lengths, the inverse trig functions act on this ratio, not the angle.

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It is important to note that β€œtrig functions” is an overarching term for all trigonometric functions, including inverse trigonometric functions. This means that β€œinverse trig functions” can be used interchangeably with β€œtrig functions”.

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What are trig functions?

What are trig functions?

What are trig functions?

What are trig functions?

Common Core State Standards

How does this relate to high school math?

  • High School – Geometry – Similarity, Right Triangles, & Trigonometry (HS.G.SRT.C.6)
    Understand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle, leading to definitions of trigonometric ratios for acute angles.

  • High School – Geometry – Similarity, Right Triangles, & Trigonometry (HS.G.SRT.C.8)
    Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.

How to use trigonometric functions

In order to use trigonometric functions:

  1. Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.
  2. Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.
  3. Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.
  4. Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.
  5. Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.
  6. Write the answer with the correct units.

Trig functions examples

Example 1: calculating with trigonometric functions

Find the value of x, given \sin(72)=\cfrac{25}{x}. Give your answer to the nearest tenth.

  1. Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

You already have an equation involving \sin , so there is no angle to label.

2Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

You already have an equation involving \sin , so there is no angle to label.

3Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

The given equation is \sin(72)=\cfrac{25}{x} .

4Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Multiply both sides of the equation by x first.


Divide both sides of the equation by \sin(72) .


5Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Type \cfrac{25}{\sin(72)} into a calculator to find x.

x=\cfrac{25}{\sin(72)}=26.28655561=26.2 (nearest tenth)

6Write the answer with the correct units.

There are no units stated, however it is important to note that the value of x would represent a length and so units may be \mathrm{cm, km, in} etc, not an angle with the units ^{\circ}.

Example 2: finding the length of a side

Find the length labeled x in the triangle below. Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

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Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Write the answer with the correct units.

Example 3: finding the length of a side

Find the length labeled x in the triangle below. Give your answer to 3 significant figures.

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Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Write the answer with the correct units.

Example 4: use inverse trigonometric functions

Find the value of \theta to the nearest tenth.


Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Write the answer with the correct units.

Example 5: use inverse trigonometric functions

Find the value of \theta to the nearest hundredth when 2\cos(\theta)=0.8.

Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Write the answer with the correct units.

Example 6: calculate an angle in a triangle

Calculate the unknown angle x to 1 significant figure.

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Label one angle in the right triangle that is known/required. This cannot be the right-angle.

Label the side lengths with respect to the known/required angle and reject one side that is unknown/not useful.

Set up an equation involving the correct trig function.

Rearrange the equation so the subject is the value you are going to find.

Find the answer using a calculator and round it as needed.

Write the answer with the correct units.

Teaching tips for trig functions

  • Introduce the unit circle to explain how the values of sine and cosine change as the angle increases. Stress that the radius of the unit circle is 1, so sine and cosine are just the y – and x -coordinates of a point on the circle.

  • Once students are familiar with the basic trigonometric functions, connect them to the Pythagorean identities. Show the derivation of \sin^{2}(\theta)+\cos^{2}(\theta)=1 from the Pythagorean theorem, reinforcing the geometric origins of trigonometry.

  • Emphasize symmetry in trigonometric functions, such as how sine is an odd function and cosine is even. Show students the periodic nature of these functions and how they repeat every 360^{\circ}.

Easy mistakes to make

  • Using the wrong function
    You use sin, cos, and tan to find side lengths and inverse sin, inverse cos, and inverse tan to find angles.

  • Not knowing other trig identities
    There are other trigonometric identities as well as sin, cos, and tan, called reciprocal identities. These include the cosecant function, the secant function and the cotangent function.

    \cfrac{1}{\sin\theta}=\mathrm{cosecant} \, \theta\text{ (or }\csc\theta)

    \cfrac{1}{\cos\theta}=\mathrm{secant} \, \theta\text{ (or }\sec\theta)

    \cfrac{1}{\tan\theta}=\mathrm{cotangent} \, \theta\text{ (or }\cot\theta)

  • Thinking \bf{\sin^{-1}(\theta)} mean \bf{\cfrac{1}{\sin(\theta)}}
    Raising a variable or number to the power of - \, 1 refers to the reciprocal ( 1 over the number). For example, x^{-1}=\cfrac{1}{x}, \quad 5^{-1}=\cfrac{1}{5} etc.

    Raising a function to the power of - \, 1 refers to the inverse of the function.
    For example, f^{-1}(x) refers to the inverse of the function f(x), \sin^{-1}(x) refers to the inverse of the function \sin(x).

    Referring to:
    • \sin^{-1}(x) as \arcsin(x)
    • \cos^{-1}(x) as \arccos(x)
    • \tan^{-1}(x) as \arctan(x)
      avoids this confusion!

  • Using degrees instead of radians (or vice versa)
    Encourage students to always check whether they are working in degrees or radians. Using a visual unit circle for both units can help solidify the connection.

  • Forgetting to change signs depending on the quadrant
    Students may forget that trigonometric functions change signs depending on the quadrant (for example, sine is positive in the 1 st and 2 nd quadrants but negative in the 3 rd and 4 th).

Practice trig functions questions

1. Find the value of x when \tan{42}=\cfrac{x}{5}, giving your answer to the nearest tenth.

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned}\tan(42)&=\cfrac{x}{5} \\\\ 5\times\tan(42)&=x \\\\ x&=4.502020221=4.5 \text{ (nearest tenth)} \end{aligned}

2. Find the length of the side labeled a on this triangle, giving your answer to 2 significant figures.


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GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

Label the known angle that is not the right angle:


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Label the side lengths, reject the irrelevant side:


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The trigonometric function involving the opposite side and the hypotenuse is \sin\theta=\cfrac{O}{H}.


As O=16\mathrm{~cm}, \, H=a and \theta=61^{\circ}




Rearranging this you get


\begin{aligned}a\times\sin(61)&=16 \\\\ a&=\cfrac{16}{\sin(61)}=18.3\text{ (2sf)} \end{aligned}

3. Find the length AB. Give your answer to the nearest hundredth.


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GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

Label the known angle that is not the right angle:


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Label the side lengths, reject the irrelevant side:


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The trigonometric function involving the opposite side and the adjacent side is \tan\theta=\cfrac{O}{A}.


As O=AB, \, A=4\mathrm{~cm} Β  and \theta=73^{\circ}




Rearranging this you get


\begin{aligned}4\times\tan(73)&=AB \\\\ AB&=13.08\text{ (2dp)} \end{aligned}

4. Find the value of x when \cos(x)=0.2. Give your answer to the nearest tenth.

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

\cos(x)=0.2 so x=\cos^{-1}(0.2)=78.5^{\circ} (nearest tenth)

5. Solve the equation \sin(\theta)+5=5.7. Give your answer to the nearest tenth.

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False
\begin{aligned}\sin(\theta)+5&=5.7 \\\\ \sin(\theta)&=0.7 \\\\ \theta&=\sin^{-1}(0.7)=44.4^{\circ}\text{ (1dp)} \end{aligned}

6. Find the value of \theta in the triangle below. Give your answer to the nearest tenth.


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GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz False

GCSE Quiz True

GCSE Quiz False

First you need to label the required sides and angles, and set up the equation using SOHCAHTOA.


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You know the opposite and the hypotenuse so you need to use \sin.


\begin{aligned}\sin(\theta)&=\cfrac{O}{H} \\\\ \sin(\theta)&=\cfrac{12}{15} \\\\ \theta&=\sin^{-1}\left(\cfrac{12}{15}\right) \\\\ \theta&=53.1^{\circ}\text{ (nearest tenth)} \end{aligned}

Trig functions FAQs

What are the basic trigonometric functions?

The three basic trigonometric functions are sine (\sin), cosine (\cos), and tangent (\tan).

What are the reciprocal trigonometric functions?

The reciprocal functions are cosecant (\csc), secant (\sec), and cotangent (\cot).

What is the unit circle, and how does it relate to trig functions?

The unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1, centered at the origin of a coordinate plane.

Trig functions for an angle \theta can be defined using the coordinates of points on the unit circle:
Β° \sin (\theta) is the y -coordinate
Β° \cos (\theta) is the x -coordinate

The unit circle also helps determine values of trig functions for any angle, not just those in a right triangle.

What are periodic functions, and how do they relate to trig functions?

Periodic functions repeat their values at regular intervals, called the period.

Trigonometric functions like sine and cosine are periodic because their values repeat every 360^{\circ}, while tangent repeats every 180^{\circ}.

This periodicity is key to understanding the cyclical nature of trig functions.

The next lessons are

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