FREE 5th Grade Math Test And Answer Key: Prepare Students For State Assessments

This 5th grade math test is the perfect resource for assessing your students’ math knowledge. The test includes multiple-choice questions, short answer response questions and an extended response question all focused on topics from the 5th grade common core math standards.

What content is covered in 5th grade math? 

Curriculum and standards often vary by state, but overall most states have a very similar curriculum for fifth grade. 

This test assess students’ knowledge on an extensive range of fifth grade topics such as: 

  • Place value and number forms
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division involving whole numbers
  • Fractions (including mixed numbers)
  • Decimals
  • Complex word problems
  • Measurement conversions
  • Line plots
  • Volume
  • Coordinate planes

Looking for more 5th grade content?

Explore these comprehensive topic guides and worksheets to support 5th grade math: 

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5th Grade Math Test

Download this free 5th grade math test for state assessment preparation. Includes answer key and answers organized by standard.

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What to expect from this math test

This 5th grade mathematics practice test will help to prepare students for their state assessment at the end of the year. 

This practice test includes: 

  • 40 multiple-choice questions
  • 1 short answer response questions
  • 2 extended response questions
  • Answer key 
  • Answers sorted by domain 
Answer key for  5th grade CCSS practice test

Aligned to the common core standards

Created by experienced elementary math teachers, this test is designed to utilize in a fifth grade classroom. All practice test questions are aligned to the Common Core math standards and cover fith grade content from all five CCSS domains:

  • Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Fractions
  • Measurement and Data
  • Geometry

5th grade math questions 

This practice test is made up of 43 questions, increasing in difficulty. Questions are broken down into three types:

  • Multiple choice
  • Short response
  • Extended response. 

A detailed answer key is provided for the multiple choice section. This includes 

  • The correct answer for each question 
  • The standard(s) the question covers 
  • The depth of knowledge (DOK) level of the question. 
DOK knowledge organiser for 5th grade CCSS practice test

Short answer and extended response questions include a scoring guide with a rationale for each possible score students can receive based on their responses. 

Not only will this help with scoring each test, but help to inform teachers of the areas each student may need help with. 

As the standards are mixed throughout the test and given in no particular order to better reflect the make up of the state assessments, a second answer key, organized by domain, is provided so teachers can better track student understanding.

How to use this 5th grade math test

This 5th grade math test is designed to be used as a practice test or mock state assessment. It will help familiarize 5th grade students with the length of the test and the types of questions they’ll see. 

A few other ways teachers can utilize this test include: 

  • Set as a mock state assessment
  • During small group practice; students may collaborate and talk through the questions
  • Set as homework
  • Break questions down in math intervention groups
  • Assess student knowledge of a particular topic; teachers may use questions individually as exit tickets or quizzes – see our formative assessment examples blog for more ideas.
  • Identify areas of support for students
  • Identify students who require a math intervention

At Third Space Learning we know that no one knows your students like a teacher does so schools decide which standards each student needs additional practice with each week. 

Each one-on-one math lesson is designed to close learning gaps and address misconceptions and high-quality math tutors personalize the pitch and pace to fit each student.

After each session, teachers receive a detailed report for each student, showing topics covered, skills practiced and progress made.

fifth grade lesson 3 - slide 4

Methodology behind the 5th grade math test 

Before creating this test, experienced elementary teachers reviewed state assessments from multiple states. They looked at the distribution of domains throughout the tests and standards within each domain. Based on this data, questions were expertly written to best show students’ understanding of each standard. 

The distribution of domains within this test is as follows:

  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking – 14% 
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten – 25% 
  • Number and Operations–Fractions – 28%
  • Measurement and Data – 19%
  • Geometry – 14%

5th Grade Math Test: Practice CCSS State Test

Questions for our 5th grade math test follow. Don’t forget to download the free 5th grade math practice test for the answer key and answers sorted by domain to accompany these questions.

Multiple choice questions

5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test

Short answer response question

5th grade CCSS practice test

Extended response questions

5th grade CCSS practice test
5th grade CCSS practice test

More grade level math practice tests 

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What math is in Grade 5?

Curriculum and standards often vary by state, but overall most states have a very similar curriculum for fifth grade. 

This test assess students’ knowledge on an extensive range of fifth grade topics such as: 
• Place value and number forms
• Addition and subtraction
• Multiplication and division involving whole numbers
• Fractions (including mixed numbers)
• Decimals
• Complex word problems
• Measurement conversions
• Line plots
• Volume
• Coordinate planes

What is the gifted test for 5th grade?

When students reach 5th grade they can complete the CogAT math assessment for gifted students. Successful students may get into the gifted and talented program in their school. As there is less emphasis on the English language, the CogAT level 11 is helpful for assessing students who do not speak English as their first language. 

What is a hard 5th grade math problem? 

Difficulty of concepts will vary for each student. But in fifth grade, decimals are introduced more thoroughly and students are expected to use the four operations with decimals. Operations with decimals can be considerably harder than with whole numbers and this may be an area fifth grade students struggle with.

Do you have students who need extra support in math?
Give your students more opportunities to consolidate learning and practice skills through personalized math tutoring with their own dedicated online math tutor.

Each student receives differentiated instruction designed to close their individual learning gaps, and scaffolded learning ensures every student learns at the right pace. Lessons are aligned with your state’s standards and assessments, plus you’ll receive regular reports every step of the way.

Personalized one-on-one math tutoring programs are available for:
2nd grade tutoring
3rd grade tutoring
4th grade tutoring
5th grade tutoring
6th grade tutoring
7th grade tutoring
8th grade tutoring

Why not learn more about how it works?


[FREE] Ultimate Math Vocabulary Lists (K-5)

An essential guide for your Kindergarten to Grade 5 students to develop their knowledge of important terminology in math.

Use as a prompt to get students started with new concepts, or hand it out in full and encourage use throughout the year.

Download free