What Do Third Space Learning Students Think Of Their 1-to-1 Sessions? Find Out What They Had To Say!

As we expand to the US, we wanted to take this opportunity to look back at what some of the TSL students have said about their 1-to-1 math lessons. While these students and schools are in the UK, we believe that we can have the same (or better!) impact on schools in the US and beyond!

We love hearing feedback from students as it is what helps us to improve and grow, and having taught lessons on everything from fractions to Roman numerals, we’ve had a lot of quotes from students on the things they have been learning in their math lessons!

At the end of every session we ask students questions about how they feel the lesson went, and the two we will be focusing on in this post are:

What are the most important things you will remember from today’s lesson?


Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Due to teaching thousands of lessons each and every week, we have a huge number of quotes we could share, but here are some of our favorites!

Some Of Our Favorite Answers To “What Are The Most Important Things You Will Remember From Today’s Lesson?

Third Space Learning Child Quote
There was clearly a lot to remember in this lesson!

Third space learning pupil quote about fractions
Whereas in this lesson there wasn’t quite as much to remember…

third space learning student quote about formula

quote about pemdas from third space learning student

tutoring student quote about number bonds
Number bonds are important!

1-to-1 maths tuition quote from a child

Maths tuition quote
Simple advice, but when you are dealing with decimals it is all you need!

TSL Maths Quote
This is one of our favorite quotes of the lot!

Some Of Our Favorite Answers To “Is There Anything Else You’d Like To Tell Us?”

Maths tutoring quote from a pupil

It doesn’t get much better than being fabu-louuuuus does it…

Child maths tuition quote

Funny quote from child

Child loving maths tuition

Primary maths tuition quote
Another of our favorite adorable quotes from a TSL pupil!

We’ve Even Got A Couple Of Videos For You To Check Out Too!

These are some of the Third Space Learning students from Richard de Clare Primary School in Essex, and below are some students from Holland Junior in Oxted, both in the UK. Both groups of children love their sessions and it is clear to see that here!

Read more: How we provide an accessible online learning environment for children with disabilities

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The content in this article was originally written by a member of the content team Connor Whelan and has since been revised and adapted for US schools by elementary math teacher Christi Kulesza.


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